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姓名 林湧清(Yung-Cing Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 基於人工智慧之晶圓瑕疵檢測採樣策略研究
(Artificial Intelligent Based Sampling Strategy for Wafer Defect Inspection)
★ 晶圓針測參數實驗與模擬分析★ 車銑複合加工機床面結構最佳化設計
★ 精密空調冷凝器軸流風扇葉片結構分析★ 第四代雙倍資料率同步動態隨機存取記憶體連接器應力與最佳化分析
★ PCB電性測試針盤最佳鑽孔加工條件分析★ 鋰-鋁基及鋰-氮基複合儲氫材料之製程開發及研究
★ 合金元素(錳與鋁)與球磨處理對Mg2Ni型儲氫合金放電容量與循環壽命之影響★ 鍶改良劑、旋壓成型及熱處理對A356鋁合金磨耗腐蝕性質之影響
★ 核電廠元件疲勞壽命模擬分析★ 可撓式OLED封裝薄膜和ITO薄膜彎曲行為分析
★ MOCVD玻璃承載盤溫度場分析★ 不同環境下之沃斯回火球墨鑄鐵疲勞裂縫成長行為
★ 不同環境下之Custom 450不銹鋼腐蝕疲勞性質研究★ AISI 347不銹鋼腐蝕疲勞行為
★ 環境因素對沃斯回火球墨鑄鐵高週疲勞之影響★ AISI 347不銹鋼在不同應力比及頻率下之腐蝕疲勞行為
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摘要(中) 在半導體製造過程中,確保晶圓的品質對於電子設備的性能和可靠性至
持了高水準的瑕疵召回率。對於非群聚瑕疵,當對瑕疵機率超過 20%的晶
粒進行取樣時,非群聚瑕疵的召回率達到 90%,顯示所提出的策略能有效
採樣策略在達到 90%瑕疵召回率的前提下,可以降低近 80%的總採樣點數。
摘要(英) Ensuring the quality of wafers in semiconductor manufacturing is crucial for the performance and reliability of electronic devices. Traditional defect sampling strategies, such as static and dynamic sampling strategy, often fail to cope with the increasing complexity of defect detection, leading to inefficiencies and high labor costs. To address this issue, this study proposes an advanced wafer defect sampling strategy leveraging machine learning techniques. The proposed strategy employs Random Forest (RF) and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) models, combined with the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE), and utilizes the Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) method to classify defects into non-clustered and clustered categories, thereby enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of defect identification. For non-clustered defects, the Modified Sampling Gains Chart is used to determine the probability threshold required for defect identification. For clustered defects, the defects are ranked based on the probability of the dies within the cluster being defective, and the top five dies with the highest defect probability are sampled.
Validation experiments demonstrate that the proposed strategy significantly reduces the number of sampling dies while maintaining a high recall rate of defect. For non-clustered defects, when sampling dies with a defect probability exceeding 20%, the recall rate for nonclustered defects reaches 90%. This indicates that the proposed strategy effectively identifies individual defects across the wafer. Additionally, for clustered defects, the proposed strategy successfully identifies all defects within the clusters with minimal false positives, using a low number of sampling points. Compared to the sampling algorithms developed by the collaborative semiconductor manufacturer, the machine learning-based sampling strategy proposed in this study achieves a 90% defect recall rate while reducing the total number of sampling points by nearly 80%. This not only significantly enhances detection efficiency but also substantially reduces production costs. Consequently, this sampling strategy is more efficient than traditional methods and demonstrates practical applicability in production lines.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人工智慧
★ 聚類演算法
★ 晶圓瑕疵採樣策略
關鍵字(英) ★ Artificial Intelligent
★ Clustering Algorithms
★ Wafer Defect Sampling Strategy
論文目次 ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................Ⅰ
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .....................................................................................................IV
TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................................................................................V
LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................. VII
LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................................IX
1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1
1.1 Semiconductor Wafer Defect Detection.....................................................................1
1.2 Traditional Defect Sampling Strategies.....................................................................2
1.3 Application of Machine Learning in Wafer Defect Detection ...................................3
1.4 Purpose.......................................................................................................................8
2. METHOD AND THEORY.................................................................................................9
2.1 Overview of Machine Learning Models....................................................................9
2.1.1 Random Forest (RF).......................................................................................9
2.1.2 Logistic Regression (LR).............................................................................10
2.1.3 XGBoost.......................................................................................................12
2.2 Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) ............15
2.3 Over-Sampling and Under-Sampling Methods........................................................17
2.4 Model Hyperparameter Optimization Method - Particle Swarm Optimization
Algorithm ................................................................................................................20
2.5 Dataset from a Semiconductor Manufacturer and It’s Current Defect Sampling
2.6 Proposed Wafer Defect Sampling Strategy..............................................................25
2.7 Cross-Validation Method .........................................................................................26
2.8 Modeling Procedure.................................................................................................27
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................................30
3.1 Comparison of Performance of Different Machine Learning Models.....................30
3.2 Effect of DBSCAN on Defect Sampling Strategy ...................................................37
3.3 Proposed Sampling Strategy Applied to a Real-world Scenario .............................40
4. CONCLUSIONS...............................................................................................................51
APPENDIX. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS ..................................................................55
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指導教授 林志光(Chih-Kuang Lin) 審核日期 2024-7-18
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