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姓名 朱翊瑄(Yi-Syuan Chu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 生成式人工智慧對於線上科學探究之影響
(The Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Online Scientific Inquiry)
★ 以視覺為主的遊戲空間輔助全身性學習★ 以數位教室環境增進同步遠距教學之臨場感
★ 以行動載具支援並分析合作式的探索活動★ 以混合實境支援工作臺協同探究學習
★ 使用資料探勘輔助學習者探索大型資料庫—學習者經驗之研究★ 以貢獻與聯結為基礎之社會知識創造模型—一個資源與概念合作聯結工具
★ 互動式計算桌面環境對於合作學習的優缺點★ 以共享螢幕及群組軟體支援一對一環境下面對面的合作網路探索
★ 合作學習使用網際網路: 學習腳本在面對面網路合作探索的影響★ 兒童使用超媒體的Web2.0創作故事平台之探究--衍生與重組
★ 以創用為基礎之合作說故事平台 - 衍生、重組、擁有感★ 透過網路實施模擬實務社群並利用即興創作激發創意
★ 使用群組軟體與共同螢幕進行一對一合作網路探索活動★ 以Cyber-Physical環境支援程式設計學習之探究
★ 跨領域合作設計活動之互動分析:群組軟體的支援與設計★ 不同成就學生於模擬遊戲環境中程式學習效果之探究
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摘要(中) 科學探究是一種以問題為導向的學習方法,但教師的指導對於科學探究學習的有效性至關重要,因此本研究將結合線上科學探究平台與基於生成式人工智慧的對話機器人,建立可以引導學生高層次思維的教育對話機器人──智慧助教,擔任教師的角色,引導學生進行科學探究,探討智慧助教的協助下對學生答題表現、學習成效、探究行為與自我效能的影響。
摘要(英) Scientific inquiry is a problem-oriented learning method, but teacher guidance is crucial for its effectiveness. Therefore, this study combines an online scientific inquiry platform with a Generative AI-based chatbot to establish an pedagogical agent called the "AI-Tutor," which can guide students′ higher-order thinking. Acting in the role of a teacher, the AI-Tutor guides students through scientific inquiry, investigating the effects of its assistance on students′ answer performance, learning effectiveness, inquiry behavior, and self-efficacy.
This study recruited 62 high school students from northern Taiwan to participate in an inquiry activity on the CoSci online scientific inquiry platform. The activity focused on the "center of mass and momentum" unit in high school physics and included computer simulations and multiple inquiry questions that students needed to complete. The students were divided into two groups: the experimental group, which was guided by the AI-Tutor (33 students) , and the control group, which conducted the inquiry activities independently using related physics materials (29 students). This study collected pre- and post-test data on both physics conceptual test and self-efficacy questionnaire. Students′ answers on inquiry questions and operational behaviors during the inquiry activities were recorded. Additionally, the interactions and dialogues between students and the AI-Tutor were collected.
The results showed that both groups significantly improved their post-test scores in the physics conceptual test and their self-efficacy after the activity. However, students assisted by the AI-Tutor performed significantly better on inquiry activity questions than the control group and showed greater improvement in their post-test physics concept scores, indicating that the guidance of the AI-Tutor helped students construct scientific concepts. However, due to the short duration of the activity, the assistance of the AI-Tutor did not have a significant impact on self-efficacy. In terms of inquiry behaviors, students guided by the AI-Tutor participated more actively and answered inquiry questions significantly more frequently than the control group. They were also more strategic during the inquiry activities. Students in the control group were more directionless and switched between different inquiry questions significantly more frequently than the experimental group. Moreover, analysis of the dialogue interactions revealed that the feedback from the AI-Tutor provided support when students needed it, and its questions prompted students to think critically. In summary, in an online learning environment, the assistance of the AI-Tutor can effectively help students engage in scientific inquiry, providing timely instructional support to enhance their learning performance and understanding of physics concepts.
關鍵字(中) ★ 生成式人工智慧
★ 智慧助教
★ 科學探究
★ 電腦模擬
關鍵字(英) ★ Generative AI
★ AI-tutor
★ Scientific Inquiry
★ Computer Simulation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的與問題 3
1-3 名詞解釋 4
1-3-1 科學探究(Scientific Inquiry) 4
1-3-2 電腦模擬(Computer Simulation) 4
1-3-3 教學對話機器人(Pedagogical Tutor) 4
1-4 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2-1 科學探究 6
2-2 智慧型教學系統 7
2-3 生成式人工智慧 8
第三章 系統設計 10
3-1 系統架構 10
3-2 系統介紹 11
3-2-1 CoSci電腦科學模擬平台 11
3-2-2 探究智慧助教系統 13
3-2-3 智慧助教引導對話設計 17
第四章 研究方法 20
4-1 研究流程 20
4-2 研究對象 21
4-3 實驗設計 21
4-4 研究工具 25
4-4-1 探究學習活動 25
4-4-2 物理概念測驗 28
4-4-3 自我效能問卷 28
4-5 資料蒐集與分析 29
4-5-1 探究學習活動表現 29
4-5-2 學習成效 32
4-5-3 自我效能 33
4-5-4 探究學習活動操作行為 33
4-5-5 智慧助教與學生之對話互動模式 35
第五章 實驗結果與討論 37
5-1 探究學習活動表現 37
5-2 學習成效 39
5-3 自我效能 41
5-4 探究學習活動操作行為 41
5-5 與智慧助教互動情形探討 51
5-5-1 互動情形發生人數比例 51
5-5-2 互動情形對話案例 53
5-5-3 不符合預期回應分類與案例 58
第六章 結論與建議 64
6-1 結論 64
6-1-1 在探究學習活動中,智慧助教是否影響學生在探究問題上的答題表現? 64
6-1-2 智慧助教對學生學習成效之影響? 65
6-1-3 智慧助教對學生科學學習之自我效能是否有影響? 65
6-1-4 智慧助教的支持是否影響學生在探究活動中的行為? 66
6-1-5 智慧助教與學生之對話互動模式為何?智慧助教如何引導學生進行探究? 67
6-2 未來建議 68
參考文獻 69
附錄 A 質心與動量教材 75
附錄 B 自我效能問卷 77
附錄 C 探究活動評分標準與範例 78
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指導教授 劉晨鐘(Chen-Chung Liu) 審核日期 2024-7-26
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