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姓名 蘇育霆(SU, YU-TING)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生醫科學與工程學系
論文名稱 AIoT邊緣運算即時領餐人流計數系統
(AIoT Edge Computing Real-Time Dining Hall Traffic Counting System)
★ 使用滾球篩選睡眠紡錘波檢測★ 利用深度學習產生去骨電腦斷層掃描血管造影改進椎動脈分割
★ 評估深度卷積神經網路用於檢測和分割Chest X-ray圖像中的鎖骨骨折★ 自然語言處理於病例情感分析分類器及句子相似度計算
★ 以圓柱採樣訓練深度神經網絡改進頭頸部電腦斷層掃描的骨骼偵測和分割★ 使用深度學習模型自動分割黑血磁共振腦血管管壁
★ 利用自然語言處理在胸腔X-Ray的自由文本病歷報告中標記識別心臟肥大的檔案和句子★ 肺炎診斷導向之深度學習電腦斷層掃瞄影像分割
★ 基於角色情感互動與主動式照護的生成式AI模型能力研究★ 使用SpaCy NER標記胸部放射檢查報告:與 CheXpert Labeler 的比較
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摘要(中) 「人流」在各領域皆具有重要性與應用價值。在生產管理方面,透過人流可以評估生產線效率、發現瓶頸、優化布局、提高生產效率和品質。在行銷管理中,人流可用於評估顧客流量、消費者行為,指導陳列和促銷策略,提高銷售額和客戶滿意度。在人力資源管理中,它有助於預測人力需求,調整員工配置,改善工作環境,提高員工滿意度和工作效率。在財務管理方面,人流用於評估營業時間的利用率,控制成本,提高經營效率,增加收入。總之,人流成為企業提升生產效率、行銷策略、人力資源配置和財務管理的關鍵工具,促進企業永續發展。
這次研究利用CSI Camera捕捉影像,傳送至Jetson Orin Nano進行即時影像處理,搭配YOLOv8進行人物檢測及追蹤,再透過RESTful API將結果以web API方式提供其他系統取得人數數據,實現高效即時人流計數。
摘要(英) "Foot traffic" holds significant importance and application value across various fields. In production management, analyzing foot traffic helps assess production line efficiency, identify bottlenecks, optimize layouts, and enhance both productivity and quality. In marketing management, it is used to evaluate customer flow and consumer behavior, guide merchandise display and promotional strategies, thereby increasing sales and customer satisfaction. In human resources management, it aids in forecasting manpower needs, adjusting staff allocation, improving work environments, and boosting employee satisfaction and work efficiency. In financial management, foot traffic is used to evaluate the utilization of business hours, control costs, improve operational efficiency, and increase revenue. Overall, foot traffic has become a key tool for businesses to enhance production efficiency, marketing strategies, human resource allocation, and financial management, promoting sustainable development.
The staff cafeteria faces difficulties in managing ingredients, costs, and suppliers. The challenge of accurately predicting the demand for noodle and rice dishes can lead to either wastage of ingredients or insufficient supply, increasing costs. Real-time foot traffic data during meal pickup can indicate whether the current preparation is sufficient or if adjustments are needed to address potential stockpile and meal quality issues, impacting supplier relationships. A lack of real-time foot traffic counting also affects cooperation with suppliers, as it is difficult to accurately reflect demand, potentially leading to order errors and inventory management issues.
This study employs a CSI Camera to capture images, which are then processed in real time by a Jetson Orin Nano, combined with YOLOv8 for person detection and tracking. The results are then made available through a RESTful API via a web API method for other systems to access the foot traffic data, achieving efficient and real-time foot traffic counting.
The foot traffic counting system can satisfy the needs of the nutrition department in counting meal pickups. However, this study found that environmental control is necessary to achieve more accurate foot traffic counts. Due to the inadequacy of YOLOv8′s person detection and tracking for counting, I incorporated a baseline method to count foot traffic. Upon deployment, it was found that environmental control is necessary to achieve precise foot traffic counting. The numbers from the foot traffic counting system can also provide the hospital dashboard with current meal pickup counts, allowing nutrition department colleagues to use historical data to evaluate whether current dining numbers are reasonable, assess if the current food preparation is sufficient, and make necessary adjustments. In terms of dining cost expenditure, having the counts for noodle and rice dish pickups helps quickly identify if there are any anomalies in the costs of these specific categories, unlike in the past when only total data from fingerprint machines was available.
關鍵字(中) ★ AIoT
★ Edge Computing
★ people counting
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖片目錄 viii
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與背景 1
1-2 人工智慧物聯網 2
1-3 邊緣運算(Edge Computing) 2
1-4 AI模型與邊緣運算整合 3
1-5 AIoT架構的應用與益處 3
1-6 文獻探討 4
二、 YOLOv8 Multi-Object tracking (YOLOv8多物件追蹤) 5
2-1 用於 YOLOv8 物件追蹤與 OpenCV整合 6
2-2 什麼是物件追蹤 6
三、 RESTful API概論 7
四、 CSI 相機(Camera Serial Interface Camera) 10
五、 研究內容與方法 10
5-1 研究目的 10
5-2 人流計數場域 11
5-3 系統架構 13
5-4 系統硬體設備環境 14
5-5 系統環境建置 17
5-6 人流計數功能 27
5-7 數據串接 36
5-8 計數控制管理介面 39
5-9 數據擷取 40
六、 結果與分析 43
七、 結論 52
參考文獻 54
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指導教授 黃輝揚(Huang, Hui-Yang) 審核日期 2024-7-11
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