博碩士論文 111554022 詳細資訊

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姓名 項仁瑄(Jen-Hsuan Hsiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 探討學習環境及個體差異對學術英文字彙學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之影響-以Quizlet為例
(Effects of Learning Environment and Individual Differences on Academic English Vocabulary Learning Outcomes, Learning Motivation and Learning Anxiety: A case study of Quizlet)
★ Using Digital Board Game to Enhance Student Engagementin Learning★ 從人因與互動行為模式的觀點探討數位遊戲式學習輔助能源知識
★ 探討認知風格於數位遊戲式英語學習環境對遊戲行為與學習成效之影響★ 由空間能力探討遊戲式英語學習如何影響學習者之遊戲行為和遊戲表現
★ 探討先備知識及學習風格在角色扮演遊戲中對英語字彙習得成效與行為模式之影響★ 從全面性的角度探討先備知識對同儕互評中受評與 評分之影響
★ 從認知風格的角度探討同儕互評分組對遊戲製作與評量之影響★ 探討創作媒介、個別差異、範例式教學及創作模式對九年級學生音樂創作的學習動機及成效之影響
★ 探討個別差異與回饋形式在數位遊戲式學習系統中對學習動機、學習成效與遊戲表現之影響:以九年級國文學習為例★ 探討趨向表現目標與逃避表現目標對於 學習成效與表現目標採取之影響 -以數位遊戲式英語字彙為例
★ 探討英語焦慮與先備知識對英語發音學習成效、獎章成效、遊戲成效、學習動機及遊戲心流之影響──以大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲為例★ 探討認知風格及遊戲心流對英語字彙學習成效、遊戲成效與自我效能之影響—以多人線上角色扮演遊戲為例
★ 從認知風格的角度探討同儕互評對遊戲式學習系統製作與評量之影響★ 電腦輔助教師回饋於外語寫作情境之研究:成果與觀感
★ 探討英語閱讀遊戲對印尼高中英語學習者的影響★ 製作者與評量者之認知風格匹配與不匹配對遊戲人機介面與教學影片製作與評量的影響
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摘要(中) 在全球化趨勢下,英文在教育政策中的重要性日益提升,目前台灣的升學考試及高等教育均需應對英文學習,尤其是學術英文字彙的學習需求迫切。字彙是語言學習的基礎,大量研究顯示字彙對非母語學習者的重要性,但傳統記憶方法枯燥乏味。隨著科技與網路的普及,新學習模式如結合行動輔助和遊戲化元素的學習平台Quizlet,能刺激學習動機、降低焦慮並提升學習成效。儘管有實證研究顯示學術英文字彙融入行動輔助學習平台有顯著影響,但較少探討學習成效、動機、焦慮的影響及其相互關聯。此外,過去針對個體差異對學習成效影響的研究結果存在分歧,且過去的研究多為考量單一個體差異的因素,因此本研究將同時考量性別和先備知識兩種因素。本研究將學術英文字彙引入Quizlet,旨在比較不同學習環境對學習成效、動機及焦慮的影響,並探討性別和先備知識對學習成效的影響,結合質性訪談深入理解學習者的想法。研究目的包括:探討不同學習環境對學習成效、動機及焦慮的影響,探討性別及先備知識對學習成效的影響,以及這些因素與學習成效的相關性。 本研究對象為台灣某所國立大學56名在職專班碩士學生,分成男性與女性各28人,使用Quizlet的實驗組和傳統紙本的控制組各28人,再依先備知識分為高先備知識組及低先備知識組,採用準實驗研究法中的「不相等的控制組設計」和混合設計法。研究工具為包含英文字彙成效測驗卷、英文學習動機量表、外語學習焦慮量表、平台使用經驗量表及半結構式訪談。資料分析使用包含信度分析、成對樣本t檢定、獨立樣本 t檢定、皮爾森相關性分析、描述性統計及質性分析。
結果主要涵蓋:(1) 不同學習環境的學習者在學習成效上均有顯著進步,但整體成效及分項成績無顯著差異。實驗組在整體學習動機及多項分項動機(如外在目標、任務價值、自我效能與期望成功)上有顯著提升,而控制組在整體學習動機上無顯著提升,且控制信念動機顯著下降。兩組在學習焦慮上無顯著差異,但實驗組在溝通焦慮及課程焦慮上顯著降低。實驗組的學習動機與學習焦慮呈負相關,而控制組則呈正相關;(2) 性
別差異方面,男性和女性在使用Quizlet後,學習成效均有顯著進步。男性在整體動機及分項動機中任務價值有顯著提升,而女性在整體動機未有明顯變化,但在分項動機中外在目標導向、任務價值及自我效能與期望成功皆有顯著提升。兩組間在分項動機中的自我效能與期望成功後測成績有顯著差異,女性高於男性。在焦慮中男性未有差異,而女性在整體焦慮上顯著降低。男性學習成效與學習動機呈負相關,學習成效與學習焦慮呈正相關,而女性學習成效與學習動機呈正相關;(3) 先備知識差異方面,高低先備知識組在使用Quizlet後,學習成效上均顯著提升,高先備知識組高於低先備知識組。高先備知識組在整體學習動機無顯著提升,分項動機之控制信念顯著下降,而低先備知識組在整體學習動機上有顯著提升,在分項動機中的任務價值、自我效能與期望成功之動機有顯著提升。高先備知識組在整體學習焦慮未有變化,但在分項焦慮之溝通焦慮有顯著降低,而低先備知識組在整體焦慮有降低且在分項焦慮的課程焦慮有顯著降低。高先備知識的學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之間均未呈現相關性,低先備知識的學習動機與學習焦慮呈負相關,此外低先備知識的學習焦慮與學習成效、學習成效與學習動機之間均無呈現顯著相關性;(4) 平台使用經驗及訪談結果顯示,高先備知識不論男女皆對享樂性表示肯定,高先備知識者偏好Quizlet,尤其高先備知識女性對此平台表現出較高的使用感受,而低先備知識女性則偏好傳統紙本學習。
