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姓名 吳俊達(Chun-Ta Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 運用職業整備框架探索卓越軟體專案經理之心理整備
(Applying the Operational Readiness Framework to Explore Mental Readiness for Excellent Software Project Managers)
★ 專案管理的溝通關鍵路徑探討─以某企業軟體專案為例★ 運用並探討會議流如何促進敏捷發展過程中團隊溝通與文件化:以T銀行系統開發為例
★ 專案化資訊服務中人力連續派遣決策模式之研究─以高鐵行控資訊設備維護為例★ 以組織正義觀點介入案件指派決策之研究
★ 應用協調理論建立系統軟體測試中問題改善之協作流程★ 應用案例式推理於問題管理系統之研究 -以筆記型電腦產品為例
★ 運用限制理論於多專案開發模式的人力資源配置之探討★ 應用會議流方法於軟體專案開發之個案研究:以翰昇科技公司為例
★ 多重專案、多期再規劃的軟體開發接案決策模式:以南亞科技資訊部門為例★ 會議導向敏捷軟體開發及系統設計:以大學畢業專題為例
★ 一種基於物件、屬性導向之變更影響分析方法於差異化產品設計★ 會議流方法對大學畢業專題的團隊合作品質影響之實驗研究
★ 實施敏捷式發展法於大學部畢業專題之 行動研究 – 以中央大學資管系為例★ 建立一個用來評核自然語言需求品質的線上資訊系統
★ 結合本體論與模糊分析網路程序法於軟體測試之風險與風險關聯辨識★ 在軟體反向工程中針對UML結構模型圖之線上品質評核系統
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摘要(中) 提升軟體開發專案的成功率一直是企業追求的目標,尤其在當今快速變遷的商業環境下,軟體專案的需求日益增加。專案經理作為專案的負責人,經常面臨許多挑戰,因專案實施過程往往充滿波折。為了提升專案經理的職能並增加專案成功的可能性,企業已將包含管理知識和軟體知識的培訓材料納入專案經理的培訓課程中。然而,專案經理常常面對來自客戶、主管以及管理團隊成員的壓力,並且承擔著專案成敗的重擔和突然的風險事件,加上在多數組織中專案經理並無直線管理的權限,這些因素使他們在心理壓力下備受考驗。
職業整備框架 (Operational Readiness Framework) 應用於評估職業面對挑戰時的生理、技術及心理整備程度,並已被多次應用於探索高壓力以及高風險的職業中,驗證該特性職業心理整備的重要性。本研究透過深度訪談的方式並應用此框架來探索卓越的專案經理如何定義並處理挑戰情況,以及為了面對挑戰生理、技術與心理整備在成為卓越專案經理所佔有重要性的比重。此外,本研究亦探討心理整備的實踐是否與「卓越之輪」的建設性評量相符。在完成所有的訪談作業後,研究者透過逐字稿及筆記進行編碼,並結合定性及定量分析以得出結論。研究結果除了解到卓越專案經理所需的基本能力職能訓練外,還考量了心理訓練或人格特質是否應納入未來的篩選及培訓元素中。
摘要(英) Enhancing the success rate of software development projects has always been a goal pursued by enterprises, especially in the rapidly changing environment. Project managers, as the people who are responsible for projects, are often faced with many challenges as the project process is often full of tortuous. To enhance the project managers’ ability to increase the chance of project success, The training materials that include both management and software skills in project manager training programs. However, project managers are often under pressure from everywhere, including clients, supervisors, and team members, and are responsible for make-or-break projects and risk events, coupled with the fact that project managers in most organizations do not have direct line management authority, those factors make project managers more challenging.
The Operational Readiness Framework, a model used to assess physical, technical, and mental readiness in the face of professional challenges. And the importance of mental readiness in various high-pressure or high-risk occupations has been repeatedly researched and validated. This study applied this framework through in-depth interviews to explore how excellent software project managers define and handle challenging situations and the importance of physical, technical, and mental readiness to face challenges to become an excellent project manager. In addition, this study also examined how the practice of mental readiness is consistent with the constructive evaluation of the Wheel of Excellence. After all interviews were completed, the researcher coded the transcripts and notes, and through qualitative and quantitative analysis to conclude. In addition to understanding the basic skills training required for project managers, the results of the study also considered whether mental training should be the training element.
關鍵字(中) ★ 軟體專案管理
★ 卓越專案經理
★ 職業整備框架
★ 心理整備
★ 卓越之輪
關鍵字(英) ★ Software Project Management
★ Excellent Project Managers
★ Operational Readiness Framework
★ Mental Readiness
★ Wheel of Excellence
論文目次 Abstract ... i
摘要 ... ii
Acknowledgments ... iii
謝辭 ... iv
Content ... v
List of Figures ... vii
List of Tables ... viii
1. Introduction ... 1
1.1 Background ... 1
1.2 Motivation and Question ... 2
1.3 Purpose ... 4
1.4 Structure ... 5
2. Literature Review ... 7
2.1 What Constitutes Success in Software Projects .. 7
2.2 Excellence of a Software Project Manager.......... 8
2.3 Challenge for Software Project Manager . 9
2.4 Mental Readiness for Software Project Managers .... 11
2.5 Operational Readiness Framework . 14
3. Methods ..... 18
3.1 Participants ..... 20
3.2 Data Collection ... 21
3.3 Controlling Investigator Bias ... 24
3.4 Data Analysis ... 25
4. Results and Discussion ... 26
4.1 Challenging Situations for Software Project Management ... 26
4.2 Readiness for Performance Excellence ... 28
4.3 Assessment of Constructive Evaluation ... 32
4.4 Comparisons across Professions ... 36
5. Conclusions ... 38
5.1 Limitations of the study ... 39
5.2 Strategies of the Study ... 40
6. Recommendations ... 42
Reference ... 44
Appendices/Supplementary Materials ... 53
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指導教授 陳仲儼(Chung-Yang Chen) 審核日期 2024-6-26
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