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論文名稱 以使用與滿足理論探討ChatGPT對學生學習績效之影響
★ 運用資料探勘法探討台灣老年人口全民健保醫療資源利用之研究★ 運用地理資訊系統與資料探勘技術於基層診所選址分析與研究─以台北市為例
★ 以醫師觀點探討看診輔助系統建置之研究★ 以創新抗拒觀點探討消費者對客服機器人使用意圖之研究
★ 網路拍賣頁面相關的服務品質 對賣家經營績效之影響★ 多重商品類別的線上再購行為預測模型
★ 以使用與滿足理論與科技接受模式探討人機介面對網購意願之影響★ 整合網路口碑之個人化醫療院所推薦系統-以牙醫診所為例
★ 網路口碑影響智慧型手機銷售量的時間動態分析★ 運用資料探勘技術於建置招生 決策支援系統之研究
★ 評估臨床決策支援系統對候診時間與 醫病關係之影響★ 高等教育招生決策支援系統建構之研究
★ 以社會網路分析觀點探討巨量資料在健康保健領域之研究發展★ 醫療App人機互動設計對使用者滿意度之研究
★ 社群媒體粉絲頁經營之研究─ 以Facebook某健康粉絲頁為例★ 基於網路口碑與醫療利用理論之混合式推薦系統
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摘要(中) 隨著人工智慧的崛起,生成式人工智慧已經在各個產業領域中大放異彩。尤其是在教育中更是有一席地位,因此,了解學生對於ChatGPT使用後的想法與該工具如何影響學生的學習績效成為當前重要研究議題。本研究發現針對學生對ChatGPT使用之相關研究仍有較大的研究缺口,並且也缺乏量化型的數據支持。因此,本研究運用使用與滿足理論並檢驗學生的學習績效與學習互動行為。本研究透過問卷調查收集並分析231份有效問卷,並使用smartPLS進行資料分析。此外,本研究透過深度訪談10為學生,以更深入釐清學生對ChatGPT抄襲爭議的看法。
研究結果顯示學生對ChatGPT的數位信任(Digital Trust)與知覺價值(Perceived Value)都會對學生的學習滿足感有顯著的正向影響(p<0.001) ;而學習滿足感(Satisfaction)也對學生的學習績效(Learning Performance)與學習互動行為(Engagement Behavior)有顯著正向影響 (p<0.001) 。而根據訪談結果,發現在使用ChatGPT上,學生視其為輔助學習工具,且會特別避免做出抄襲行為。
摘要(英) With the rise of artificial intelligence, generative artificial intelligence has shown remarkable achievements across various industries. Particularly in education, it has gained significant prominence. Therefore, understanding students′ post-use perceptions of ChatGPT and how this tool influences their learning performance has become a critical research topic. This study identifies a substantial research gap in investigating students′ use of ChatGPT, coupled with a lack of quantitative data support. Hence, using the Uses and Gratifications Theory, this research examines students′ learning performance and engagement behavior. This study collected and analyzed 231 valid samples, and used smartPLS for data analysis. In addition, this study conducted in-depth interviews with 10 students to gain a deeper understanding of their perspectives on the ChatGPT plagiarism controversy.
The results indicate that students′ digital trust and perceived value of ChatGPT significantly and positively influence on their satisfaction (p<0.001). Moreover, satisfaction also has a significant positive impact on students′ learning performance and engagement behavior (p<0.001). Based on the interview results, it was found that students perceive ChatGPT as an auxiliary learning tool and take special care to avoid engaging in plagiarism when using it.
The results of this study can provide reference to schools evaluating the necessity of students using ChatGPT for learning, while also providing organizations such as OpenAI with valuable insights into student perspectives regarding the application of AI products in the education sector.
關鍵字(中) ★ ChatGPT
★ 使用與滿足理論
★ 數位信任
★ 知覺價值
★ 學習滿足感
★ 學習績效
★ 學習互動行為
關鍵字(英) ★ ChatGPT
★ Uses and Gratifications Theory
★ Digital Trust
★ Perceived Value
★ Satisfaction
★ Learning Performance
★ Engagement Behavior
論文目次 摘要 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... I
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................................................. II
目錄 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ III
圖目錄 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... V
一、緒論 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1-1研究背景與動機 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1-2研究目的 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
二、文獻回顧 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2-1生成式AI學習應用 .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2-2數位信任(DIGITAL TRUST) ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
2-3使用與滿足理論(USES AND GRATIFICATIONS THEORY, UGT) .................................................................................... 9
2-4知覺價值(PERCIEVED VALUE) .............................................................................................................................................. 12
2-5學習滿足感(SATISFACTION) .................................................................................................................................................. 13
2-6學習績效(LEARNING PERFORMANCE) ................................................................................................................................ 14
2-7學習互動行為(ENGAGEMENT BEHAVIOR) ........................................................................................................................ 14
2-8技術準備度(TECHNOLOGY READINESS) ............................................................................................................................ 16
三、研究模型與假說發展 ................................................................................................................................................ 19
3-1研究模型 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
3-2研究假說 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
3-3研究變數操作型定義與問項 ................................................................................................................................................ 26
3-4研究範圍與研究對象 .............................................................................................................................................................. 33
3-5統計資料分析方法介紹 ......................................................................................................................................................... 34
四、研究結果 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 35
4-1敘述性統計 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
4-2常態性檢測 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 41
4-3信效度分析 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 42
4-4假說檢定 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
4-5 深度訪談結果 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 52
五、結論與建議 ................................................................................................................................................................. 55
5-1研究結果 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
5-2研究貢獻 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
5-3研究限制與未來建議 ............................................................................................................................................................. 59
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 61
附錄一 問卷 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 84 附錄二 複共線性檢定 ........................................................................................................................................................ 92
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