博碩士論文 111226059 詳細資訊

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姓名 王裕碩(Yu-Shuo Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 單光子放射顯微鏡之空間解析度分析與雙螺旋重建
(Spatial Resolution Analysis and Double Helix Reconstruction of Single Photon Emission Microscope)
★ 以GATE模型及系統矩陣演算法重建SPECT螺旋影像★ LED檯燈視覺舒適度研究
★ 表面電漿共振系統之相位擷取與分析★ 人眼眼球模型與視覺表現之模擬分析研究
★ 白光LED之視覺生理效應評估★ 不同色溫螢光燈用於辦公室照明之視覺效應研究
★ 表面電漿共振儀之動態相位偵測技術 與微量生物分子檢測應用★ 二次通過成像架構量測人眼的光學系統品質
★ 週期性奈米金屬結構對拉曼散射訊號增強之研究★ 日眩光要因分析研究
★ 非球面檢測之迭代相移干涉與子孔徑相位接合演算法開發★ 應用可容忍隨機位移之相移干涉術於相位式表面電漿共振系統之穩定度增進
★ 以偵測任務及系統效能評估找尋多針孔微單光子放射電腦斷層掃描系統之最佳化配置★ 結合表面電漿共振及溫度控制於免疫球蛋白鍵結之檢測分析
★ 以二次通過成像量測架構及降低誤差迭代演算法重建人眼之點擴散函數★ 多陽極光電倍增管閃爍相機之訊號讀出系統與高效最大可能性位置估算演算法開發
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摘要(中) 醫學影像為現今輔助診斷病灶不可或缺的一個工具,在研究核子醫學
影像中,建構更高空間解析度的影像擷取設備或是重建出更清晰的物體 影
像為重要的研究方向。本研究以單光子放射顯微鏡 Single Photon Emission
Microscope, SPEM 作為研究儀器,此為單光子放射電腦斷層掃描系統
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, SPECT) 的一個分支,擁有較
高的空間解析度,專門用於小動物造影。本論文將利用 傅立葉串擾矩陣
(Fo urier Crosstalk Matrix, FCM 分析影像系統矩陣的空間解析度,再以多針
孔取樣完整性分析此影像系統矩陣的物空間取樣,並以不同軌道 的取樣進
到該體素在偵測器上面的投影點,稱為影像系統矩陣 H 矩陣 )),他的特性會
是決定這套系統成敗的關鍵,該系統的點響應函數 Point R e sponse Function,
PRF 是否過寬,調制傳遞函數 Modulation Transfer Function, MTF) 會不會太
低,將會影響此影像系統的空間解析度。本研究以 F ourier Crosstalk Matrix
分析 單光子放射顯微鏡系統的影像系統矩陣的 P R F 與 MTF 並取得矩 陣的
SPEM 系統所開發的針孔設
摘要(英) Medical imaging
has now become an i ndispensable tool for assisting in the
diagnosis of diseases or physical problems In researching of nuclear medicine
imaging, getting higher spatial resolution devices or reconstructing clearer object
images are important research directions. This study uses the Single Photon
Emission Microscope (SPEM) system as the research equipment. SPEM is a high
resolution branch of Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
systems specifically designed for imaging small animals. We used the F ourier
Crosstalk Matrix to analyze the characteristics of the imaging system matrix, used
the s ampling completeness coeffici ent (SCC) to analyze the object space sampling,
and finally reconstructed the object images with different imaging orbits.
The imaging system matrix, also called the
H matrix, contains the point
source response on the detector of each voxel in the three di mensional object
space. It characterizes the spatial resolution of the imaging system, whether the
point response function (PRF) is narrow or wide and the m odulation transfer
function (MTF) is high or low. Therefore, the study analyzed the imaging system
m atrix of SPEM through the Fourier Crosstalk Matrix to find the equivalent MTF
and to compare the aliasing characteristics of circular orbit and single helical orbit.
S CC analysis was developed by this laboratory for the SPEM system
before, aimed at fin ding the best pinhole distribution before starting experiments
to reduce the development cost. This study utilized SCC to compare the sampling
completeness between the circular orbit, single helical orbit, and double helical
Finally, we used phantom
reconstructions to assess the imaging performance
of SPEM, including a three point phantom and Defrise phantoms. All images
were reconstructed by 20 iterations of Ordered Subset Expectation Maximization
(OSEM). The three point phantom is to validate the c orrectness of the H matrix
of double helical orbit, which was rewritten from the H matrix of circular orbit
In Defrise phantom reconstructions, we designed three different phantoms.
The first one occupies a cylinder of 20 mm diameter and 20 mm height, and the
circular disks are 2 mm thick with 2 mm separation. The second one occupies a
cylinder of 31 mm diameter and 31 mm height, and the circular disks are 2 mm
thick with 2 mm separation. The third one occupies a cylinder of 20 mm diameter
and 20 mm height , and the circular disks are 1 mm thick with 1 mm separation.
The size of the second phantom, 31 mm, is the Field of view (FOV) size o f the
circular orbit H matrix. The reconstruction results of the second phantom showed
that with the same number of projec tions, a single helical orbit complemented the
sampling incompleteness of the circular orbit and got better reconstruction images,
and a double helical orbit further improved the sampling uniformity
關鍵字(中) ★ 單光子放射顯微鏡
★ 傅立葉串擾矩陣
★ 雙螺旋軌道重建
關鍵字(英) ★ SPEM
★ Fourier Crosstalk Matrix
★ Double-Helix Reconstruction
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 論文背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 單光子放射顯微鏡架構與基本原理 4
2.1 核子醫學影像 4
2.1.1 正子放射斷層掃描系統(Positron Emission Tomography, PET) 5
2.1.2 單光子放射電腦斷層掃描系統(Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, SPECT) 8
2.1.3 單光子放射顯微鏡系統(Single Photon Emission Microscope, SPEM) 11
2.2 準直儀(Collimator) 12
2.3 閃爍晶體偵測器(Scintillation Detector) 15
2.4 圖伊條件 (Tuy’s Condition) 18
2.5 螺旋軌道螺距限制 23
2.5.1 平行光束電腦斷層系統螺距限制 23
2.5.2 扇形光束電腦斷層系統螺距限制 24
2.5.3 錐形光束電腦斷層系統螺距限制 26
2.5.4 單光子放射顯微鏡系統螺距限制 28
第三章 單光子放射顯微鏡的空間解析度與影像重建演算法 29
3.1 影像系統矩陣 29
3.2 系統空間解析度與Fourier Crosstalk Matrix 32
3.3 多針孔取樣完整性 40
3.4 影像重建演算法 44
3.4.1 最大可能性之期望值最大化演算法(Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization, MLEM) 46
3.4.2 序列子集之期望值最大化演算法(Ordered Subset Expectation Maximization, OSEM) 48
3.4.3 螺旋軌道影像重建演算法(Helical-Orbit Imaging Reconstruction Algorithm) 49
3.4.4 雙螺旋軌道影像重建演算法(Double-Helix-Orbit Imaging Reconstruction Algorithm) 53
第四章 影像重建與演算結果 55
4.1 Fourier Crosstalk Matrix結果 57
4.2 多針孔取樣完整性比較 83
4.3 影像重建結果 93
4.3.1 三點假體影像重建 94
4.3.2 Defrise假體影像重建 120
4.4 影像重建與演算結論 189
第五章 結論與未來展望 197
5.1 結論 197
5.2未來展望 198
參考文獻 199
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指導教授 陳怡君(Yi-Chun Chen) 審核日期 2024-7-30
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