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論文名稱 以卷積神經網路為基礎之新型可解釋性深度學習模型
(A New CNN-Based Interpretable Deep Learning Model)
★ 以Q-學習法為基礎之群體智慧演算法及其應用★ 發展遲緩兒童之復健系統研製
★ 從認知風格角度比較教師評量與同儕互評之差異:從英語寫作到遊戲製作★ 基於檢驗數值的糖尿病腎病變預測模型
★ 模糊類神經網路為架構之遙測影像分類器設計★ 複合式群聚演算法
★ 身心障礙者輔具之研製★ 指紋分類器之研究
★ 背光影像補償及色彩減量之研究★ 類神經網路於營利事業所得稅選案之應用
★ 一個新的線上學習系統及其於稅務選案上之應用★ 人眼追蹤系統及其於人機介面之應用
★ 結合群體智慧與自我組織映射圖的資料視覺化研究★ 追瞳系統之研發於身障者之人機介面應用
★ 以類免疫系統為基礎之線上學習類神經模糊系統及其應用★ 基因演算法於語音聲紋解攪拌之應用
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摘要(中) 隨著深度學習技術在各領域的廣泛應用,可解釋性模型的重要性日益突顯。


本研究一共主要使用了三種資料集分別是MNIST、Colored MNIST和Colored Fashion MNIST資料集,
在MNIST、Colored MNIST、Colored Fashion MNIST資料集的測試準確率
分別為 0.9566、0.954、0.8223。
尤其在Colored MNIST和Colored Fashion MNIST資料集上,
摘要(英) Interpretable models are becoming more and more important as deep learning technologies are being widely used in a variety of sectors.
Despite their excellent accuracy, "black-box" models frequently obfuscate the decision-making process.
Conversely, interpretable models not only increase users′ confidence in the model but also offer insightful information when anomalies occur.

This research proposes a new CNN-based interpretable deep learning model.
The model comprises three kind main components: color perception block, contour perception block, and feature transmission block.
The color perception block extracts color features from the input image by calculating the similarity between the average color of different parts of the input image and 30 basic colors.
The contour perception block detects contour features in the image by converting the color image to grayscale through preprocessing and then applying Gaussian convolution and feature enhancement.
The feature transmission block combines the input features by space merging module after convolution and response filtering modules to create more complete features, which are then passed to the next layer until they reach fully connected layer.
Finally, the output color features and contour features are combined and pass into the fully connected layer for classification.

There are three key datasets used in this study, MNIST, Colored MNIST, and Colored Fashion MNIST.
The accuracy rates of MNIST, Colored MNIST, and Colored Fashion MNIST are 0.9566, 0.954, and 0.8223.
The outcomes of the experiments show how well the suggested model performs in terms of both interpretability and performance.
The model validates its interpretability and practicality by accurately distinguishing images of different colors and forms, especially on the Colored MNIST and Colored Fashion MNIST datasets. Additionally, the model visualizes the internal decision-making logic of the model.
關鍵字(中) ★ 可解釋人工智慧
★ 深度學習
★ 色彩感知
★ 彩色影像
關鍵字(英) ★ Explainable Artificial Intelligence
★ Deep Learning
★ Color Perception
★ Color Images
論文目次 摘要 iv
Abstract vi
誌謝 viii
目錄 ix
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 .................................................................. 1
1.2 研究目的 .................................................................. 2
1.3 論文架構 .................................................................. 3
二、 背景知識與文獻回顧 4
2.1 背景知識 .................................................................. 4
2.1.1 人如何感知彩色影像 .......................................... 4
2.1.2 CNN-based Interpretable Model............................... 12
2.2 文獻回顧 .................................................................. 15
2.2.1 可解釋性人工智慧的演進分類 .............................. 15
2.2.2 對於 Ante-hoc Explainable Model 之研究 .................. 16
2.2.3 對於 Post-hoc Explainable Method 之研究 ................. 18
2.2.4 近年可解釋性模型趨勢之研究 .............................. 19
三、 研究方法 21
3.1 以卷積神經網路為基礎之新型可解釋性深度學習模型 ......... 21
3.1.1 模型架構 ......................................................... 21
3.1.2 模型符號說明 ................................................... 24
3.1.3 演算法流程 ...................................................... 25
3.2 卷積模組設計與實現 ................................................... 26
3.2.1 彩色卷積模組的設計與實現 ................................. 26
3.2.2 灰階前處理的設計與實現 .................................... 29
3.2.3 高斯卷積模組的設計與實現 ................................. 30
3.3 FM、RM 的定義......................................................... 32
3.4 響應篩選模組之設計 ................................................... 33
3.5 空間合併模組之設計 ................................................... 34
3.6 可解釋性 .................................................................. 35
3.6.1 CI 的意義......................................................... 35
3.6.2 色彩感知區塊之視覺化 ....................................... 38
3.6.3 色彩特徵傳遞區塊之視覺化 ................................. 39
3.6.4 輪廓感知區塊和輪廓特徵傳遞區塊之視覺化 ............ 41
3.6.5 RM-CI 的可解釋性............................................. 42
3.6.6 全連接層的可解釋性 .......................................... 43
四、 實驗設計與結果 46
4.1 資料集介紹 ............................................................... 46
4.1.1 MNIST 資料集 .................................................. 47
4.1.2 Colored MNIST 資料集........................................ 48
4.1.3 Colored Fashion MNIST 資料集.............................. 49
4.1.4 CIFAR-10 資料集............................................... 50
4.2 實驗設計 .................................................................. 51
4.2.1 MNIST 實驗設計 ............................................... 51
4.2.2 彩色資料集實驗設計 .......................................... 52
4.2.3 CIFAR10 實驗設計............................................. 55
4.3 實驗結果 .................................................................. 55
4.3.1 實驗結果資料 ................................................... 55
4.3.2 可解釋性圖片 ................................................... 57
4.4 實驗分析 .................................................................. 67
4.4.1 與 CIM 之效果比較 ............................................ 67
4.4.2 不同色差計算方式之比較 .................................... 68
4.4.3 不同合併方式之比較 .......................................... 72
4.4.4 不同濾波器數目之比較 ....................................... 79
4.4.5 不同激活函數之比較 .......................................... 80
4.4.6 不同模型深度之比較 .......................................... 82
4.4.7 模型對單一影像中有不同色彩影像的效果驗證 ......... 85
4.4.8 可解釋性圖片失敗案例分析 ................................. 86
五、 總結 89
5.1 結論 ........................................................................ 89
5.1.1 目前模型的限制 ................................................ 90
5.2 未來展望 .................................................................. 90
參考文獻 92
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指導教授 蘇木春(Mu-Chun Su) 審核日期 2024-8-12
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