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姓名 張瑋育(Wei-Yu Zhang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 利用地震與測地資料聯合逆推2022年九月關山地震與池上地震的破裂過程
(The Rupture Process of the September 2022 Guanshan Earthquake and Chishang Earthquake from Joint Inversion of Seismological and Geodetic Dat柏)
★ 利用單位海嘯模擬方法建立台灣近海海嘯警報系統★ 由西太平洋地區T波觀測來探討其成因與遠震參數之關係
★ 利用表面波頻散分析探討馬尼拉海溝側向速度變化★ 利用短週期臨時地震觀測網分析菲律賓明多洛島地震分佈
★ 利用接收函數法分析遠震寬頻資料推估宜蘭平原地殼厚度★ 利用噪訊成像反演宜蘭平原上部地殼 三維高解析度S波速度構造
★ 菲律賓民都洛島西北地震地體和上部地函速度構造★ 利用TCDP井下地震儀陣列分析車籠埔斷層帶之非均向性
★ 利用匹配定位法探討 2017 Batangas 地震序列之完整活動度★ 藉由剪力波分離參數探究菲律賓民多洛島之上部地函非均向性
★ 以雙差分定位法重新定位2017 Batangas地震序列★ 應用隨機滑移模型 於臺灣地區之機率式海嘯危害度分析
★ 台灣東北部地下三維高解析度P波速度構造與其地體構造意涵★ 印度尼西亞蘇拉威西島地震構造
★ 2021南投深部地震的構造意義★ 以二維地震波模擬探討臺灣東北部雙重P波之觀測
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摘要(中) 台灣島位處於歐亞板塊與菲律賓海板塊的聚合邊界,在東部的縱谷區域,作為兩板塊的碰撞縫合帶,成為台灣地震活動最頻繁的區域。在2022年的9月17號和18號,縱谷區域相繼發生兩起強烈地震,芮氏規模分別為6.6(關山地震)和6.8(池上地震)。根據氣象局的地震報告以及餘震分布的結果,我們注意到兩個值得關注的現象: (1) 關山地震與池上地震在時間與空間上存在密切的關聯性。具體來說,這兩起地震事件時間間隔不到24小時;空間上僅相距7公里。(2)餘震分布顯示,關山地震與池上地震可能發生於過去地震活動度相對較低的中央山脈斷層(Bruce et al., 2006)。本研究首先透過聯合逆推多種地球物理資料包括:遠震資料(P波、SH波、 Rayleigh波和Love波) 、強地動資料、靜態GNSS和高取樣率GNSS,以建立關山地震與池上地震有限斷層模型,嘗試了解中央山脈斷層在縱谷中南段的區域破裂特性。依據逆推得到的有限斷層模型,本研究進一步計算了庫倫應力,以檢驗關山地震與池上地震之間是否存在靜態誘發現象。有限斷層的逆推結果顯示,關山地震與池上地震展現不同的破裂特徵。關山地震主要呈現往傾角方向破裂,並具有往淺部區域及南邊延伸的趨勢,最大滑移量近1.9公尺。相較之下,池上地震主要向北方破裂,且滑移主要發生在較靠近地表的區域,其最大滑移量約為5公尺。本研究根據有限斷層逆推的結果,嘗試解釋池上地震在玉里鎮造成的速度脈衝訊號。基於正演模擬的結果,速度脈衝可能是來自兩個不同斷層系統的破裂所致。其中,部分脈衝訊號是由玉里斷層的近斷層破裂方向性效應再加上測站場址效應所產生,另一部分則可能與縱谷斷層的破裂有關。此外,我們以靜力學與動力學兩種不同角度,分別探討關山地震與池上地震之間的交互關係,並得出以下結論: (1)根據庫倫應力的計算結果,關山地震靜態地誘發池上地震的發生。(2)池上地震震源區域的破裂速度低區(1.0至1.5公里/秒) 提供存在障礙體的證據,阻礙了關山地震的破裂前緣往北擴展。
摘要(英) On September 17th and 18th, 2022, two strong earthquakes with moment magnitudes Mw 6.5 (referred to as the Guanshan earthquake) and Mw 7.0 (referred to as the Chishang earthquake) struck the Longitudinal Valley (LV), where the arc-continent collision occurs between the Eurasian plate (EP) and the Philippine Sea plate (PSP) sutures. Two intriguing phenomena were observed from the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) reports and the distribution of their aftershocks.Firstly, the Guanshan earthquake and Chishang earthquake had a close spatial and temporal relationship, occurring only within 24 hours apart and several kilometers away from each other. Secondly, the aftershock distributions suggested that both events ruptured on the west-dipping Central Range Fault (CRF), which is considered to have smaller earthquake production compared to the Longitudinal Valley Fault (Bruce et al., 2006).To understand the rupture behavior of the CRF, we first determined the finite fault models of both events using a joint inversion approach that considered teleseismic waveforms (P, SH, Rayleigh, Love), strong-motion records, static, and high-rate GNSS data. Then, the Coulomb stress change is calculated to examine