博碩士論文 111622012 詳細資訊

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姓名 翁靖婷(Chin-Ting Weng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 考慮破裂方向性之強地動模型在地震預警之應用
★ 台灣場址放大倍率經驗計算★ 探討破裂方向性與場址效應對近斷層地動之影響-以美濃與花蓮地震為例
★ 以數值模擬討論南段中央山脈正斷層發育★ 利用高解析反射與折射震測探測池上斷層
★ VS30 Mapping Based on Effective Stress and Void Ratio: Using new Transformation Functions and Adding Data From Boreholes Less Than 30 Meters★ 以多尺度地震儀陣列觀測,解析台灣西南部構造地震與地震層析成像
★ 印尼蘇門答臘隱沒帶之震波衰減特性★ 淺部地層波速測勘方法測試與比較–以臺灣為例
★ 利用深度學習辨識地震波 P 與 S 到時以及後續關聯與定位
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摘要(中) 台灣位於地震頻繁的板塊交界處,且時常發生中大規模的地震,因
若我們使用 GMM 預估地動值的過程中未加以考慮,則破裂前進方向上
的地動值可能會被嚴重低估。本研究將破裂方向性效應加入 GMM 的計
算中,採用線震源考慮破裂方向性的設定,針對台灣近十年 Mw > 5.5 的
15 個地震和集集地震進行地動值預估。在預估過程中,我們實施了近震
大部分地震事件的地動值預估在 15 秒至 20 以內即可達到穩定的狀態,
摘要(英) Taiwan is located on the boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate and frequently experiences moderate or large-magnitude earthquakes. Therefore, it is critical to have an accurate earthquake early warning system. Currently, the Central Weather Administration in Taiwan employs a regional earthquake early warning system where Ground Motion Models (GMM) are indispensable. During a larger-magnitude earthquake, the directivity effect is caused by source rupturing. Specifically, the propagation of the rupture can lead to significant amplification of ground motion along the direction of the fault rupture. If the rupture directivity is not considered in ground motion models, predicted ground motions in the direction of rupture propagation may be seriously underestimated. This study uses a GMM and a rupture directivity function to predict PGA and PGV. We chose to use a line source considering rupture directivity to estimate ground motion for 15 earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 5.5 in Taiwan over the past decade, as well as the Chi-Chi earthquake. In the estimation process, near-source corrections were implemented to mitigate overestimation or underestimation issues. Next, the results obtained using a line source considering rupture directivity will be compared with those obtained from point and line sources that do not consider rupture directivity. The rupture
directivity effect is usually observed during larger magnitude earthquakes, and therefore, the performance of ground motion estimations using a linear source considering rupture directivity is generally better than those that do not consider directivity. Additionally, the study tested real-time ground motion estimation using instantaneous rupture and showed that stable states can be achieved within
15 to 20 seconds for most earthquake events. It indicates the feasibility of this approach in earthquake early warning systems. Thus, the research achieves multiple objectives: real-time determination of rupture direction, rapid assessment of ground motions along the rupture direction, and enhancement of prediction accuracy. These advancements enhance the performance of earthquake early warning systems in Taiwan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 地震預警系統
★ 區域型地震預警
★ 強地動模型
★ 破裂方向性效應
關鍵字(英) ★ earthquake early warning system
★ regional earthquake early wraning
★ ground motion model
★ rupture directivity
論文目次 摘要......................................................iii
一、 緒論...................................................1
1.1 研究動機及目的...........................................1
1.2 文獻回顧............................................... 2
1.3 內容簡介............................................... 3
二、 研究區域地質概況........................................7
2.1 研究區域概況........................................... 7
2.2 研究區域地質........................................... 9
2.3 場址效應和場址參數..................................... 14
三、 研究原理及方法.........................................23
3.1 地震預警系統 ...........................................23
3.2 強地動模型(GMM)...................................... 24
3.2.1 強地動模型原理....................................... 24
3.2.2 Chao20 地動模型..................................... 26
3.3 破裂方向性函數......................................... 30
3.4 研究流程........................................................ 31
3.4.1 資料來源............................................. 31
3.4.2 地動值預估........................................... 32
3.4.3 格點搜尋法計算破裂參數................................ 34
3.4.4 逐秒破裂參數計算..................................... 35
四、 研究結果與討論.........................................49
4.1 地震破裂參數計算............ .......................... 49
4.1.1 最終地動值預估的破裂參數.............................. 49
4.1.2 發震後 20s 地動值預估的破裂參數....................... 50
4.1.3 過去研究的地震破裂方向................................ 50
4.2 地動值預估結果和分析................................... 52
4.2.1 地動值預估.......................................... 52
4.2.2 方位角殘餘值分析..................................... 56
4.2.3 特殊殘餘值型態分析................................... 58
4.3 逐秒地動值預估..........................................59
4.4 震源機制測試............................................60
4.5 情境分析-以美濃地震為例.................................61
五、 結論...................................................85
5.1 結論.................................................. 85
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指導教授 郭俊翔(Chun-Hsiang Kuo) 審核日期 2024-8-14
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