博碩士論文 87322012 詳細資訊

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姓名 彭柏翰(Bo-Han Po)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 花蓮溪安山岩含量之悲極效應研究
(Study on the pessimum effect of andesite content in the Hua-Lien River)
★ 層狀岩盤之承載力★ 海岸山脈安山岩之鹼-骨材反應特性及抑制方法
★ 集集大地震罹難者居住建築物特性調查分析★ 岩石三軸室應變量測改進
★ 傾斜互層地層之承載力分析★ 花蓮溪安山岩骨材之鹼反應行為及抑制方法
★ 混成岩模型試體製作與體積比量測★ 台灣骨材鹼反應潛能資料庫建置
★ 平台式掃描器在影像擷取及長度量測之應用★ 溫度及鹽水濃度對壓實膨潤土回脹性質之影響
★ 鹼骨材反應引致之破裂行為★ 巨觀等向性混成岩製作表面影像與力學性質
★ 膨潤土與花崗岩碎石混合材料之熱傳導係數★ 邊坡上基礎承載力之數值分析
★ 鹼-骨材反應引致裂縫之量測與分析★ 熱探針連續量測法應用於緩衝材料熱傳導係數之量測與分析
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摘要(中) 本文針對花蓮溪河川骨材進行岩種辨別及各岩種所佔比例計算,發現除了含大理岩、石英脈、燧石、片岩等岩種,尚含有具鹼反應性之安山岩 (約4.6%) 存在。就此情形本研究再針對花蓮港北岸疑似具鹼-骨材反應裂化之波消溾進行鑽心取樣,並就鑽心試體進行骨材種類辨別及統計,結果發現所得之岩石種類和比例皆與花蓮港溪之骨材相似。花蓮地區之砂石來源主要由花蓮溪及木瓜溪河川骨材所供應,兩河川砂石骨材種類大致相同,惟花蓮溪骨材具少量安山岩出現,而木瓜溪則否,故花蓮港北岸之消波塊骨材來源可能取自花蓮溪,而花蓮溪骨材有導致鹼-骨材反應的潛能。因此本文針對花蓮溪骨材,利用調整鹼含量及安山岩含量的方式,進行ASTM C 227水泥砂漿棒試驗、ASTM C 1293混凝土角柱試驗,探討安山岩在花蓮溪骨材鹼-矽反應過程中,所產生的悲極效應 (pessimum effect) 及膨脹行為。
根據研究結果,發現改變水泥砂漿棒中的鹼含量及安山岩骨材含量等參數時,可發生悲極效應的現象,並且安山岩骨材之悲極比例 (pessimum proportion) 將會隨著水泥鹼含量的增加而增加。另外,就研究顯示,花蓮溪骨材中的安山岩含量對膨脹量影響甚鉅,只要微量增加安山岩含量,即可令花蓮溪骨材之膨脹量大幅成長。因此雖然安山岩骨材在花蓮溪骨材中所佔比例不多,但對於整體花蓮溪骨材之鹼-骨材反應性具有關鍵之影響,故安山岩在花蓮溪骨材中所產生的悲極效應問題不可不注意。
摘要(英) Rocks identifying and counting were carried out to aim to the aggregates in the Hua-Lein River in this paper. The results were showed that besides marble, quartz vein, chert and schist, a few reactive andesite (about 4.6%) exist in the Hua-Lein River. At this point, the study cored the concrete blocks that were suspected to the potential for alkali-aggregate reaction and at the north coast in the Hua-Lein Port. Also, aim to these cores distinguishing the kinds of aggregates and counting the rocks was carried out. It was found that whatever the kinds of rocks and the proportion of rocks were the same as the aggregates in the Hua-Lein River. In Hua-Lein area, the supplied of aggregates are mainly from the Hua-Lein River and the Mu-Gua River. The aggregates in the Hua-Lein River and the Mu-Gua River are the same in substance, but andesites existing in the Hua-Lein River are only the difference between the two rivers. Hence, the aggregates in the concrete blocks that are at the north coast in the Hua-Lein Port possibly were from the Hua-Lein River, and the aggregates have the potential for alkali-aggregate reaction. Therefore, the alkali content and the andesite content were changed in the mortar bar test (ASTM C227) and the concrete prism test (ASTM C1293) to study the pessimum effect and expansion behavior of andesite in the Hua-Lein River aggregates in this paper.
