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姓名 鄭錦桐(Chin-Tung Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 台灣地區地震危害度的不確定性分析與參數拆解
(Uncertainty Analysis and Deaggregation of Seismic Hazard in Taiwan)
★ 利用S波與尾波探求蘭陽平原局部場址效應★ 集集地震誘發之山崩
★ 以地表位移量推算921地震時車籠埔斷層之錯動參數★ 利用921地震序列之強地動資料對台灣強地動衰減模式與反應譜速估之研究
★ 1999年集集地震序列強地動峰值隨方位角變動及以偏極化分析輔助地震定位方法之研究★ 九二一集集大地震序列各地累積絕對速度值(CAV)之研究
★ 以反應譜比值法推求地震時結構物振動行為之研究★ 紅河斷裂帶地震活動以及東南亞地殼與上部地函構造之研究
★ 台灣小規模地震再發統計模式參數研究★ 台灣ShakeMap震度之研究-以九二一集集地震序列為例
★ 斷層錯動、地殼變位及強地動與地震災害相關性之研究: 以1935年及1999年台灣中部兩次地震為例★ 使用震源機制逆推台灣地區應力分區狀況
★ 利用傅氏振幅譜比法分析全台灣強震站的場址★ 以Gamma Model對台灣餘震叢集現象之研究
★ 台灣西南部GPS資造時間序列分析與地殼變形模式研究★ 機率式地震誘發山崩危害度分析–以國姓地區為例
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摘要(中) 921集集大地震之後,經研究發現國內過去提出的機率式地震危害度分析(probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, PSHA)悉數低估了中部地區的危害度,也突顯出唯有考慮活斷層與選擇適當的強地動衰減式,才能獲致合理的PSHA結果。因此本研究重新檢討台灣地區的震源模式、震源參數與強地動衰減式,並以邏輯樹方法完成台灣地區的PSHA,進一步瞭解危害度結果的不確定性來源,同時也透過參數拆解分析瞭解貢獻危害度的主要震源特性。本研究的震源模式除了傳統的區域震源外,另外以三維面震源模型模擬活斷層與隱沒帶板塊震源。在地震規模機率分布的推估方面,採用台灣地區1900年至1999年地震矩規模(MW)的獨立主震目錄,建立各區域震源的截切指數模式;並以各活斷層的滑移速率(S)資料建構特徵地震模式。在強地動衰減式方面,首先將震源分為地殼內部與隱沒帶兩類,並區分不同類地盤的測站,考慮斷層上盤及下盤測站的強地動差異,採用測站距斷層面最短距離,並採用具近場規模飽和效應的Campbell衰減模式進行迴歸分析,獲得八組不同的強地動反應譜衰減式及資料之標準差。
摘要(英) Before the occurrence of the September 21, 1999, Chi-Chi Taiwan earthquake, the previous studies of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) by different agencies and authors totally underestimated the seismic hazard in Central Taiwan. The importance to incorporate fault sources and closest distance to fault in developing the ground-motion attenuation relationships and in PSHA. Using logic tree to model parameters at nodes and weightings at branches in PSHA could obtain the uncertainty of PSHA influenced by parameters. Further, we could understand the characteristic of sources in vicinities by deaggregating hazard contributed from different magnitude and distance bins.
We adopt 3-D plate source to model fault planes and subduction zone plates except regional sources. Truncated-Exponential model developed by mainshock catalog in MW from 1900 to 1999 was used to describe the magnitude distribution of regional sources; Characteristic-Earthquake model developed by fault slip rate was used to describe the magnitude distribution of active fault and subduction interface sources. The ground-motion level of subduction plate sources are always higher than crustal sources. Hence, it is in need of adopting suitable attenuation relationship for each source in PSHA, especially the attenuation relationship of curustal source including the ground-motion data of Chi-Chi earthquake sequence, and which reveals the hanging-wall effect and site condition for specific site.
According to the iso-seismic hazard map of PGA, 0.2sec and 1.0sec spectral acceleration, there are obviously correlation between the hazard level and the activity of fault, especially on the center of the hanging wall. the highest hazard level can be found in eastern longitudinal valley and western foothills to coast plain, separated by the central range in low hazard level. Furthermore, the hazard level considering faults activity divided by regional sources shows that the prominent ratio always distribute on hanging wall, especially on the low background seismicity region in the past, such as TaiChung and HsinChu-MiaLi region. The iso-seismic hazard map could be referenced by the Taiwan Building Code in the future.
