摘要(英) |
LRT (Light Rail Transit) is part of Medium Capacity Transport System suit developing city, and many advantageous positions such as low cost, enviroenvironment protective, low noise, is a potential transit system . Except consider the type of station ,the right of way and adaptability on LRT for introducting LRT into Taiwan, on the side, has to choise the applicabl signal control system.
The main object of this research was to develop LRT signal control system for independent intersection. Using flexible signal control to lower the delay when LRT crossing the intersection. There are three proposals, including fixed-phase signal, fixed-cycle time signal and non- fixed-cycle time signal.This research using Borland C language to solve thses Mathematical Programming Models. Comparing the effects of these proposals, chosing the most effective one .
This research use a case study of applying LRT signal control in Hsin Chu, input data about the real intersection, and analyzing the output to judge which proposal is the optimu, and induce conclusions and propositions to be applied in real intersection. |
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