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姓名 謝翠娟(Tsuey-Jiuan Shieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 制度型信任對消費者上拍賣網站購物意圖之影響
(Consumers' Intention to Shop in Online Auction Markets--The Impact of Institution-Based Trust)
★ 以個案研究法探討機械式組織之資訊系統導入★ 銀行企業內部網路導入TCP/IP通信協定之研究
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摘要(中) 網路拍賣蓬勃發展,營收年年成長。但因買賣雙方無法面對面交易,「信任」成為說服消費者進入這個市場的因素。本研究提出一整合模型,其中包含拍賣網站主要的制度型信任之前因制度。這些制度包括評價分數、購後意見、即時語音溝通、產品資訊、網路櫃員機、隱私政策、資料安全性以及購物保障政策。知覺網際網路安全基礎建設為調節變數。本研究提出制度型信任之前因制度會影響消費者的信任信念,信任的信念會影響消費者上拍賣網站購物的意願。知覺網際網路安全基礎建設會影響制度型信任之前因制度與消費者的信任信念之關係。
摘要(英) Online Auction is proliferating and annual sales grow dramatically. However, due to the characteristic that both parties don’t meet face-to-face in transaction, trust becomes the main concern to convince potential customers to enter this market. This study presents an integrated model and contains main antecedents that may affect consumers’ trust in online auction sites. These mechanisms include rating system, comment system, instant messenger system, product information, Internet ATM, privacy policy, data security and purchase protection policy. Perceived Internet security Infrastructure is the moderator that may affect the relationship between these mechanisms of institution-based trust and trusting belief. Trusting belief is then examined to see if it helps to evoke the purchase intention in online auction markets.
1585 questionnaires were surveyed in Taiwan. 724 samples that have online auction experiences were adopted for data analysis. The research result shows that five antecedents, namely rating system, instant messenger system, privacy/security, purchase protection policy and Internet ATM, have significant impacts on trusting belief. Trusting belief will lead to purchase intention. Perceived Internet security infrastructure will affect the relationship between institution-based trust mechanisms and consumers’ trusting belief of online auction markets.
關鍵字(中) ★ 購後意見
★ 網路櫃員機
★ 知覺網際網路安全基礎建設
★ 評價分數
★ 網路拍賣
關鍵字(英) ★ perceived Internet security infrastructure
★ online auction
★ rating system
★ Internet ATM
★ comment system
論文目次 Chapter I: Introduction
1.1 Research Background·······················1
1.2 Research Motivation·······················2
1.3 Research Purposes·························3
1.4 Dissertation Structure····················4
Chapter II: Literature Review
2.1 Online Auction Markets····················6
2.2 Types of Trust····························7
2.3 Introduction of Institution-Based Trust···8
2.3.1 Antecedent: Structural Assurance········9
2.3.2 Antecedent: Situational Normality······10
2.4 Researches in Institution-Based Trust····10
2.5 Scopes of Trust··························13
2.5.1 Trust Concept··························13
2.5.2 Dimensions of Trust····················14
2.5.3 Integrated Model of e-Commerce Trust···16
2.6 Internet Infrastructure··················16
2.7 Research of Online Auction Mechanisms····20
2.8 Online Auction Overall Variables &
Trust Research···························24
Chapter III: Research Design and Method
3.1 Research Model···························26
3.2 Research Hypotheses and Definitions of
3.3 Questionnaire Design·····················36
3.3.1 Measurement of Constructs··············37
3.3.2 Operational Definitions of Variables···39
3.3.3 Scale Standard·························41
3.4 Sample···································41
3.5 Validity·································41
3.6 Reliability······························42
3.7 Data Analysis Tools······················42
Chapter IV: Data Analysis
4.1 Sample Background Information and
Frequency Distribution···················43
4.1.1 Sample Background Information··········43
4.1.2 Frequency Distribution·················44
4.2 Examination of Validity and Reliability··53
4.2.1 Convergent Validity····················53 Institution-Based Trust Antecedents··54 Trusting Belief······················56 Purchase Intention···················57 Perceived Internet Security
4.2.2 Discriminant Validity··················59
4.2.3 Reliability····························60
4.3 Hypotheses Testing·······················61
4.3.1 Examination of Antecedents of
Institution-Based Trust to Trusting
4.3.2 Examination of Trusting Belief to
Purchase Intention·····················63
4.4 Examinations of Moderating Effects·······65
4.4.1 Perceived Internet Security
Infrastructure—Group High·············66
4.4.2 Perceived Internet Security
Infrastructure—Group Low··············67
4.5 Research Findings························70
Chapter V: Conclusions and Suggestions
5.1 Conclusions······························74
5.2 Contributions and Suggestions··········· 75
5.2.1 To Researchers·························75
5.2.2 To Practitioners·······················75
5.3 Research Limitations·····················77
5.4 Future Study·····························80
English References···························82
Web Sites····································87
Appendix I: English Questionnaire············89
Appendix II: Chinese Questionnaire···········95
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指導教授 范懿文(Yi-Wen Fan) 審核日期 2006-7-23
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