博碩士論文 111226040 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃晨媛(Chen-Yuan Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 基於漸逝波及損耗模態共振原理設計製作側磨D形光纖感測器
★ 白光LED於住宅照明之設計與應用★ 超廣角車用鏡頭設計
★ 適用於色序式微型投影機之微透鏡陣列積分器光學系統研製★ 發光二極體色溫控制技術及其於色序式微型投影機之應用
★ 光學變焦之軌跡優化控制★ LED光源暨LED與太陽光混和照明於室內照明之模擬與分析
★ 利用光展量概念之微型投影機光學設計方法與實作★ 光學顯微鏡之鏡頭設計
★ 手機上隱藏式指紋辨識設計★ DLP微型投影系統之光路設計
★ 高效率藍光碟片讀取頭★ 模組化雙波長光學讀寫頭的設計與光學讀寫頭應用在角度量測的研究
★ 數位相機之鏡頭設計★ 單光電偵測器之複合式光學讀寫頭
★ 三百萬畫素二點七五倍光學變焦手機鏡頭設計★ 稜鏡玻璃選取對色差的影響與校正
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摘要(中) 本研究旨在開發高靈敏度、多功能的光纖感測器,以克服現有電子式感
薄膜於光纖拋光面,進而設計及製作高靈敏度漸逝波(Evanescent Wave)與損
本研究於D形單模和多模光纖上鍍製100 nm ??2?5薄膜,測得葡萄糖
水溶液折射率感測的靈敏度分別為6406.44 nm/RIU和27.723 dB/RIU;在環
境溫度感測方面,鍍製80 nm ???2薄膜的D形光纖感測器在30℃至150℃
範圍內,單模和多模光纖的靈敏度分別為1.61 nm/℃和7.68×10-3 dB/℃;在
二氧化碳濃度感測方面,鍍製 90 nm ??3薄膜的 D 形光纖感測器在 500
ppm至9000 ppm範圍內,單模和多模光纖的靈敏度分別為3.56 counts /ppm
和3.18 counts /ppm。本研究結果顯示,不同金屬氧化物薄膜應用於側磨D
摘要(英) This study aims to develop highly sensitive and multifunctional fiber optic
sensors to overcome the issues associated with existing electronic sensors. The
main research objectives include the fabrication of D-shaped multimode and
single-mode fibers using side-polishing techniques and the deposition of various
materials (such as ??2?5 ???2, ??3) as single-layer thin films on the polished
surfaces using electron gun evaporation. This will lead to the design and
fabrication of high-sensitivity evanescent wave and loss mode resonance (LMR)
fiber optic sensors. The study involves designing and developing three types of
novel fiber optic sensors for glucose solution refractive index, ambient
temperature, and carbon dioxide concentration, as well as optimizing the sensor
fabrication parameters to enhance sensitivity and performance.
Experimental results indicate that the proposed fiber optic sensors exhibit
high sensitivity in detecting the refractive index of glucose solutions, ambient
temperature, and carbon dioxide concentration, demonstrating their potential in
environmental parameter monitoring. For glucose solution refractive index
sensing, D-shaped single-mode and multimode fibers coated with 100 nm ??2?5
thin film, the sensitivity is 6406.44 nm/RIU and 27.723 dB/RIU, respectively. For
temperature sensing in the range of 30°C to 150°C, D-shaped fiber optic sensors
coated with 80 nm ???2 thin film showed the sensitivity is 1.61 nm/°C and
7.68×10-3 dB/°C for single-mode and multimode fibers, respectively. For carbon
dioxide concentration sensing in the range of 500 ppm to 9000 ppm, D-shaped
fiber optic sensors coated with 90 nm ??3 thin film exhibit the the sensitivity is 3.56 counts/ppm and 3.18 counts/ppm for single-mode and multimode fibers,
This study′s results indicate that applying different metal oxide films on side
polishing D-shaped fiber optic sensors can effectively enhance the sensitivity to
specific environmental parameters. These evanescent waves and LMR fiber-optic
sensors have advantages in terms of electromagnetic interference resistance, high
sensitivity, environmental durability, safety, long-distance transmission, and high
speed monitoring.
關鍵字(中) ★ 側磨拋光技術
★ 損耗模態共振
★ 電子鎗蒸鍍技術
★ 葡萄糖水溶液折射率感測器
★ 環境溫度感測器
★ 二氧化碳濃度感測器
關鍵字(英) ★ Side-polishing technique
★ loss mode resonance (LMR)
★ electron gun evaporation
★ glucose solution refractive index sensor
★ temperature sensor
★ carbon dioxide concentration sensor
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 文獻回顧 3
1-3-1 光纖感測器的種類 3
1-3-2 側磨D形光纖製作 7
1-3-3 損耗模態共振(LMR) 9
1-3-4 光纖液體折射率感測器 11
1-3-5 光纖相對溫溼度感測器 14
1-3-6 光纖氣體感測器 12
1-4 研究方法 19
第二章 基本理論 23
2-1 側磨光纖 25
2-2 漸逝波 28
2-3 鍍膜光纖共振原理 31
2-3-1 損耗模態共振與表面電漿共振差異 32
2-3-2 損耗模態共振之薄膜理論 35
第三章 實驗設計與方法 38
3-1 實驗流程 39
3-2 側磨D形光纖製作 40
3-3 光學薄膜製程技術 41
3-3-1 電子鎗蒸鍍技術 43
3-3-2 離子輔助沉積技術 44
3-4 側磨光纖感測器實驗架構 44
3-4-1 葡萄糖水溶液折射率感測實驗 44
3-4-2 溫度感測實驗 46
3-4-3 二氧化碳濃度感測實驗 47
第四章 實驗結果與討論 48
4-1側磨D形光纖光譜量測 48
4-2基於損耗模態共振的側磨光纖感測器架構 50
4-3葡萄糖水溶液折射率感測實驗 54
4-3-1單模側磨光纖葡萄糖水折射率感測器 54
4-3-2多模側磨光纖葡萄糖水折射率感測器 56
4-4溫度感測實驗 59
4-4-1單模側磨光纖環境溫度感測器 60
4-4-2多模側磨光纖環境溫度感測器 62
4-5二氧化碳濃度感測實驗 65
4-5-1單模側磨光纖二氧化碳濃度感測器 66
4-5-2多模側磨光纖二氧化碳濃度感測器 67
第五章 結論 71
5-1研究成果 71
5-2未來展望 72
參考文獻 73
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指導教授 孫文信(Wen-Shing Sun) 審核日期 2024-7-15
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