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姓名 陳奕嫻(Yi-Hsien Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 結合特徵選取與重採樣技術應用於信用風險預測
(Combining Feature Selection and Resampling Techniques for Credit Risk Prediction)
★ 利用資料探勘技術建立商用複合機銷售預測模型★ 應用資料探勘技術於資源配置預測之研究-以某電腦代工支援單位為例
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★ 應用卷積式神經網路建立肝臟超音波影像輔助判別模型★ 基於卷積神經網路之身分識別系統
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摘要(中) 信用風險管理是銀行的核心議題,精確評估高風險貸款並建立可靠的信用評分模型極為重要。傳統機器學習演算法在處理平衡數據時表現良好,但在面對不平衡的類別分布時,這些模型往往偏向多數類別(即良好信用),而忽略了少數重要的類別(即不良信用)。這種偏差可能導致不良信用被錯誤地分類為良好信用,當這些借款人違約時,金融機構可能面臨巨大的財務損失。


摘要(英) Credit risk management is a core issue for banks, and accurately assessing high-risk loans and establishing reliable credit scoring models is extremely important. Traditional machine learning algorithms perform well with balanced data, but when facing imbalanced class distributions, these models tend to favor the majority class (i.e., good credit) while neglecting the minority important class (i.e., poor credit). This bias could lead to misclassification of poor credit as good credit, potentially causing significant financial losses for financial institutions when these borrowers default.

To solve the imbalance issue, this study combined feature selection and resampling techniques, collecting five credit risk datasets from public platforms. It employed three feature selection methods and eight resampling techniques, and conducted extensive experiments on six different classifier models. Through systematic comparative analysis, this study evaluated the performance of individual and combined preprocessing techniques and explored the impact of the order of these techniques on the model prediction results.

This research offers an effective preprocessing combination strategy for credit risk, which involves first resampling to balance the dataset and then selecting representative features through feature selection. Compared to the application of a single technique, this strategy can effectively enhance the predictive performance of models, especially in small and highly imbalanced datasets. This strategy contributes to the improvement of credit models, thereby enabling more accurate identification and management of high-risk loans.
關鍵字(中) ★ 信用風險
★ 特徵選取
★ 重採樣
★ 不平衡資料
★ 機器學習
★ 資料探勘
關鍵字(英) ★ Credit Risk
★ Feature Selection
★ Resampling
★ Imbalanced Data
★ Machine Learning
★ Data Mining
論文目次 表目錄 i
圖目錄 iv
1 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 5
1.4 研究流程 6
2 第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 重採樣之相關研究 8
2.2 特徵選取之相關研究 12
2.3 重採樣與特徵選取之相關研究 15
2.4 小結 18
3 第三章 研究方法 20
3.1 實驗流程 20
3.2 資料來源 24
3.3 資料前處理 27
3.4 重採樣技術 27
3.4.1 合成少數類過採樣技術(Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique, SMOTE) 28
3.4.2 邊界合成少數過採樣技術(Borderline-SMOTE) 29
3.4.3 自適應合成採樣(Adaptive Synthetic Sampling, ADASYN) 30
3.4.4 集群中心少數類樣本(Cluster Centroid) 32
3.4.5 編輯最近鄰(Edited Nearest Neighbors, ENN) 33
3.4.6 Tomek Link 33
3.4.7 SMOTE-Tomek 34
3.4.8 SMOTE-ENN 35
3.5 特徵選取 36
3.5.1 信息增益(Information Gain, IG) 36
3.5.2 基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA) 37
3.5.3 決策樹(Decision tree, DT) 38
3.6 機器學習技術 39
3.6.1 邏輯回歸(Logistic Regression, LR) 39
3.6.2 K最近鄰(K-Nearest Neighbors, KNN) 40
3.6.3 支援向量機(Support Vector Machine, SVM) 40
3.6.4 隨機森林(Random Forest, RF) 41
3.6.5 極端梯度提升(Extreme Gradient Boosting, XGBoost) 42
3.6.6 引導聚集算法(Bootstrap Aggregating, Bagging) 43
3.7 效能評估 44
4 第四章 實驗結果與分析 47
4.1 Baseline模型 47
4.2 實驗一 50
4.3 實驗二 52
4.4 實驗三 54
4.5 實驗四 56
4.6 實驗結果與評估 58
5 第五章 結論與建議 61
5.1 研究結論 61
5.2 未來研究方向與建議 62
6 參考文獻 63
7 附錄 68
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