For specific site, the major parameters that influence uncertainty of PSHA are different because of various combinations of source parameters in vicinities. After uncertainty analysis by logic tree, we could understand the variation of parameter and how it influences the PSHA result. The most important one is the slip rate of fault, the second one is mu; the b-value of Characteristic- Earthquake model influence the uncertainty unapparent, but Truncated-Exponential model of regional sources which far away from active fault influence the uncertainty conspicuous. The variation of fault dip also influence uncertainty of PSHA obviously at the end of down-dip fault plane projection surface. The result of PSHA uncertainty analysis could help geo-scientists and earthquake engineers to estimate and judge the parameters more efficiently.
From the deaggregation of PSHA in several metropolis of Taiwan, results show the hazard contributed from each distance and magnitude bin by different return period. The deaggregation could provide information for hazard mitigation while choosing scenario earthquakes. After considering fault activity in PSHA, the PGA level of near-field always exceed 0.4g in 475yr return period, however, it is impossible to reach the proper hazard level without fault source in PSHA especially in long return period. The northern Taiwan is threatened not only an active fault in vicinity, but also subduction plate sources more than what we have known before. Therefore we should pay more attention on subduction zone sources in hazard mitigation of northern Taiwan in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 強地動衰減式
★ 地震防災
★ 參數拆解
★ 不確定性分析
★ 斷層滑移速率
★ 機率式地震危害度分析
★ 活斷層
★ 地理資訊系統
★ 建築法規
關鍵字(英) ★ Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA)
★ slip rate
★ uncertainty analysis
★ deaggregation
★ seismic hazard mitigation
★ Building Code
★ Geographic Information system(GIS)
★ active fault
★ Ground motion attenuation relationship
論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 ii
目錄 iii
圖目 vii
表目 xii
第一章 緒論
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3本文研究流程與範疇 5
第二章 PSHA相關理論
2.1 PSHA理論簡介 8
2.2震源分類與震源模式 8
2.2.1震源分類 8
2.2.2震源模式 9
2.3地震規模的機率分布 12
2.3.1 斷層滑移速率推估 12
2.3.2 截切指數模式 15
2.3.3 特徵地震模式 17
2.4 強地動衰減式超越的條件機率 19
2.5邏輯樹方法-處理參數的不確定性 21
2.6參數拆解分析 26
第三章 台灣震源劃分與參數分析
3.1台灣地體構造簡介 29
3.2區域震源 33
3.2.1 簡介 33
3.2.2 淺層區域震源劃分 33
3.2.3 深層區域震源劃分 38
3.2.4 震源特性參數分析 38
3.3活斷層震源 43
3.3.1 簡介 43
3.3.2 斷層機制與幾何形貌 44
3.3.3 活斷層滑移速率推估 47
3.3.4最大可能地震推估 53
3.4隱沒帶震源 54
3.4.1簡介 54
3.4.2 隱沒帶介面震源地震參數分析 54
3.4.3 隱沒帶內部震源地震參數分析 56
第四章 台灣地區PSHA之不確定性分析
4.1概述 61
4.2邏輯樹架構 61
4.2.1震源模式 61
4.2.2強地動衰減式 63
4.2.3震源深度分析 63
4.2.4震源規模分布模式 64
4.2.5斷層幾何 65
4.3 PSHA分析成果 65
4.4 不確定性分析成果 67
第五章 台灣地區PSHA成果之參數拆解
5.1概述 81
5.2規模參數拆解 81
5.3距離參數拆解 83
5.4衰減式正規化標準差參數拆解 85
5.5主要震源貢獻的拆解 87
5.6各主要都會地區的PSHA參數拆解 87
第六章 討論
6.1 資料處理 106
6.1.1地震目錄 106
6.1.2震源特性參數 107
6.1.3強地動衰減式 110
6.2與國內PSHA研究比較 111
6.3與國外PSHA研究比較 116
6.4 PSHA結果與建築法規 117
6.5邏輯樹與不確定性分析 122
6.6 PSHA參數拆解 123
第七章 結論與建議
7.1結論 126
7.2建議 127
參考文獻 129
附錄A 台灣地區地震目錄分析與統計檢定 142
附錄B 台灣地區區域震源與隱沒帶板塊內部型震源的截切指數模式 163
附錄C 台灣地區活斷層與隱沒帶板塊介面型震源的特徵地震模式 172
附錄D 台灣地區震源的地震次數與深度分佈 181
附錄E 地殼震源的強地動衰減式迴歸 189
附錄F PSHA的敏感度分析 200
附錄圖目 221
附錄表目 225
英文摘要 226
作者簡介 227
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指導教授 李錫堤、蔡義本
(Chyi-Tyi Lee、Yi-Ben Tsai)
審核日期 2003-1-20
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