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姓名 朱境鴻(Ching-Hung Chu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 有序介孔Fe-Ni/Al2O3催化劑對二氧化碳與乙烷的乾重組和氧化脫氫反應之探討
(Ordered Mesoporous Fe-Ni/Al2O3 Catalysts for Dry Reforming and Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane with Carbon Dioxide)
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摘要(中) 由於溫室氣體效應和PM2.5的排放增加已導致全球暖化和海平面上升,減少二氧化碳排放已成為未來幾十年的重要目標。除了減少排放和推動替代能源外,利用二氧化碳生產產品或新材料是一種更有效且具前景的方法。
本研究採用二氧化碳與乙烷進行反應,透過乾重組與氧化脫氫反應生成乙烯和合成氣體(H2和CO)。在觸媒合成階段,採用了一步到位的蒸發誘導自組裝法(Evaporation-Induced Self-Assembly, EISA),成功合成了具有二維六角結構的有序介孔材料。此方法合成的觸媒具有大比表面積和高熱穩定性的優點,能使附載金屬高度分散在有序介孔通道中,有效延緩附載顆粒的遷移和聚集。並透過XRD、氮氣吸附-脫附實驗、HR-TEM、H2-TPR、CO2-TPD、NH3-TPD和XPS等方法對觸媒進行分析,確認成功合成了預期的介孔材料。本研究選用Fe和Ni作為附載金屬,其中Fe具有良好的氧化還原性能,Ni具有優異的催化活性,並選用具有良好熱穩定性的γ-Al2O3作為載體,透過一步到位的EISA方法,合成了不同Fe和Ni附載比例的xFe-yNi/Al2O3有序介孔金屬-氧化物觸媒。
摘要(英) Due to the increase in greenhouse gas effects and PM2.5 emissions, global warming and rising sea levels have become pressing issues. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions has become a crucial goal for the coming decades. In addition to reducing emissions and promoting alternative energy sources, utilizing carbon dioxide to produce products or new materials is a more effective and promising approach.
This study employs the reaction between carbon dioxide and ethane to produce ethylene and syngas (H2 and CO) through dry reforming and oxidative dehydrogenation reactions. During the catalyst synthesis phase, a one-step Evaporation-Induced Self-Assembly (EISA) method was used to successfully synthesize ordered mesoporous materials with a two-dimensional hexagonal structure. Catalysts synthesized by this method have the advantages of high surface area and thermal stability, allowing the metal to be highly dispersed in the ordered mesoporous channels, effectively delaying the migration and aggregation of metal particles. The catalysts were analyzed using XRD, nitrogen adsorption-desorption experiments, HR-TEM, H2-TPR, CO2-TPD, NH3-TPD, and XPS, confirming the successful synthesis of the expected mesoporous materials. Fe and Ni were selected as the supported metals for this study, where Fe exhibits good redox properties, and Ni demonstrates excellent catalytic activity. γ-Al2O3, with its good thermal stability, was chosen as the support. Through the one-step EISA method, xFe-yNi/Al2O3 ordered mesoporous metal-oxide catalysts with different Fe and Ni loading ratios were synthesized.
This study mainly investigates the impact of different Fe-Ni ratios in xFe-yNi/Al2O3 ordered mesoporous metal-oxide catalysts under various reaction conditions. In activity tests, it was observed that higher Ni loading promotes the dry reforming reaction, producing more syngas, while higher Fe loading increases the catalyst′s resistance to coking. However, at higher reaction temperatures, ethylene formation was observed even in the absence of a catalyst, indicating that temperature is a major factor influencing ethane conversion to ethylene. The activity test results show that by adjusting the Fe and Ni ratios, the proportion of the produced products can be controlled to some extent.