摘要(英) In the context of globalization, the importance of English in education policies has increased significantly. In Taiwan, English proficiency is crucial for entrance exams and higher education, especially for academic vocabulary. Vocabulary is the foundation of language learning, and extensive research shows its importance for non-native learners. However, traditional memorization methods are often tedious. The widespread use of technology and the internet has introduced new learning models, such as Quizlet, which combines mobile-assisted and gamified elements to stimulate motivation, reduce anxiety, and enhance learning outcomes. While empirical studies have shown the significant impact of integrating academic vocabulary into mobile-assisted learning platforms, few studies explore the effects on learning outcomes, motivation, and anxiety, and their interrelationships. Additionally, past research on individual differences′ impact on learning outcomes has been inconsistent, often focusing on single factors. This study simultaneously considers gender and prior knowledge. This study introduces academic English vocabulary into Quizlet to compare the effects of different learning environments on learning outcomes, motivation, and anxiety. It also explores the impact of gender and prior knowledge on learning outcomes and combines qualitative interviews to gain deeper insights into learners′ perspectives. The objectives are to investigate the effects of different learning environments on learning outcomes, motivation, and anxiety, examine the influence of gender and prior knowledge on learning outcomes, and understand the relationships between these factors and learning outcomes.
The study involved 56 master′s students from an in-service program at a national university in Taiwan, divided equally into male and female groups. Each group was further divided into an experimental group using Quizlet and a control group using traditional paper-based methods, with prior knowledge categorized as high or low. A quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group and mixed-method approach was employed. The research tools included an English vocabulary achievement test, an English learning motivation scale, a foreign language learning anxiety scale, a platform usage experience scale, and semi-structured interviews. Data analysis included reliability analysis, paired sample t-tests, independent sample t-tests, Pearson correlation analysis, descriptive statistics, and qualitative analysis.
