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姓名 唐浩(Hao Tang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 使用者自定義之數位情境學習系統
(User-Customized Digital Situational Learning System)
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摘要(中) 傳統的虛擬實境及擴增實境技術支持的學習系統雖然有助於營造情境化的學習環境,將抽象理論知識轉化為實際應用,然而現階段的學習系統大多由教師或系統開發者預先設計及掌控,使得學生感到學習過程與自身無關,學生只能被動地體驗及接收知識,缺乏主動探索的機會,違背了Papert的建構主義學習理論之教育理念。相對地,個性化學習環境強調學習內容應反映學生的興趣和偏好,並適應其生活經驗,從而促進學生達到期望的學習目標。然而,現有的數位實境在教育上的應用大多無法達成這一點,特別是在數位自我方面,數位化身的創建模式通常採用固定模板和有限的選項,使學生無法充分表達自我,難以在虛擬環境中建立心理連結,降低了他們在學習過程中的自我效能感和參與度。
摘要(英) Traditional virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) learning systems, while helpful in creating contextualized learning environments and transforming abstract theoretical knowledge into practical applications, are mostly pre-designed and controlled by teachers or system developers. This makes students feel disconnected from the learning process, as they can only passively experience and receive knowledge without opportunities for active exploration. This contradicts Papert′s constructivist learning theory. In contrast, personalized learning environments emphasize that learning content should reflect students′ interests and preferences and adapt to their life experiences, thereby promoting the achievement of desired learning goals. However, most current applications of digital reality in education fail to achieve this, especially regarding digital self-representation. The creation of digital avatars usually follows fixed templates and limited options, preventing students from fully expressing themselves and establishing psychological connections in virtual environments. This reduces their sense of self-efficacy and engagement in the learning process.
Therefore, this study designed a user-customized digital contextual learning system that allows students to flexibly expand learning content and freely arrange scenes in the digital reality based on their own life experiences and interests. Students can use highly personalized digital avatars to learn in the digital reality they design, showcasing their learning performance to peers and teachers. The experimental results show that this learning mode effectively enhances students′ psychological ownership of the learning environment and positively impacts their learning motivation and outcomes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 建構主義
★ 情境認知
★ 心理擁有感
★ 虛擬實境
★ 擴增實境
★ 數位自我
★ 學習者自主性
★ 個性化學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Constructionism
★ Situated Cognition
★ Psychological Ownership
★ Virtual Reality
★ Augmented Reality
★ Digital Self
★ Learner Autonomy
★ Personalized Learning
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XIII
一、緒論 1
1-1. 研究背景 1
1-2. 研究動機 3
1-3. 研究問題 3
1-4. 研究目標 4
二、相關研究 5
2-1. 建構式學習環境 5
2-2. 情境認知在教育上的應用 6
2-3. 數位化的情境學習環境 7
2-4. 心理擁有感在教育上的應用 8
2-5. 相關研究總結 11
三、以使用者為中心的設計 12
3-1. 學生之學習模式 12
3-2. 教師之教學模式 15
3-3. 系統設計理念 17
3-4. 系統解決辦法 19
3-4-1. 使用者自定義元素之生成 20
3-4-2. 實體空間與數位實境之同步 24
四、實驗設計 31
4-1. 實驗假設 31
4-2. 實驗對象 31
4-3. 實驗教材與環境 31
4-4. 實驗流程 33
4-5. 實驗評估 39
4-5-1. 施測工具-前後測驗 39
4-5-2. 施測工具-問卷 40
五、實驗結果與討論 41
5-1. 前後測試卷結果與討論 41
5-1-1. 共變數分析前提驗證 41
5-1-2. 共變數分析與結果討論 43
5-2. 問卷結果與討論 44
5-2-1. 問卷信度分析 44
5-2-2. 問卷結果描述 44
5-3. 訪談結果與討論 49
六、結論與未來研究 51
6-1. 結論 51
6-2. 未來研究 52
6-2-1. 數位實境之擁有感 52
6-2-2. 觀眾互動 52
參考文獻 53
附錄一、情境教材(對照組) 61
附錄二、情境教材(實驗組) 66
附錄三、前測試卷 71
附錄四、後測試卷 74
附錄五、實驗問卷 77
附錄六、論文關鍵字(英文版) 79
附錄七、圖表英文對照 85
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-Dong Chen) 審核日期 2024-7-26
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