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姓名 黃楷晴(Kai-Ching Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 探討國中生應用英語口說對話機器人的學習動機與接受度
(Exploring Junior High School Students’ Learning Motivation and Acceptance of Utilizing Pocketor)
★ 社群媒體中結構化知識活動對英文為外語學生預寫成效之研究★ 認知風格與先備知識於預測、模擬、觀察、解釋科學探究活動之影響
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★ 多媒體階層圖於商用英文寫作之成效研究★ 實施課前結構階層圖對於國中生寫作活動 成效之研究
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摘要(中) 對許多學生而言,開口說英語是項艱鉅的挑戰。目前,教育現場對於口說教學的落實程度參差不齊,大型升學考試也未將口說納入測驗範圍,這導致學生在練習口說時面臨各種挑戰與困難,從而產生說英語的恐懼心理。為了協助學生克服開口說英語的困難,本研究利用英語口說對話機器人Pocketor來強化英語口說,再藉由評估學生的學習動機以及科技接受度來檢視學生對於此系統的使用情況與接受程度。



摘要(英) For many students, speaking English is a formidable challenge. Currently, the implementation of speaking instruction in educational settings is inconsistent, and major entrance examinations do not include speaking as part of their assessment criteria. This leads to various obstacles and difficulties when practicing speaking, resulting in a fear of speaking English. To help students overcome the challenge of speaking English, this study utilizes the Pocketor to enhance their English speaking skills. By evaluating students′ learning motivation and technological acceptance, we aim to assess their usage and acceptance of this system.

This study initially conducted a pilot experiment with a class of second-year junior high school students in Taoyuan District, consisting of 14 boys and 12 girls. The experiment utilized a single-group pretest-posttest design, with each session lasting ten minutes and conducted four times. Under the researchers′ guidance, students completed the English-speaking exercises. However, during the pilot experiment, the system underwent some adjustments and modifications. Additionally, the short duration of usage impacted the evaluation of students′ learning motivation and technological acceptance. Therefore, in the formal experiment, the usage time was doubled to provide a more comprehensive platform operation and English-speaking practice. Moreover, no changes were made to the platform during the formal experiment to ensure proper control of experimental variables.

The formal experiment of this study involved 44 boys and 32 girls from a first-year junior high school in Zhongli District. The experiment utilized a single-group pretest-posttest design and lasted for four weeks, with one twenty-minute session each week, focusing on a different English-speaking topic each time. The statistical results showed significant differences in learning motivation and technological acceptance.

Based on the comprehensive research findings, Pocketor has been confirmed to effectively enhance students′ motivation to learn, with high acceptance rates among students for the system. There is a strong aspiration to implement this system widely in educational settings to promote English-speaking skills in the future. This study also explores the conditions observed during the experiment, and finally presents relevant research recommendations and limitations for future researchers in this field. It is hoped that these insights will stimulate further research into English speaking education, leveraging the advantages of technology and education integration to provide more effective methods for students to enhance their English proficiency and international competitiveness.
關鍵字(中) ★ 英語口說
★ 對話機器人
★ 學習動機
★ 接受度
關鍵字(英) ★ Pocketor
★ English Speaking
★ ChatBot
★ Learning Motivation
★ Acceptance
論文目次 摘要- I -
第一章、緒論- 1 -
第一節、研究背景- 1 -
第二節、研究動機- 3 -
第三節、研究目的- 5 -
第四節、研究問題- 5 -
第五節、名詞釋義- 6 -
第二章、文獻探討- 7 -
第一節、英語口說與科技的應用- 7 -
第二節、學習動機與英語口說- 10 -
第三節、科技接收模型- 12 -
第四節、文獻探討總結- 14 -
第三章、研究方法- 16 -
第一節、POCKETOR介紹- 16 -
第二節、研究設計- 31 -
第三節、先導實驗- 36 -
第四節、正式實驗研究場域與對象- 39 -
第五節、研究流程- 40 -
第六節、研究工具- 43 -
第七節、資料分析與整理- 45 -
第四章、研究結果- 47 -
第一節、學生參與實驗的心得分析- 48 -
第二節、學生參與實驗的系統建議分析- 54 -
第三節、學生的學習動機分析- 59 -
第四節、學生的科技接受度分析- 63 -
第五章、研究發現與討論- 66 -
第一節、科技結合教育的重要性- 66 -
第二節、鼓勵學生嘗試- 67 -
第三節、學習自主權的歸屬- 68 -
第六章、研究結論與建議- 69 -
第一節、研究結論- 69 -
第二節、研究建議- 70 -

附錄一、研究知情同意書- 79 -
附錄二、研究參與邀請書- 83 -
附錄三、前測量表- 84 -
附錄四、後測量表- 86 -
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指導教授 張立杰(Ben Chang) 審核日期 2024-7-18
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