摘要(英) |
This thesis delves into the transformative journey of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and their emerging value within the realm of Real World Assets (RWA). Against a backdrop of surging market speculation and interest, NFTs have rapidly come into focus, prompting various opportunities and questions regarding their long-term viability and impact.
The research draws a parallel between the current NFT market bubble and the dot-com bubble of 2000, suggesting that the NFT bubble is not an anomaly but a characteristic phase of market maturation. Lessons from the dot-com era indicate that while market bubbles can have disruptive impacts, they are also an integral part of market development.
Through in-depth case study analysis, this study reveals the roles NFTs play in marketing strategy, consumer experience, and value creation. Field observations and in-depth interviews provide insights into how enterprises leverage NFT technology to enhance the value of products or services and integrate these technologies with tangible assets.
Adopting a qualitative research methodology, particularly the case study approach, this work enriches the empirical foundation regarding the integration methods of NFTs and RWAs. Primary data collection relies on participant observation and interviews, while secondary data stems from internal corporate documents, such as annual reports and market analysis reports. These data allow a comprehensive understanding from multiple perspectives of the actual impact of NFTs on business models and market strategies.
However, the study′s limitations are also noteworthy. For instance, the confidential nature of business within the case companies restricts access to some key data, and the subjectivity inherent in qualitative analysis could influence the research findings. Additionally, the temporal scope of the case studies may not fully encompass the latest trends or long-term benefits in the development of NFTs and RWAs.
Overall, this research offers profound insights into the role of NFTs in contemporary business and socio-cultural contexts and provides a foundational outlook on how NFTs might shape new business models and consumer behaviors in the future. This contributes valuable data to the academic community and also guides practitioners in the industry towards future directions. |
參考文獻 |
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