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姓名 曾庭萱(Ting-Hsuan Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 客家語文暨社會科學學系客家研究碩士在職專班
論文名稱 臺灣客語口譯現況研究
(A Study of the Present Situation of Hakka Interpretation in Taiwan)
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摘要(中) 有鑑於政府制定《客家基本法》,營造客語友善環境,進而設立客語為通行語地區。自民國107年開始培訓客語通譯人才,客委會建立客語通譯人才名冊,提供民眾和機關政府能在需要時申請。本研究以質性訪談為主,深度訪談6位、電話訪談34位客語口譯員,並邀請其分享接案的經驗。最後,根據研究結果提出政策建議,提供主政者參考。
本研究的受訪對象的接案來源,比例最高的來自主辦單位聯繫(61%),其次是由中介機構聯繫的活動(37%),最後是同業介紹(1%)。研究結果顯示目前客語口譯活動為「同步口譯」模式、「客華語」對譯、使用「四縣腔」居多。目前客語口譯是 AI 無法取代的,現場客語口譯員還是有必要。平時客語口譯員大多為兼職的情況,鐘點價格偏低,收費價格大致上全天約為 1萬 2千元,至於「酬勞是否值得」需要視活動性質而定。受訪的客語口譯員歷年來累計之客語通譯時數「低於 10 小時」為最多,其次是「高於 100 小時」。除了客語口譯服務活動之總數量較少之外,本研究推測部分例行活動是由固定合作的客語口譯員擔任。
建議未來的研究者能聯繫到更多的人,以及辦理客語口譯的活動單位。能追蹤、分析和探討客語口譯在環境面、 地方政府應用面的情況,進一步對客語為通行語的地區所應用客語口譯的情形詳加整理,建構出客語口譯更全面的樣貌。
摘要(英) In view of the "Hakka Basic Law" formulated by the government to create a Hakka language-friendly environment and to establish regional language areas where Hakka is the common language. The Hakka Affairs Council has been training interpreters of Hakka since 2008 and has compiled a list of Hakka interpreters. In this study, a qualitative research method was mainly used, involving in-depth interviews with six interpreters of Hakka and telephone interviews with 34 interpreters of Hakka. These interviewees are invited to share their experiences in handling their cases. Finally, it is hoped that the results of this study can serve as a reference for the government’s Hakka-related policy.

The interviewees in this study received cases from various sources, with the highest proportion coming from contacts with organizers (61%), followed by cases from interpretation agencies (37%), and finally, cases through introduction from peers (1%). The research results indicate that the "simultaneous interpretation" mode, "Mandarin-Hakka" translation, and the "Sixian Accent" are mostly used in current Hakka interpretation activities. So far, Hakka interpretation cannot be replaced by AI, and on-site interpreters of Hakka are still necessary. Typically, most interpreters of Hakka work part-time, and the hourly price is relatively low. A full-day price is generally about NT$12,000, and whether the reward is worthwhile depends on the nature of the activity. For a long period of time, the number of hours of Hakka interpretation accumulated by the interviewed interpreters of Hakka is "less than 10 hours," followed by "more than 100 hours." In addition to finding the fewer total number of Hakka interpretation activities, this study speculates that part of the routine activities are executed by designated interpreters of Hakka in cooperation with related agencies.

Interpreters of Hakka must have a wide range of professional knowledge and must improve their familiarity with different accents to shorten the response time. However, some activities face a shortage of Hakka interpreters. It is troublesome for most interpreters of Hakka that there are no simultaneous interpretation rooms, unstable voice volume from lecturers or people at activities with Hakka interpretation, and being asked to translate the whole event.

Since the government mostly commissions private public relations agencies to handle Hakka interpretation activities, this study is unable to collect ideas from these agencies. This study suggests that in the future, the government should help the interpreters of Hakka to establish related associations or groups so as to voice their opinions. Regarding matchmaking platform for Hakka interpretation services, it is recommended that the Hakka Affairs Council can refer to the reservation method for interpretation services provided by the National Immigration Agency. For each event, the government must strictly supervise whether manpower for Hakka interpretation is appropriate and whether the interpretation is executed according to the length and nature of the event, and finally it should assist in setting up simultaneous interpretation rooms in the event space. Based on comprehensive consideration, we expect the government to develop a certification examination for interpreters of Hakka, to strengthen the training of interpreters of Hakka in academic aspects, and to create demand for the service of interpreters of Hakka. After each event, the government is supposed to hold an activity or a meeting, inviting units involved in Hakka affairs to observe and communicate with each other.

It is recommended that future researchers contact more people and event organizers who handle Hakka interpretation activities. We expect them to be able to track, analyze, and discuss the application of Hakka interpretation in the environment and local governments, learning more about generalizing the application of regional language areas where Hakka is the common language so as to construct a more comprehensive picture of Hakka interpretation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 通譯
★ 客語口譯
★ 客語口譯員
★ 客語口譯政策
關鍵字(英) ★ Interpreter
★ Hakka Interpretation
★ the Interpreter of Hakka
★ the Interpretation of Hakka Policy
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝辭 v
目次 vi
表目次 viii
圖目次 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 2
1-2 章節安排 4
1-3 研究目的與研究問題 4
1-4 研究流程與架構 5
1-5 研究範圍與限制 7
1-6 名詞解釋 8
第二章 文獻探討 10
2-1 語言與族群權利 10
2-2 客家語言發展計畫 11
2-3 臺灣口譯相關文獻回顧 27
2-4 臺灣客語口譯實施情況 33
第三章 研究設計與實施方法 37
3-1 研究對象 37
3-2 研究方法 38
3-3 問卷設計 40
第四章 研究發現與分析 47
4-1 本研究客語口譯的受訪概況 47
4-2 客語口譯員除了客語口譯外其他職業 53
4-3 收費價格 55
4-4 客語口譯員的經驗分享 58
4-5 運用客語口譯之實例討論 74
4-6小結 80
第五章 結論與建議 82
5-1 研究結論 82
5-2 未來研究建議 88
參考文獻 89
附錄 96
附錄1:客家語言發展推動成果具體事蹟 96
附錄2:訪問對象一覽表 100
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指導教授 彭欽清 黃菊芳(Chin-Ching Peng Chu-Fang Huang) 審核日期 2024-1-25
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