the triggering effect between the two earthquakes. The results showed that the Guanshan earthquake and Chishang earthquake exhibited different rupture characteristics. The Guanshan earthquake mainly ruptured in the down-dip direction, with a slight extension towards the shallow part and to the south, reaching a maximum slip of approximately 1.9 meters. On the other hand, the Chishang earthquake′s rupture primarily propagated northward and was closer to the surface, with a maximum slip of about 5 meters. Additionally, the interesting observation related to velocity pulse produced by Chishang earthquake is also investigated. Our forward simulation suggested that the velocity pulse observed in Yuli township may have resulted from the rupture of two different fault systems. One could be due to the combination of the near-fault directivity of the Yuli Fault and the amplification effect of shallow low-velocity layers, while the other could be caused by the rupture of the Longitudinal Valley Fault. We also discussed some issues related to the interaction between the Guanshan earthquake and Chishang earthquake, both statically and dynamically. Firstly, based on the inverted finite fault model, the Coulomb stress change increased on the Chishang mainshock, indicating that the Guanshan earthquake statically triggered the subsequent Chishang earthquake. Secondly, the inverted lower rupture velocity (ranging from 1.0 to 1.5 km/s) near the source region of the Chishang earthquake may provide evidence of the existence of a barrier that prevented the Guanshan earthquake from rupturing northward dynamically.
關鍵字(中) ★ 花東縱谷
★ 中央山脈斷層
★ 關山地震
★ 池上地震
★ 有限斷層
★ 聯合逆推
★ 速度脈衝訊號
★ 庫倫應力
★ 障礙體
關鍵字(英) ★ Logitudinal Valley
★ Central Range Fault
★ Guanshan Earthquake
★ Chishang Earthquake
★ Finite Fault
★ Joint Inversion
★ Velocity Pulse
★ Coulomb Stress Change
★ Barrier
論文目次 中文摘要...........................................................................................................................i
一、緒論 1
1-1研究動機與目的 1
1-2構造背景 4
1-2-1 台灣地體架構 4
1-2-2 花東縱谷 6
1-3文獻回顧 12
1-3-1 震源的表示 12
1-3-2 有限斷層逆推 18
1-3-3 理論格林函數 20
1-3-4 逆推方法 39
二、資料與研究方法 42
2-1 地震資料與測地資料 42
2-2 有限斷層模型建立 47
2-2-1 震源機制解與破裂起始點 47
2-2-2 有限斷層模型幾何設定 47
2-2-3 有限斷層模型參數化 52
2-3 理論格林函數計算 54
2-4 小波域有限斷層逆推 58
2-4-1小波轉換 58
2-4-2 目標函數建立 59
2-4-3 逆推約制條件 62
2-4-4 模擬退火演算法 62
2-5 有限斷層逆推調整 68
2-5-1 逆推資料權重 68
2-5-2 斷層模型幾何 68
2-5-3 波形資料頻率段 69
三、逆推結果 71
3-1 關山地震 71
3-1-1 波形擬合 79
3-1-2 滑移量分布 85
3-1-3 破裂歷史 85
3-2 池上地震 89
3-2-1 波形擬合 99
3-2-2 滑移量分布 105
3-2-3 破裂歷史 105
四、綜合討論與結論 109
4-1聯合逆推的優勢 109
4-2有限斷層模型可信度與解析度分析 118
4-2-1 關山地震 120
4-2-2 池上地震 127
4-3 池上地震速度脈衝訊號 131
4-4 關山地震與池上地震之間的交互關係 140
4-4-1 靜態應力誘發 140
4-4-2 地震動力學上的暗示 145
4-5 有限斷層模型的比較 148
五、結論 153
參考文獻 155
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指導教授 陳伯飛(Po-Fei Chen) 審核日期 2023-7-20
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