The results were showed that when the alkali content and the andesite content were changed in the mortar bars, the pessimum effect would occur and the pessimum proportion of andesite would increase with the alkali content of cement. Besides, the andesites content have great influence on expansion. Only a few andesites it would produce great expansion. Thus, the andesitic aggregates have a great effect upon all the Hua-Lein River aggregate even though there are a few andesites.in the Hua-Lein River. According to all of the above, the pessimum effect of andesites in the Hua-Lein River aggregates must be careful.
關鍵字(中) ★ 悲極值
★ 悲極效應
★ 鹼-骨材反應
★ 悲極比例
★ 安山岩
關鍵字(英) ★ pessimum proportion
★ pessimum value
★ pessimum effect
★ alkali-aggregate reaction
★ andesite
論文目次 摘 要
目 錄
圖 目
表 目
照 片
第一章 緒論
1-1 研究動機與目的1
1-3 論文架構3
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 混凝土裂化之原因7
2-2 鹼-骨材反應 (Alkali-Aggregate Reaction;AAR)10
2-3 鹼-骨材反應的分類11
2-3-1 鹼-氧化矽反應 (Alkali-Silica Reaction;ASR)11
2-3-2 鹼-碳酸鹽反應 (Alkali-Carbonate Reaction;ACR)11
2-3-3 鹼-矽酸鹽反應 (Alkali-Silicate Reaction)12
2-4 鹼-骨材反應的症狀13
2-4-1 外觀方面13
2-4-2 內部方面14
2-4-3 反應圈14
2-6-1 骨材的種類23
2-6-2 孔隙溶液的影響26
2-6-3 鹼的影響26
2-6-4 水的影響29
2-6-5 所處環境的溫度30
2-6-6 水灰比的高低31
2-6-7 孔隙率的多寡31
2-6-8 附加劑的影響31
2-6-9 膠體的性質32
2-7悲極效應 (PESSIMUM EFFECT) 簡介33
2-8-1 反應性骨材含量36
2-8-2 骨材粒徑37
2-8-3 鹼量42
2-8-4 不同波索蘭材料添加量45
2-9 悲極效應對鹼-骨材反應之重要性49
2-9-2 ASTM C227與ASTM C1260試驗對悲極效應試驗之比較53
2-10 鹼-骨材反應之改善與維修方法54
第三章 實驗計畫與方法
3-1 實驗規劃57
3-2 試驗材料58
3-3 試驗儀器及設備62
3-4 實驗方法及步驟66
3-4-1 鹼-骨材反應潛能之水泥砂漿棒試驗(ASTM C227 Mortar bar test)66
3-4-1-1 儀器與條件67
3-4-1-2 試驗步驟68
3-4-1-3 花蓮溪安山岩置換花蓮溪 (挑除安山岩) 骨材試驗72
3-4-2 鹼-骨材反應潛能之加速水泥砂漿棒試驗 (ASTM C1260 Accelerated mortar bar test)73
3-4-2-1 儀器與條件74
3-4-2-2 試驗步驟75
3-4-2-3 不同配比試驗78
3-4-3 混凝土角柱膨脹試驗法 (ASTM C 1293 Concrete prism test)79
3-4-3-2 試驗步驟80
3-4-3-3 試驗條件82
3-4-4 鹼-骨材反應潛能之修改加速水泥砂漿棒試驗82
第四章 實驗結果與分析
4-1-1 台九線現地調查84
4-2 不同鹼含量對花蓮溪骨材之影響89
4-2-1 加速水泥砂漿棒試驗 (ASTM C 1260)89
4-2-2 水泥砂漿棒膨脹試驗 (ASTM C 227)94
4-2-3 混凝土角柱試驗 (ASTM C 1293)104
4-2-4 綜合討論107
4-3 花蓮溪安山岩之反應性探討108
4-3-1 加速水泥砂漿棒試驗 (ASTM C 1260)109
4-3-2 水泥砂漿棒膨脹試驗 (ASTM C 227)109
4-3-3 混凝土角柱試驗 (ASTM C 1293)113
4-3-4 綜合討論115
4-3-5 安山岩之悲極效應 (pessimum effect)115
4-4 花蓮溪骨材置換不同比例安山岩之悲極效應118
4-4-1 水泥砂漿棒膨脹試驗 (ASTM C 227)118
4-4-2 混凝土角柱試驗 (ASTM C 1293)128
4-4-3 加速水泥砂漿棒試驗 (ASTM C 1260)135
4-4-4 修正ASTM C 1260加速水泥砂漿棒試驗141
4-4-5 綜合討論145
4-5 安山岩對花蓮溪骨材鹼-骨材反應影響147
第五章 結論與建議
5-1 結論155
5-2 建議158
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指導教授 田永銘(Yong-Ming Tien) 審核日期 2000-7-19
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