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姓名 傅彩如(Tsai-Ju Fu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 大航海高峰會遊戲中的玩家衝突策略與人 格分析
(Analyzing Conflict Resolution Strategies and Personality Traits of Players in the Great Voyage Summit Game)
★ 遊戲式學習增進印尼國小兒童運算思維 之成效研究★ 科技輔助版圖遊戲增進印尼兒童英語詞彙學習 之成效研究
★ 運用均一教育平台於國中資源班學生數學學習之研究★ <亞米大陷阱>數位學習營養教育遊戲對臺灣飲食營養價值學習成效之探討
★ 台灣地形遊戲教育中的沙盒擴增實境系統設計與評估★ 線上議題探究系統之探究能力分析
★ 線上議題遊戲系統之遊戲行為與互動歷程探討★ 複合式領地桌遊之學習者人格特質與歷史思維分析
★ 探討成人玩家於議題式遊戲之行為與人格特質的關係★ 探討成人玩家於大航海高峰會遊戲中情緒與人格的關係
★ 線上社群溝通課程對學員互動關係與團隊發展歷程研究★ 機械戰馬:連桿仿生機器人之開發及教學設計與運算思維表現評估
★ 情境議題式策略遊戲平台的開發與評估★ 科技融入幼兒生命教育繪本之學習、興趣、歷程與成效
★ 線上歷史探究系統對中學生歷史思維與探究學習成效分析★ 文化美感教育桌遊<金色絲路>對小學生 美感鑑賞素養與文化認知之學習分析影響
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摘要(中) 現今許多研究均指出遊戲可以作為教育與心理分析的工具,但針對玩家在遊戲中的行為與其人格特質間的關聯研究仍相對有限。因此,本研究希望透過議題式遊戲的設計,使玩家能夠自覺其衝突解決傾向與思考方式,進而培養良好的衝突解決能力,並為遊戲教學設計提供實證建議。
本研究採質性分析,並通過〈大航海高峰會〉這款議題式遊戲,讓玩家在遊戲中擔任不同的國家以及角色,以收集 15 名成年玩家的遊戲衝突策略,並藉由TKI 測驗及研究者自編的衝突策略問卷及衝突策略觀察量表,來探究玩家於遊玩遊戲前、中、後的對於遊戲議題的衝突策略差異,以及與人格之關聯性為何。
研究結果顯示,僅 27%的玩家在遊玩遊戲前的衝突策略與人格有顯著相關,而有 13%的玩家在遊戲中的衝突策略受到人格影響。在遊戲前後,則有 47%的玩家改變了其衝突策略選擇,這些改變主要受到自我認同、國家經歷、角色任務需求及遊戲難易度的影響。從研究中發現,角色任務及遊戲事件的設計對玩家衝突策略的影響大於人格因素的影響,因此遊戲機制中的角色任務和事件設計對玩家行為有顯著影響。未來的在遊戲設計應重視情境背景和角色設計的細節,以提升玩家的遊戲體驗,和提供不同視角以玩家的培養衝突解決能力。
摘要(英) Many current studies indicate that games can be used as tools for education and psychological analysis, but research on the relationship between player behavior in
games and their personality traits remains relatively limited. Therefore, this study aims to design an issue-based game that allows players to become aware of their conflict resolution tendencies and thinking styles, thereby cultivating good conflict resolution skills and providing empirical recommendations for game-based teaching design.
This study adopts qualitative analysis and uses the issue-based game "The Age of Sail Summit." In this game, players assume different national and role identities to collect the conflict strategies of 15 adult players. The study employs the TKI test and researcher-developed questionnaires and conflict strategy observation scales to explore the differences in players′ conflict strategies before, during, and after gameplay and their relationship to personality.
The results show that only 27% of players had a significant correlation between their pre-game conflict strategies and personality traits, while 13% of players′ conflict strategies during the game were influenced by their personality. Additionally, 47% of players changed their conflict strategy choices before and after the game. These changes were primarily influenced by self-identity, national experience, role task requirements, and game difficulty. The study found that role tasks and game events had a greater impact on players′ conflict strategies than personality factors. Thus, the design of role tasks and game events significantly affects player behavior. Future game design should emphasize the details of contextual background and role design to enhance players′ gaming experience and provide various perspectives to cultivate their conflict resolution skills.
關鍵字(中) ★ 議題式遊戲
★ 遊戲的衝突策略
★ 人格特質
關鍵字(英) ★ Issue-based games
★ Conflict strategies in games
★ Personality traits
論文目次 中文摘要.........................................................................................................................i
誌謝.............................................................................................................................. iii
1-1 研究背景與動機.................................................................................................1
1-2 研究目的.............................................................................................................3
1-3 研究問題.............................................................................................................4
2-1 議題式遊戲.........................................................................................................5
2-2 衝突解決的策略.................................................................................................7
2-3 人格特質...........................................................................................................11
3-1 遊戲介紹...........................................................................................................15
3-2 遊戲事件...........................................................................................................16
3-3 遊戲機制...........................................................................................................18
3-4 科技輔助...........................................................................................................22
4-1 研究對象...........................................................................................................25
4-2 研究架構...........................................................................................................25
4-3 研究工具...........................................................................................................28
4-3-1 TKI 測驗 .................................................................................................28
4-3-2 衝突策略問卷...........................................................................................28
4-3-3 衝突策略觀察量表...................................................................................30
4-4 資料處理...........................................................................................................31
5-1 數據說明...........................................................................................................39
5-1-1 玩家之 TKI 測驗結果 ..............................................................................39
5-1-2 玩家遊戲前的衝突策略選擇結果...........................................................40
5-1-3 玩家遊戲中的衝突策略結果...................................................................41
5-1-4 玩家遊戲後的衝突策略選擇結果...........................................................42
5-2 面對議題選擇的衝突策略與人格的關係分析...............................................44
5-2-1 外交官.......................................................................................................45
5-2-2 船長...........................................................................................................50
5-2-3 指揮官.......................................................................................................56
5-3 遊戲中的衝突策略與人格關係分析...............................................................61
5-3-1 英國...........................................................................................................62
5-3-2 法國...........................................................................................................68
5-3-3 荷蘭...........................................................................................................73
5-3-4 西班牙.......................................................................................................78
5-3-5 葡萄牙.......................................................................................................83
5-4 玩家於事件前後的衝突策略關係分析...........................................................88
5-4-1 個人因素影響分析...................................................................................88
5-4-2 國家因素影響分析...................................................................................91
5-4-3 角色因素影響分析...................................................................................96
5-4-4 歸納原因...................................................................................................98
附件一 知情同意書..................................................................................................110
附件二 TKI 測驗......................................................................................................112
附件三 衝突策略問卷..............................................................................................117
附件四 衝突策略問卷選項對照..............................................................................137
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指導教授 施如齡(Ju-Ling Shin) 審核日期 2024-6-19
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