The main results included: (1) Learners in different learning environments showed significant improvement in learning outcomes, but there were no significant differences in overall effectiveness and sub-component scores. The experimental group showed significant improvement in overall learning motivation and several sub-motivations, such as extrinsic goals, task value, self-efficacy, and expected success, while the control group showed no significant improvement in overall learning motivation and a significant decrease in control belief motivation. There were no significant differences in learning anxiety between the two groups, but the experimental group showed significant reductions in communication and course anxiety. In the experimental group, learning motivation was negatively correlated with learning anxiety, whereas in the control group, they were positively correlated. (2) Regarding gender differences, both males and females showed significant improvements in learning outcomes after using Quizlet. Males showed significant improvements in overall motivation and the task value sub-motivation, while females showed no significant change in overall motivation but significant improvements in extrinsic goal orientation, task value, self-efficacy, and expected success sub-motivations. There were significant differences between the two groups in post-test scores for self-efficacy and expected success, with females scoring higher than males. In terms of anxiety, males showed no significant differences, whereas females showed significant reductions in overall anxiety. Males′ learning outcomes were negatively correlated with learning motivation and positively correlated with learning anxiety, whereas females′ learning outcomes were positively correlated with learning motivation. (3) In terms of prior knowledge differences, both high and low prior knowledge groups showed significant improvements in learning outcomes
after using Quizlet, with the high prior knowledge group outperforming the low prior knowledge group. The high prior knowledge group showed no significant improvement in overall learning motivation and a significant decrease in control belief motivation, while the low prior knowledge group showed significant improvements in overall learning motivation and in task value, self-efficacy, and expected success sub-motivations. The high prior knowledge group showed no change in overall learning anxiety but a significant reduction in communication anxiety, while the low prior knowledge group showed significant reductions in overall anxiety and course anxiety. In the high prior knowledge group, there were no correlations among learning outcomes, learning motivation, and learning anxiety, whereas in the low prior knowledge group, learning motivation was negatively correlated with learning anxiety. Additionally, in the low prior knowledge group, there were no significant correlations between learning anxiety and learning outcomes, nor between learning outcomes and learning motivation. (4) Platform usage experiences and interview results showed that high prior knowledge learners, regardless of gender, appreciated the enjoyment aspect of Quizlet. High prior knowledge learners preferred Quizlet, especially high prior knowledge females, who showed higher satisfaction with the platform. In contrast, low prior knowledge females preferred traditional paper-based learning.
This study reveals insights into the application of digital learning tools in different learning environments for learners, educators, and developers. For learners, the research helps them understand the advantages and disadvantages of using Quizlet versus traditional paper-based learning, provides personalized learning recommendations, and highlights the benefits of digital tools in reducing learning anxiety. For educators, the study offers empirical data to assist in selecting and designing teaching tools suitable for different genders and learning backgrounds, emphasizing the importance of adjusting teaching strategies. For developers, the research suggests enhancing Quizlet’s interactivity and gamification design, integrating traditional learning methods to meet diverse learners’ needs, thereby improving learning outcomes.
關鍵字(中) ★ Quizlet
★ 行動輔助學習
★ 個體差異
★ 學術英文字彙
★ 學習成效
★ 學習動機
★ 學習焦慮
關鍵字(英) ★ Quizlet
★ mobile-assisted learning
★ individual differences
★ academic English vocabulary
★ learning effectiveness
★ learning motivation
★ learning anxiety
論文目次 摘要 ............................................................................................................................................. i
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. iii
誌謝 .......................................................................................................................................... vii
目錄 ......................................................................................................................................... viii
圖目錄 ..................................................................................................................................... xiii
表目錄 ..................................................................................................................................... xiv
第1章 緒論 .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 研究目的 ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 研究問題 ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 名詞解釋 ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 研究範圍及限制 ......................................................................................................... 7
第2章 文獻探討 ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 行動輔助學術英文字彙學習 ..................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 行動輔助學術英文字彙學習之相關研究 ........................................................ 8
2.1.2 行動輔助學術英文字彙學習平台 – Quizlet ................................................. 10
2.2 遊戲化學習 ............................................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 遊戲化學習在英文學習的應用 ...................................................................... 12
2.2.2 遊戲化學習對學習成效的影響 ...................................................................... 14
2.2.3 遊戲化學習對學習動機和學習焦慮的影響 .................................................. 15
2.3 個體差異 ................................................................................................................... 15
2.3.1 性別差異 .......................................................................................................... 16
2.3.2 先備知識 .......................................................................................................... 20
2.4 文獻探討總結 ........................................................................................................... 26
第3章 研究方法 .................................................................................................................... 28
3.1 研究設計 ................................................................................................................... 28
3.1.1 自變項 .............................................................................................................. 29
3.1.2 依變項 .............................................................................................................. 29
