博碩士論文 87322062 詳細資訊

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姓名 游明縑(Ming-Qian You)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 不同試驗方法對黏土壓縮與壓密性質之影響
★ 土壤液化評估模式之不確定性★ 廣域山崩之統計與最佳化分析-以莫拉克風災小林村鄰近地區為例
★ 砂土中模型基樁之單向反覆軸向載重試驗★ 邊坡穩定分析方法之不確定性
★ 台北盆地黏性土壤不排水剪力強度之研究★ 土壤液化引致地盤永久位移之研究
★ 台北盆地地盤放大特性之研究★ 水力回填煤灰之動態特性
★ 全機率土壤液化分析法★ 黏土壓縮與壓密行為之研究
★ 集集地震液化土之穩態強度★ 現地土壤之液化強度與震陷特性
★ 地震規模修正因子之探討★ 鯉魚潭水庫大壩受震反應分析
★ 全機率土壤液化評估法之研究★ 基樁軸向承載之依時行為
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摘要(中) 本研究針對各種黏性土壤進行一系列室內壓密試驗,探討不同應
為發展尚未穩定所致,但若利用Mesri 之c C Ca 為常數之觀念,則可
線性關係,而c C Ca 及壓密係數則隨塑性指數變化, k C 與初始孔隙比
摘要(英) This research conducted a series of consolidation tests on clays with
different plasticity index. Its purpose is to investigate the compression
and consolidation behavior under different loading duration, loading
increment and sample disturbance and the differences with that from
standard consolidation test. Test results show that the compression and
consolidation parameters of short loading duration test are close to those
from standard test except for the secondary consolidation coefficient. It
was found that short loading duration test can replace the standard test in
reducing long testing time for low plasticity clay.
Statistical correlations of the compression and consolidation
parameters with physical index of clay are established for alluvial clays
based on the test results and data from paper reviews. The compression
and consolidation parameters have good linear correlation with initial
void ratio, natural water content, and liquid limit of clay. Furthermore,
variations of Cá/Cc and cv with plasticity, and Ck with initial void ratio are
presented. The differences of the methods in determining parameters are
also compared and discussed. The research results provide a helpful guide
to select test procedure and parameters for consolidation and settlementanalysis of clay.
關鍵字(中) ★ 單向度壓密試驗
★ 壓縮指數
★ 二次壓縮指數
★ 壓密係數
關鍵字(英) ★ Oedometer Test
★ Compression Index
★ Secondary Compression
論文目次 中文摘要.........................................................................................Ⅰ
1-1 研究動機及目的.......................................................................... 1
1-2 研究流程...................................................................................... 1
1-3 論文內容...................................................................................... 2
2-1 黏土壓縮與壓密性質................................................................... 4
2-2 預壓密應力.................................................................................. 5
2-2-1 預壓密應力之決定方法................................................... 6
(A)Casagrande 法......................................................................... 6
(B)Schmertmann 法...................................................................... 7
(C)Holtz & Kovacs 法.................................................................. 9
(D)單位體積應變能法(Onitsuka 法)..........................................10
2-2-2 影響決定預壓密應力之因素............................................13
2-3 壓縮指數與再壓指數..................................................................16
2-4 壓縮係數.....................................................................................20
2-5 體積壓縮係數.............................................................................20
2-6 壓密係數.....................................................................................22
2-6-1 垂直向壓密係數.............................................................22
(A)Casagrande 對數時間調整法.................................................22
(B)Taylor 平方根時間調整法......................................................23
(C) Sridharan 法..........................................................................25
(D)Robinson 法...........................................................................27
2-6-2 各種壓密係數決定法之綜合評述.....................................28
2-6-3 影響垂直向壓密係數之因素............................................31
2-6-4 水平向壓密係數...............................................................33
2-7 二次壓縮行為.............................................................................33
2-7-1 二次壓縮沉陷...................................................................33
2-7-2 二次壓縮指數...................................................................35
2-7-3 影響二次壓縮之因素.......................................................37
3-1 不同試驗方法及程序..................................................................41
3-2 標準單向度壓密試驗..................................................................42
3-3 短應力延時壓密試驗..................................................................48
3-4 小應力增量比壓密試驗..............................................................49
3-5 嚴重擾動土樣壓密試驗..............................................................50
3-6 長應力延時壓密試驗..................................................................51
4-1 不同試驗方法與程序之參數整理...............................................53
4-1-1 壓縮參數..........................................................................53
4-1-2 壓密參數..........................................................................74
4-2 不同種類土壤之參數整理..........................................................88
4-2-1 壓縮參數..........................................................................89
4-2-2 壓密參數........................................................................108
(B)滲透係數............................................................................. 112
5-1 結論........................................................................................... 114
5-1-1 不同試驗方法與標準單向度壓密試驗之比較................. 114
(A)短應力延時試驗.................................................................. 114
(B)嚴重擾動土樣試驗.............................................................. 115
(C)小應力增量比試驗.............................................................. 115
(D)長應力延時壓密試驗.......................................................... 116
5-1-2 不同性質土樣之試驗結論............................................... 117
(A)壓縮指數與再壓指數...................................................... 117
(B)二次壓縮指數.................................................................... 117
(C)壓密係數........................................................................... 118
(D)滲透係數............................................................................. 118
5-2 建議........................................................................................... 118
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指導教授 黃俊鴻(Jing-Hung Hwang) 審核日期 2000-7-7
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