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姓名 邱俊穎(CHUN-YING, CHIU)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 實驗室內評估發泡用水含量於溫拌發泡瀝青混凝土性能之影響
(The Performance of Foamed Warm Mix Asphalt with Various Foaming Water Content)
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摘要(中) 溫拌技術相較於熱拌具有降低能源消耗和碳排放的優勢,且經國外多年應用發展已相當成熟,國內亦具備生產溫拌瀝青混凝土的能力,勢必成為道路工程的重要趨勢。然而相關研究指出溫拌瀝青混凝土雖然於現地之車轍與水分侵害情形與熱拌瀝青混凝土無異,但試驗室內評估其浸水殘餘強度可能無法通過規範,以致無法使用,且發泡水量對溫拌發泡瀝青混凝土的影響程度尚不明確,故須以研究探討適當配置。本研究欲探討發泡水量對溫拌發泡瀝青混凝土之影響以及與熱拌瀝青混凝土之差異,並探討不同填充料對瀝青混凝土之性能影響,首先以不同發泡水量的溫拌發泡瀝青混凝土進行間接張力試驗、浸水殘餘強度試驗、漢堡輪跡試驗、Ideal Rutting Test與Indirect Tensile Cracking Test等成效試驗後與熱拌進行比較,再將填充料由石粉替換為水泥進行成效比較,試驗結果顯示不同發泡水量之溫拌發泡瀝青混凝土之包裹性及壓實能力皆可符合需求,且成效在統計上無顯著差異。然而溫拌與熱拌比較結果僅1%水量之成效試驗相比均無顯著差異。在填充料的比較中水泥相較於石粉可明顯提升溫拌發泡瀝青混凝土的浸水殘餘強度,故作為溫拌發泡瀝青混凝土的填充料更為合適。
摘要(英) Compared to hot mix, warm mix technology offers the advantages of reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. The application of warm mix technology has been developed abroad for years. Domestically, the capability to produce warm mix asphalt concrete is also in place, making it certain to become an important trend in pavement engineering. According to related research, although the rutting and moisture damage of warm-mix asphalt concrete (WMA) in the field is similar to the hot-mix asphalt concrete (HMA). The Tensile Strength Ratio of WMA evaluated in the laboratory may not meet specifications, causing it unusable. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the appropriate configurations for WMA. Furthermore, the impact of foaming water content on foamed warm mix asphalt concrete (FWMA) remains unclear, necessitating further research to determine the appropriate mix design. This study aims to examine the effect of foaming water on FWMA and its differences from HMA, as well as the impact of various fillers on asphalt concrete performance. Initially, FWMA samples with different foaming water contents were subjected to several performance tests, including the Indirect Tensile Test, Tensile Strength Ratio, Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test, Ideal Rutting Test, and Indirect Tensile Cracking Test, and the results were compared with HMA samples. Subsequently, the filler material was switched from limestone to cement for further comparison. The test results indicated that WMA with different foaming water contents met the requirements for coating and compactability, with no statistical significance in performance. However, when comparing the performance of only 1% foaming water, no statistical significance were observed between FWMA and HMA. In the comparison of using different fillers, cement significantly improved the Tensile Strength Ratio of FWMA over limestone, making it a more suitable filler material.
關鍵字(中) ★ 溫拌瀝青混凝土
★ 發泡水量
★ 水分侵害
★ 水泥
關鍵字(英) ★ Warm Mix Asphalt
★ Foaming Water Content
★ Moisture Damage
★ Cement
論文目次 摘要 I
誌謝 V
目錄 VII
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XIV
第一章、緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究動機 2
1-3研究目的 3
1-4研究流程 4
第二章、文獻回顧 6
2-1溫拌瀝青混凝土 6
2-2溫拌瀝青混凝土技術 8
2-2-1化學添加劑 8
2-2-2有機添加劑 8
2-2-3發泡技術 9
2-3溫拌瀝青混凝土相關研究 10
2-3-1溫拌瀝青混凝土試驗室內與現地相關研究 11
2-4瀝青膠泥之發泡性能 13
2-4-1發泡水量對瀝青性能之影響 13
2-5瀝青混凝土受水分侵害之影響 17
2-5-1水分侵害之形式 17
2-5-2水分影響機制 18
2-5-3瀝青混凝土提升抗水侵害能力作法 20
2-5-4抗水侵害能力評估 21
2-5-5抗水侵害相關研究 23
2-6文獻回顧小節 24
第三章、研究方法 25
3-1研究規劃 25
3-2材料基本性質試驗 28
3-2-1粒料相關基本性質試驗 28
3-2-2瀝青相關基本性質試驗 31
3-3瀝青混凝土配合設計 33
3-3-1瀝青混凝土配合設計流程 33
3-3-2瀝青混凝土配合設計試驗項目 36
3-4瀝青混凝土成效評估 39
3-4-1抗水侵害能力 41
3-4-2抗車轍能力 43
3-4-3抗開裂能力 45
第四章、研究成果及分析 48
4-1材料基本性質試驗結果 48
4-1-1粒料試驗結果 48
4-1-2瀝青膠泥性質試驗結果 50
4-2 SUPERPAVE密級配瀝青混凝土配合設計結果 50
4-2-1粒料級配設計結果 51
4-2-2熱拌瀝青混凝土配合設計結果 52
4-2-3瀝青膠泥發泡性能試驗結果 54
4-2-4瀝青混凝土性能評估 55
4-3瀝青混凝土成效試驗結果 58
4-3-1間接張力試驗結果 58
4-3-2浸水殘餘強度結果 61
4-3-3漢堡輪跡試驗結果 63
4-3-4 Ideal Rutting Test試驗結果 66
4-3-5 Indirect Tensile Cracking Test試驗結果 70
4-3-6試驗室內瀝青混凝土性能討論 83
4-3-7拌合方式與填充料之交互作用探討 92
第五章、結論與建議 93
5-1結論 93
5-2建議 94
參考文獻 95
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指導教授 陳世晃(SHIH-HUANG, CHEN) 審核日期 2024-7-30
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