In summary, we developed mesoporous materials using the EISA method and investigated the effects of Fe-Ni loading ratios and amounts on the reaction. These results will help us gain a deeper understanding of the catalyst′s impact on the reaction, thereby optimizing the catalyst′s performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 乙烷
★ 二氧化碳
★ 蒸發誘導自組裝法
★ 乾重組反應
★ 氧化脫氫反應
關鍵字(英) ★ Ethane
★ Carbon dioxide
★ Evaporation-Induced Self-Assembly (EISA)
★ Dry reforming reaction
★ Oxidative dehydrogenation reaction
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 乙烷與二氧化碳的催化反應 5
2-1-1 乾重組反應 5
2-1-2 氧化脫氫反應及其他副反應 6
2-2 金屬-氧化物觸媒 8
2-3 金屬氧化物觸媒載體 12
2-3-1 載體的選擇 12
2-3-2 附載金屬與載體的相互作用 14
2-4 有序介孔材料 15
2-5 蒸發誘導自組裝法(Evaporation-induced self-assembly, EISA) 18
第三章 實驗部分 23
3-1 實驗藥品 23
3-2 分析及實驗儀器 24
3-2-1 X光繞射分析儀(X-ray diffraction analysis, XRD) 24
3-2-2 比表面積及孔徑分析儀(Specific surface area and pore size analyzer) 24
3-2-3 高解析掃描穿透式電子顯微鏡(High Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope, HR-STEM) 25
3-2-4 化學吸附分析儀 26
3-2-5 光電子能譜儀(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS) 28
3-2-6 氣相層析儀(Gas Chromatography, GC) 29
3-2-7 熱重分析儀(Thermogravimetric analysis, TGA) 30
3-3 實驗步驟 31
3-3-1 金屬觸媒之製備 31
3-3-2 觸媒活性測試流程 33
第四章 結果與討論 35
4-1 前導 35
4-2 xFe-yNi有序介孔觸媒之材料性質分析 36
4-2-1 X光繞射分析(XRD) 36
4-2-2 比表面積及孔徑分析(BET) 37
4-2-3 xFe-yNi結構分析(HR-TEM) 39
4-2-4 氫氣程溫還原(H2-TPR) 42
4-2-5 二氧化碳與氨氣程溫脫附分析(NH3 -TPD, CO2 -TPD) 43
4-2-6 X-ray光電子能譜儀(XPS) 47
4-3 xFe-yNi有序介孔觸媒之活性測試 50
4-3-1 不同進料比例對反應的影響 50
4-3-2 不同反應溫度對反應的影響 52
4-3-3 不同還原溫度對反應的影響 54
4-3-4 xFe-yNi附載比例對反應的影響 56
4-3-5 xFe-yNi觸媒在不同反應溫度下產物生成隨時間的變化 62
4-3-6 無觸媒之活性測試 64
4-3-7 純Al2O3之活性測試 66
4-4 反應後xFe-yNi有序介孔觸媒之材料性質分析 68
4-4-1 反應後之X光繞射分析(XRD) 68
4-4-2 反應後之TEM分析(HR-TEM) 70
4-4-3 750 ℃還原,700 ℃反應後之熱重分析(TGA) 72
4-4-4 750 ℃還原,800 ℃反應後之熱重分析(TGA) 74
4-4-5 850 ℃還原,800 ℃反應後之熱重分析(TGA) 76
4-5 3Fe-1Ni(z %)有序介孔觸媒之材料性質分析 78
4-5-1 X光繞射分析(XRD) 78
4-5-2 比表面積及孔徑分析(BET) 80
4-5-3 3Fe-1Ni(z wt%)結構分析(HR-TEM) 82
4-6 3Fe-1Ni(z %)有序介孔觸媒之活性測試 84
4-6-1 不同附載量下3Fe-1Ni(z %)之活性測試 84
4-7 反應後3Fe-1Ni(z %)有序介孔觸媒之材料性質分析 86
4-7-1 熱重分析(TGA) 86
第五章 結論與未來展望 88
第六章 附錄 90
6-1 GC-2014AT之分析圖譜 90
6-2 GC-2014AT氣體檢量線 93
參考文獻 96
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指導教授 李岱洲(Tai-Chou Lee) 審核日期 2024-8-20
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