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姓名 胡琇媛(Hsiu-Yuan Hu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 自閉症譜系障礙虛擬實境訓練系統的開發與驗證
(Development and Validation of a Virtual Reality based training System for Autism Spectrum Disorder)
★ 在有干擾的虛擬教室環境下 大人小孩的行為表現與腦神經反應的異同★ 使用映射模型和跨資料集遷移式學習的輕量化居家衰弱症訓練系統
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★ 評估注意力偵測之穿戴式腦電電極放置有效性★ 建立數位地球:基於Omniverse平台的東南亞衛星雲圖與雷達圖可視化
★ 基於多維度的臺灣天氣類型機器學習 臨近預報與分類系統★ 整合檢索增強生成與大型語言模型應用於精準運動科學平台:架構與實現
★ 透過生理數據分析的VR戰車訓練系統,評估壓力對認知專注力與穩定性的影響及通過多次訓練表現驗證系統有效性★ 基於機器學習分析ADHD亞型利用VR認知測驗同步的神經生理數據
★ FrAIlti:利用人工智慧和3D攝影技術提升老年照護的自動化衰弱評估系統★ 智慧醫療物聯網平台之裝置管理與應用
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★ 重複性經顱磁刺激同步虛擬實境與生理監測用於失語症創新治療與評估★ 將網路威脅情報與多視角分析和雙聚類結合:一種多維視覺化方法
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摘要(中) 自閉症譜系障礙(Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD)是一種複雜的神經發育障礙,許多ASD患者在注意力和社交方面存在缺陷。本文介紹了一個基於自閉症診斷觀察量表(Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, ADOS)設計的社交訓練模組,透過虛擬實境(VR)技術和多模態神經感測技術,有效提高自閉症兒童的參與度。透過不同難易度的設計,使患者能夠重複練習,逐漸克服對人群的恐懼,願意嘗試進行社交互動。該模組採用腦電圖(EEG)、眼動追蹤、頭部轉動和語音辨識等數位感測設備,在訓練過程中不斷收集數據。這些數據經過切割與統計分析,結合任務表現、臨床量表和神經生理數據,觀察患者在八週訓練中的改善情況。通過治療前後的評估模組進行相關分析,驗證社交訓練系統的有效性,並更深入了解患者症狀的改善程度,從而幫助臨床醫生制定更有效的治療方案。此外,本研究可以降低對人力醫師的需求和成本,增加偏遠地區獲得有效治療的可能性。事實證明,該模組在幫助臨床決策、改善ASD患者的症狀和治療方面具有顯著成效。
摘要(英) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder, with many individuals exhibiting deficits in attention and social interaction. This paper introduces a social training module designed based on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), utilizing virtual reality (VR) technology and multimodal neuro-sensing techniques to effectively increase engagement in children with autism.The module includes four tasks: ball throwing and catching, card games, block stacking, and Monopoly, each targeting different social skills. Each task is divided into beginner and advanced levels, allowing patients to practice repeatedly with varying degrees of difficulty, gradually overcoming their fear of social interactions and becoming more willing to engage.This module employs digital sensing devices such as electroencephalography (EEG), eye tracking, head movement tracking, and voice recognition. Data collected during training are continuously segmented and statistically analyzed, combined with task performance, clinical scales, and neurophysiological data to observe improvements over an eight-week training period. Pre- and post-treatment evaluations verify the effectiveness of the social training system, providing deeper insights into symptom improvement, thereby aiding clinicians in making more informed treatment decisions.Furthermore, this research can reduce the need for human therapists and associated costs, increasing the accessibility of effective treatments in rural areas. The results demonstrate that this module is highly effective in assisting clinical decision-making and improving symptoms and treatment outcomes for individuals with ASD.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自閉症類群障礙
★ 虛擬實境
★ 多模態傳感器
★ 眼球追蹤
★ 數位醫療
★ 共享式注意力
★ 腦電
★ 機器學習
★ 社交行為
關鍵字(英) ★ Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
★ virtual reality (VR)
★ Multi-sensor
★ Eye tracking
★ Joint attention (JA)
★ Digital Health
★ electroencephalography (EEG)
★ Machine Learning (ML)
★ Social skills
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
Table of Contents V
List of Figures VI
List of Tables VII
1. Introduction 1
2. Related Work 6
3. Methodology 9
3-1. System Architecture 9
3-2. VR Task Design 12
3-3. Measurement 18
3-4. Analysis Methods 21
4. Result 24
4-1. Clinical Scale Result 24
4-2. VR Task Performance 26
4-3. Emotion Recognition 27
4-4. Eye Tracking 30
4-5. Game Event 34
4-6. Machine Learning 37
5. Discussions 46
6. Conclusion 50
References 52
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指導教授 葉士青 吳曉光(Shih-Ching Yeh Hsiao-Kuang Wu) 審核日期 2024-7-29
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