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姓名 蘇敬怡(Jing-Yi Su)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 利用S波與尾波探求蘭陽平原局部場址效應
(A Study of Local Site Effect on the Lan-Yang Plain by using S Waves and Coda Waves)
★ 以地表位移量推算921地震時車籠埔斷層之錯動參數★ 利用921地震序列之強地動資料對台灣強地動衰減模式與反應譜速估之研究
★ 1999年集集地震序列強地動峰值隨方位角變動及以偏極化分析輔助地震定位方法之研究★ 九二一集集大地震序列各地累積絕對速度值(CAV)之研究
★ 以反應譜比值法推求地震時結構物振動行為之研究★ 紅河斷裂帶地震活動以及東南亞地殼與上部地函構造之研究
★ 台灣地區地震危害度的不確定性分析與參數拆解★ 台灣小規模地震再發統計模式參數研究
★ 台灣ShakeMap震度之研究-以九二一集集地震序列為例★ 斷層錯動、地殼變位及強地動與地震災害相關性之研究: 以1935年及1999年台灣中部兩次地震為例
★ 利用傅氏振幅譜比法分析全台灣強震站的場址★ 以Gamma Model對台灣餘震叢集現象之研究
★ 台灣西南部GPS資造時間序列分析與地殼變形模式研究★ 機率式地震誘發山崩危害度分析–以國姓地區為例
★ 探討地震發震構造之辨識與分布:以集集地震序列為例★ 1999年集集大地震前後地震活動、震源機制及地殼應力分佈與變化之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究以中央氣象局強地動觀測網的近場及遠場地震資料為依據,從S波與尾波的富利葉譜中,利用地震學頻譜比值的方法,計算宜蘭地區各強地動觀測站的場址放大效應係數,並分區探討S波與尾波場址效應係數的相關性,以及局部場址效應係數與地表地質的關係。
摘要(英) This study used the near and far field data recorded by the Taiwan Strong Motion Instruments Program (TSMIP) of CWB (Central Weather Bureau). We used the Spectrum Ratio to calculate each site amplification coefficient between a reference rock site and each soil site of the Lan-Yang Plain from Fourier spectrum of S waves and Coda waves. The relationship between the site effect factor of S and Coda waves and surface geology in different areas was analyzed in this study.
The data used were recorded by the TSMIP accelerographs of CWB from 29 earthquakes and at 25 stations on the Lan-Yang Plain. According to the surface geology, the sites of Lan-Yang Plain was divided into 3 areas:Ⅰ. sites on Lushan Formarion; Ⅱ. sites from the basin center to basin edge; Ⅲ. sites near by Nanao alluvium. Based on surface geology, I chose ILA052 to be the reference site. The results from the spectrum ratio of each soil site and the reference site in this study are summarize below:
1.The S wave and Coda wave Spectral Ratios are similar on different frequency bands.
2.There is site amplification in low frequencies on the central part of the plain. This site effect is probably related to basin structure.
3.The site effect was not only related to surface geology but also other causes (e.g. surface topography). The causes of site amplification effect are many and complex.
4.There are the same site amplification factors which were obtained by the spectral ratios of S waves and Coda waves.
5.The advantage of using Coda waves of strong motion records to analyze site effect is that each acceleration record at different sites has absolute ground motion value. It is not necessary to correct the instruments response. It is convenient to study the Coda wave amplitudes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 場址效應
★ 剪力波
★ 尾波
★ 蘭陽平原
關鍵字(英) ★ site effect
★ S wave
★ coda wave
★ Lan-Yang Plain
論文目次 第一章 緒論................................1
1.1 研究動機與目的.......................1
1.2 文獻回顧.............................2
1.3 本文內容.............................4
第二章 研究區域及背景資料..................6
2.1 地形及地質概況.......................6
2.2 強震資料的蒐集......................15
第三章 資料處理過程及研究方法.............19
3.1 資料處理過程........................19
3.1.1 參考站的選取..................19
3.1.2 尾波時窗的選取................20
3.1.3 檢視S波及尾波記錄的訊噪比....22
3.2 研究方法............................27
3.2.1 S波的頻譜比..................27
3.2.2 尾波的頻譜比..................32
第四章 研究結果與分析討論.................35
4.1 Ⅰ區:位於廬山層的測站..............35
4.2 Ⅱ區:平原中心到平原邊緣連線的測站..40
4.3 Ⅲ區:南澳附近的沖積層測站..........43
4.4 S波與尾波頻譜比標準差的比較........46
4.5 S波與尾波放大係數的相關性..........48
4.6 與前人研究成果比較..................48
第五章 結論...............................51
附 錄..................................56
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指導教授 蔡義本(Yi-Ben Tsai) 審核日期 2000-7-1
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