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姓名 邱俊銘(Chun-Ming Chiu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 溫拌瀝青混凝土實驗室成效評估之初步研究- 以化學與有機添加劑為例
(The preliminary study of laboratory Warm Mix Asphalt concrete performance – Take chemical and organic additives as an example)
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摘要(中) 溫拌瀝青混凝土(WMA)主要優勢在於節能,降低煙霧和氣體排放至較低水平,為瀝青混凝土施工現場的施工人員和實驗室檢測人員提供更好之工作環境。WMA 技術通過降低瀝青混合料混合溫度與壓實溫度,進而減少溫室氣體排放。在國外,WMA 因其提供的環境效益而受到廣泛歡迎,其特性不會影響瀝青混合料本身之性能和後續品質狀態。本研究即是在此背景下建立的,本研究目的主要在於探討WMA 添加劑技術與熱拌瀝青混凝土(HMA)在實驗室上材料與成效之差異,本研究使用三種溫拌添加劑,配合設計法則採用馬歇爾設計方法,試體採用四吋與六吋試體,針對空隙率、VMA 等體積性質進行比較和分析並評估溫拌添加劑對WMA 性能之影響,同時與HMA 進行比對,實際瞭解兩者之間的差異和效果。另外,以滯留強度試驗和漢堡輪跡車轍試驗為主軸進行探討WMA 之實用性及成效;由本次研究結果顯示,三種添加劑實驗結果在測試中均表現出對較低溫工作性能之改善,同時提供良好的粒料瀝青包裹率和拌合能力。在溫度128 度情況下,這些添加劑混和於瀝青內能夠與HMA 比較,WMA 展現與HMA 相同的夯實加工性;而在成效性試驗結果顯示,WMA 在包覆性、壓實性、濕度敏感性和抗車轍性能等方面能夠達到標準或甚至優於HMA,並在各項指標中呈現穩定表現。綜合上述所論,採用添加劑的WMA 在實驗室裡各方面之測試都有助於改善WMA 的性能,值得進一步研究。
摘要(英) WMA, or Warm Mix Asphalt, is highly regarded for its energy-saving benefits and reduced emissions of smoke and gases, creating a better working environment for construction teams and laboratory professionals. The technology achieves this by lowering the temperatures at which asphalt mixtures are
mixed and compacted, resulting in decreased greenhouse gas emissions. Globally, WMA is widely embraced for its positive environmental impact, and its characteristics do not compromise the inherent performance and subsequent quality of asphalt mixtures. This study was undertaken against the
backdrop of growing concerns about environmental issues. Its primary objective is to investigate the distinctions in materials and performance between WMA additives and traditional Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) in a laboratory setting. Three warm mix additives were employed, and Marshall design methods were applied according to specified design rules. Both four-inch and six-inch specimens were utilized to compare and analyze volume properties, including void content and VMA. The study evaluated the influence of warm mix additives on WMA performance and compared it with HMA to comprehend the variances and impacts. Furthermore, the study delved into the practicality and effectiveness of WMA through retention strength tests and Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Tests.
Results from this research demonstrate that all three additives contribute to enhancing low temperature performance in testing while ensuring effective coverage of aggregate asphalt and optimal mixing. At a temperature of 128 degrees, the performance of these additives is comparable to HMA,showcasing similar compaction processing characteristics of WMA. Performance test results indicate
that WMA meets or surpasses standards in coating,compaction , moisture sensitivity, and rutting resistance, displaying consistent performance across various parameters. In summary, the application of chemical additives in WMA, as evidenced by various laboratory tests, plays a pivotal role in enhancing the overall performance of WMA, meriting further in-depth research.
關鍵字(中) ★ 溫拌瀝青混凝土
★ 溫拌添加劑
★ 成效性試驗
關鍵字(英) ★ Warm Mix Asphalt
★ Additive technologies
★ Performance test
論文目次 摘要 I
誌 謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 3
1.4 研究流程 4
第二章、文獻回顧 5
2.1 溫拌瀝青混凝土使用近況 5
2.2 溫拌瀝青混凝土工法與程序 8
2.2.1 化學溫拌劑工法 8
2.2.2 有機溫拌劑工法 9
2.2.3 有機添加劑介紹 9
2.2.4 化學添加劑介紹 10
2.3 熱拌與溫拌瀝青混凝土成效比較 12
2.4 溫拌瀝青混凝土的使用效益 13
2.5 漢堡輪跡車轍試驗 15
2.6 實驗室配合設計探討 17
第三章、研究方法 19
3.1 實驗流程圖 19
3.2 粒料基本物性試驗 20
3.2.1 粗細粒料篩分析試驗 21
3.2.2 填縫料篩分析試驗 22
3.2.3 填縫料阿太堡試驗 23
3.2.4 粗粒料比重吸水試驗 24
3.2.5 細粒料比重吸水試驗 26
3.2.6 粒料破碎率 27
3.2.7 粒料磨損率 29
3.2.8 粒料扁平率 30
3.2.9 粒料健性 31
3.3 瀝青膠泥物性試驗 32
3.3.1 瀝青比重 32
3.3.2 瀝青黏滯度 33
3.4 瀝青混凝土成效與耐久性評估試驗 35
3.4.1 包覆率試驗(Coating) 36
3.4.2 空隙率 37
3.4.3 最大理論密度 37
3.4.4 配合設計之馬歇爾拌合與夯打流程 39
3.4.5 滯留強度指數試驗 40
3.4.6 漢堡輪跡車轍試驗 41
第四章、試驗成果 43
4.1 粒料物性試驗結果 43
4.2 粒料物性總結 49
4.3 膠泥物性試驗結果 50
4.3.1 瀝青比重試驗結果與分析 51
4.3.2 膠泥黏滯度試驗結果與分析 52
4.4 成效性試驗數據結果 55
4.4.1 包覆率試驗結果與分析 56
4.4.2 最大理論密度試驗結果與分析 57
4.4.3 馬歇爾試體之空隙率、VMA比較結果與分析 58
4.4.4 滯留強度試驗結果與分析 65
4.4.5 漢堡車轍試驗結果與分析 67
第五章、總結與建議 81
5.1 總結 81
5.2 建議 82
參考文獻 83
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指導教授 陳世晃(Shih-Huang Chen) 審核日期 2024-1-29
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