3.1.3 控制變項 .......................................................................................................... 30
3.2 研究對象 ................................................................................................................... 30
3.3 研究工具 ................................................................................................................... 31
3.3.2 學術英文字彙測驗卷 ...................................................................................... 35
3.3.3 英文學習動機量表 .......................................................................................... 36
3.3.4 外語學習焦慮量表 .......................................................................................... 38
3.3.5 平台使用經驗問卷 .......................................................................................... 40
3.3.6 半結構式訪談 .................................................................................................. 40
3.4 實驗流程 ................................................................................................................... 41
3.5 資料分析 ................................................................................................................... 43
第4章 結果與討論 ................................................................................................................ 45
4.1 不同學習環境對學術英文字彙學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之影響 ........... 45
4.1.1 不同學習環境的組別(Quizlet、傳統紙本)對學術英文字彙學習成效之影響 .......................................................................................................................... 45
4.1.2 不同學習環境的組別(Quizlet、傳統紙本)對學術英文字彙學習動機之影響 .......................................................................................................................... 47
4.1.3 不同學習環境的組別(Quizlet、傳統紙本)對學術英文字彙學習焦慮之影響 .......................................................................................................................... 52
4.2 在Quizlet中,不同性別對學術英文字彙學習中學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之影響 .......................................................................................................................... 55
4.2.1 在Quizlet中,不同性別(男性、女性)對學術英文字彙學習中學習成效之影響 ...................................................................................................................... 55
4.2.2 在Quizlet中,不同性別(男性、女性)對學術英文字彙學習中學習動機之影響 ...................................................................................................................... 57
4.2.3 在Quizlet中,不同性別(男性、女性)對學術英文字彙學習中學習焦慮之影響 ...................................................................................................................... 62
4.3 在Quizlet中,不同先備知識對學術英文字彙學習中學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之影響 .................................................................................................................. 65
4.3.1 在Quizlet中,不同先備知識(高先備知識、低先備知識)對學術英文字彙學習中學習成效之影響 ...................................................................................... 65
4.3.2 在Quizlet中,不同先備知識(高先備知識、低先備知識)對學術英文字彙學習中學習動機之影響 ...................................................................................... 68
4.3.3 在Quizlet中,不同先備知識(高先備知識、低先備知識)對學術英文字彙學習中學習焦慮之影響 ...................................................................................... 72
4.4 不同學習環境對學術英文字彙學習中的學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之相關性 ...................................................................................................................................... 75
4.5 在Quizlet中,不同個體差異對學術英文字彙學習中的學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之相關性 .......................................................................................................... 76
4.5.1 在Quizlet中,不同性別(男性、女性)對學術英文字彙學習中的學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之相關性 ...................................................................... 76
4.5.2 在Quizlet中,先備知識(高先備知識、低先備知識)對學術英文字彙學習,學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之相關性 .................................................. 77
4.6 不同個體差異的學習者在Quizlet的使用經驗 ..................................................... 78
4.7 不同個體差異的學習者對於使用Quizlet學習學術英文字彙的看法及見解 ..... 81
4.7.1 不同學習環境(Quizlet及傳統紙本學習)的喜好差異 ............................. 81
4.7.2 使用數位學習平台學習學術英文字彙動機之影響 ...................................... 82
4.7.3 使用數位學習平台學習學術英文字彙焦慮之影響 ...................................... 84
4.7.4 使用Quizlet學習學術英文字彙時的問題 .................................................... 85
4.7.5 對Quizlet學習學術英文字彙提供改善建議 ................................................ 86
4.7.6 未來使用Quizlet學習的可能性 .................................................................... 86
4.8 綜合討論 ................................................................................................................... 88
4.8.1 不同學習環境對學術英文字彙學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之影響 .. 88
4.8.2 在Quizlet中,不同性別對學術英文字彙學習中學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之影響 .......................................................................................................... 92
4.8.3 在Quizlet中,不同先備知識對學術英文字彙學習中學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之影響 .............................................................................................. 94
4.8.4 不同學習環境對學術英文字彙學習中的學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之相關性 .................................................................................................................. 97
4.8.5 在Quizlet中,不同個體差異對學術英文字彙學習中的學習成效、學習動機、學習焦慮之相關性 .......................................................................................... 98
第5章 結論與建議 .............................................................................................................. 100
5.1 研究結論 ................................................................................................................. 100
5.2 研究貢獻 ................................................................................................................. 103
5.2.1 學術貢獻 ........................................................................................................ 104
5.2.2 應用貢獻 ........................................................................................................ 104
5.3 未來工作 ................................................................................................................. 105
5.3.1 研究設計改善與建議 .................................................................................... 105
5.3.2 系統設計改善與建議 .................................................................................... 106
參考文獻 ................................................................................................................................ 108
附錄一 英文字彙學習內容 .................................................................................................. 125
附錄二 英文字彙成效測驗卷 .............................................................................................. 129
附錄三 前測問卷 .................................................................................................................. 132
附錄四 後測問卷 .................................................................................................................. 136
參考文獻 中文文獻
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