博碩士論文 111552007 詳細資訊

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姓名 徐峻澧(Chun-Li Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 智慧醫療物聯網平台之裝置管理與應用
(Device Management and Applications of Smart Healthcare IoT Platform)
★ 在有干擾的虛擬教室環境下 大人小孩的行為表現與腦神經反應的異同★ 使用映射模型和跨資料集遷移式學習的輕量化居家衰弱症訓練系統
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★ 基於多維度的臺灣天氣類型機器學習 臨近預報與分類系統★ 整合檢索增強生成與大型語言模型應用於精準運動科學平台:架構與實現
★ 透過生理數據分析的VR戰車訓練系統,評估壓力對認知專注力與穩定性的影響及通過多次訓練表現驗證系統有效性★ 基於機器學習分析ADHD亞型利用VR認知測驗同步的神經生理數據
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★ 智慧醫療物聯網平台之多租戶應用★ XRCURE:基於實證醫學的AIOT、XR和可穿戴感測器在AWS上的數位療法
★ 重複性經顱磁刺激同步虛擬實境與生理監測用於失語症創新治療與評估★ 將網路威脅情報與多視角分析和雙聚類結合:一種多維視覺化方法
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摘要(中) 隨著科技迅速發展,越來越多的醫療體系開始使用數位醫療並搭配各種感測裝置來協助病患進行治療與復健。透過感測裝置蒐集數據,提供數據分析、健康監控和反饋。同時,少子化和人口老化問題日益加劇,導致醫療需求迅速增長,對現有的醫療系統造成巨大壓力。傳統醫療系統在面對醫療資源分配不均、人力資源短缺和醫療成本增加等挑戰時顯得越來越困難。尤其是不同病症所需的感測裝置各異,導致裝置管理和數據整合上的困難更加突出。
摘要(英) With the rapid advancement of technology, an increasing number of healthcare systems are adopting digital healthcare and various sensing devices to assist patients in their treatment and rehabilitation. These sensing devices collect data, providing data analysis, health monitoring, and feedback. Simultaneously, the issues of declining birthrates and an aging population are exacerbating, leading to a substantial increase in healthcare demand, thereby putting immense pressure on existing healthcare systems. Traditional healthcare systems are struggling to cope with challenges such as uneven distribution of medical resources, workforce shortages, and rising medical costs. The diverse requirements of different medical conditions for specific sensing devices further complicate device management and data integration.
This thesis develops an intelligent healthcare IoT platform that integrates IoT technology to achieve efficient management and application of medical devices. The platform can monitor and manage various medical devices in real-time, collecting and analyzing data from multiple sensing devices (such as VR headsets and EEG sensors) to provide accurate patient physiological information. Utilizing IoT technology, the platform enables instant data transmission and processing, and through AI analysis modules, it performs deep learning and predictive analysis, generating visual reports for medical personnel reference and diagnosis. This enhances healthcare service efficiency and optimizes the allocation of medical resources.
關鍵字(中) ★ 智慧醫療
★ 物聯網
★ 裝置管理
★ 人工智慧
關鍵字(英) ★ Intelligent Healthcare
★ IoT
★ Device Management
★ Artificial Intelligence
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
Explanation of Symbols ix
I. Introduction 1
1-1 Background 1
1-2 Motivation 2
1-3 Purpose 2
1-4 Thesis Structure 2
II. Trends and Related Works 4
2-1 Medical IoT Trends 4
2-2 Industry Trend Development 4
2-2-1 Healthcare Industry 4
2-2-2 AI Industry 5
2-2-3 IoT Industry 5
2-3 Global Trends 7
2-3-1 Interdisciplinary Collaboration 7
2-3-2 Metaverse 8
2-4 Related Works 9
2-4-1 IoT Communication Architecture 9
2-4-2 Digital Therapeutics 16
2-4-3 Device Management 16
2-4-4 Smart Hospital IoT 17
III. Platform Content and Planning 18
3-1 Target Market and Needs 18
3-1-1 Market Size and Demand Assessment 18
3-1-2 User Needs Description 24
3-2 Product and Technical Description 30
3-2-1 Application Scenarios 30
3-2-2 Product Service Description 32
3-2-3 Key Technologies 34
3-3 Method 37
3-3-1 Platform Architecture Description 39
IV. Implementation and Application 42
4-1 Device Management 42
4-1-1 Description 42
4-1-2 Functions 42
4-1-3 Method 43
4-1-4 Application Results 48
4-2 AutoTest 52
4-2-1 Description 52
4-2-2 Functions 52
4-2-3 Method 52
4-2-4 Application Results 57
4-3 AIoT Activity Log 58
4-3-1 Description 58
4-3-2 Functions 58
4-3-3 Method 58
4-3-4 Application Results 60
V. Conclusion and Future Works 61
Reference 62
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指導教授 葉士青 吳曉光(Shih-Ching Yeh Hsiao-Kuang Wu) 審核日期 2024-7-30
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