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姓名 陳德齡(De-Lin Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
論文名稱 Filming Taiwan Alternatively:A Study of the Boundaries Blurred by the Cinematic Representations in Floating Islands
★ 溫泉空間,體熱邊緣:論男同性戀於「公共」溫泉空間之個人化「私密」情/慾活動★ 微乎其微:魏瑛娟近年作品與後小劇場運動
★ 台灣90年代小劇場的性多元再現★ 醫療劇場:聖歐嵐變相實錄(1990-1993)--身體/認同之越界與互涉
★ 台灣小劇場的身體論述,1986-1999★ 演譯性/別:台灣現代戲劇的跨文化改編,1990-
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摘要(中) 本研究除了以傳統文本分析的方式,對<流離島影>中最具爭議性的三部影片,<南之島之男之島>,<03:04>,<噤聲三角>做美學上的討論之外,也特別針對導演與觀眾在影片放映後的座談,做長時間的觀察與紀錄。在與幾位導演的訪談中,我發現這群獨立製片導演,以高度自覺及誠實的態度,承認紀錄片的表演姿態,就如同他們在影片中所做的任何表演一般,絕對是有觀點、立場與意義的,有趣的是,如此對影像美學的追求,正好與2000年西方紀錄片理論,所謂Performative Documentary的創作類型接軌。
這群導演們在座談會中,藉由與觀眾的互動,將紀錄片的複雜多樣,慢慢經由彼此的辯論或質疑,重新定義。我發現這個企圖心旺盛的影像創作活動,不僅不將觀眾放在一個被動的位置,反而將放映活動與影片意義建構間的親密關係,清楚的拉上檯面,藉以重新提問,在繼台灣新電影,及以民眾紀錄片(People Documentary)為主的人文寫實主義風格之後,紀錄片的紀實風格,如何與自我的創作能量達到平衡? 而這群影像工作者,在同時受到人文寫實主義傳統的洗禮後,又如何能重新書寫他們與紀錄片創作的微妙關係,是我論文中另一個探討的重點。
摘要(英) There has been a consensus among local film critics that Taiwan’’s independent filmmakings, especially those of the documentary productions, flourish from the late 1980s or even earlier to the present. The reason for this current of documentary filmmaking is commonly attributed to the lift of the forty-year decree of martial law in 1987. The independent filmmakers, discouraged by the long-term ignorance of their works by the existing system, start to bypass the traditional routes of distribution and band together to screen and produce their own films. One of the examples is the project of Floating Islands. Floating Islands, Islands in Taiwan’’s Stream: Twelve Visions of Paradise Lost (流離島影), taken to be the largest plan of documentary filmmaking to be seen in Taiwan, has made itself a legend in Taiwan’’s film history up till today.
   My task here is to probe into a more sophisticated relationship between the director and the filmed subject in the aesthetic innovation alternatively made in the project of Floating Islands. How should these stylistic changes be conceived, as gradual or abrupt in Taiwanese documentary history? Did they evolve an alternative style which internally or temptingly struggles against the opposing tendencies? After acknowledging the aesthetic innovation made in this documentary project, I will further question how to detect the political connotation of this geographical re-mapping of these twelve isles. Based on these concerns, the objective of my task aims to examine the crisis of documentary representation in Taiwan.
I shall illustrate the crisis by a critical reading of the aesthetic evolution of Taiwan’’s documentary of which the cinematic representation serves to mirror the social reality at various historical junctures. Hence, my argument involves questions of these canonized formations of documentary. I will also bring up the theoretical application of documentary practice in the west up to date especially focusing on the aesthetic theory in the 1990s. It is not my intention to "downplay" the theory of Taiwan’’s documentary since the theoretical advocacy in Taiwan’’s documentary remains underdeveloped. Meanwhile, the application of the western theories especially that of the notion of "performative documentary," which I will explain later, to Floating Islands indicates the concurrence of these two practices.
I also want to emphasize the significance of the post-screening discussions held in the screening tour of Floating Islands. My observation shows that the dialogues between the directors and the audience in the discussions pinpoint the participant role of the audience who are invited to join the generation of the meaning of the film text. It is worth noting that these directors choose to perform themselves with the film text in the discussions with the audience. This interactive process helps to reconceptualize the discursive space of defining documentary.
   My argument is that the discursive strategies of Floating Islands, the directors’’ self-reflexive attitude toward the filmed referent and their joining the post-screening discussion with the audience complicate the relationship between the historical discourse and the real events. The shooting process of Floating Islands, therefore, should be taken into consideration to our discussion, and can be regarded as a counter-narrative of the national discourse against the tradition of humanistic realism inherited from the New Taiwan Cinema movement (台灣新電影運動) of the 1980s.
關鍵字(中) ★ 民眾紀錄片
★ 流離島影
★ 紀錄片
★ 台灣新電影
關鍵字(英) ★ New Taiwan Cinema Movement
★ performative documentary
★ documentary
★ People Pocumentary
★ Floating Islands
論文目次 Introduction
Chapter 1
From Documentary Performed to Performing Documentary:
A Historical and Theoretical Overview            
Chapter 2
The Textual Analyses of Three Exemplary Films:
The Paradise Islands, 03:04 and Silen Delta
Chapter 3
Floating Islands and its Alternative Voice
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Interviews and Post-Screening Discussions:
Chien, Wei-Ssu (簡偉斯), Chu Hsien-jer (朱哲賢), and Huang Ting-fu (黃庭輔).
Post-screening Discussions of Floating Islands. Oscar Theater, Taipei. Pm 8:15~9:00 on 5 November. 2000.
Chu Hsien-jer (朱賢哲), Huang Ting-fu (黃庭輔), Chou Mei-ling (周美玲), Shen Ko-shang (沈可尚), Chen Singing (陳芯宜), Lee Chih-Chiang (李志薔), and Jimmy Wu (吳介民). A forum held in the Floating Islands’’ Festival at the National Central University. Film Studies Center at NCU, Chungli. Pm 6:30~9:30 on 10 May. 2001.
Huang, Ting-fu. Address in the Press Conference of Floating Islands’’ image Book. Eslite Tunnan Bookstores, Taipei. 21 February. 2001.
---------. "Explore the seemingly erotic world: Interview with Modeling Taiwan’’s Director-- Huang Ting-fu." (直接切入肉身議題,探索看似充滿情慾的世界 ──專訪紀錄片<台灣魔朵>導演黃庭輔) 15 October. 2000
Lee, Mongzhe (李孟哲). Personal Interview. Taipei. Pm 1:00~3:00 on 24 February. 2001.
Shen, Ko-shang and Chou Mei-ling. Post-screening Discussions of Floating Islands. Oscar Theater, Taipei. 6 November. 2000.
Shen, Ko-shang, and Chou Mei-ling. Personal Interview. 9 December. 2000.
Shen, Ko-shang, Chou Mei-ling, and Kuo Chen-ti (郭珍弟). Post-screening Discussions of Floating Islands. Hsinchu Municipal Image Museum, (新竹影像博物館) Hsinchu. 9 December. 2000.
指導教授 周慧玲(Hui-ling Chou) 審核日期 2002-1-21
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