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姓名 張君偉(Jiun-Wei Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 水洗前處理與添加劑對都市垃圾焚化飛灰燒結特性的影響
(The Effects of Water Washing Pre-treatment and Additives on the Sintering Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Fly Ash)
★ 半導體業化學機械研磨殘液及盛裝容器資源化再利用可行性評估★ 電子產業廢錫鉛銲材渣資源化操作條件探討
★ 台灣南部海域溢油動態資料庫-應用於海洋污染事故應變模擬分析★ 都市廢棄物固態發酵高溫產氫之研究
★ 以印刷電路板鍍銅水平製程探討晶膜現象衍生之銅層斷裂★ Thermite反應熔融處理都市垃圾焚化飛灰之研究
★ 焚化飛灰與下水污泥灰共熔之操作特性 與卜作嵐材料特性之研究★ 廢棄物衍生Thermite 熔融劑之研究
★ 廢棄物衍生Thermite熔融劑處理焚化飛灰-反應機制及重金屬移行之研究★ 廢棄物鋁熱反應熔融處理焚化飛灰-熔渣基本特性研究
★ 廢鑄砂及石材污泥取代水泥生料之研究★ 廢棄物衍生Thermite熔融劑處理焚化飛灰熔融物質回收之研究
★ 廢棄物衍生鋁熱熔融劑處理鉻污泥★ 廢棄物衍生鋁熱熔融劑處理不鏽鋼集塵灰
★ 濕式冶煉鉻污泥配置廢棄物衍生鋁熱熔融劑回收鉻金屬之研究★ 下水污泥焚化灰渣燒成輕質骨材特性之研究
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摘要(中) 實驗結果顯示,重金屬的揮發與金屬存在形態和燒結效果有關。飛灰經水洗前處理後可去除灰中90%以上的Cl,40%Na、K以及20%左右Ca和S。經水洗去除氯鹽後,可避免重金屬形成易揮發之金屬氯化物,降低Cd、Pb於低溫時(800℃)的揮發性。高溫下(900-1000℃),受水洗程序將低熔點鹽類去除的影響,使試體不易產生液相包覆效果,導致Cd、Pb的揮發率反較原灰為高,但對Cu、Zn、Cr等不易揮發的金屬則影響不大。水洗灰在添加含矽氧物質調質後,可減少重金屬於高溫燒結時的揮發,並增加重金屬形成穩定礦物相的可能。但原灰添加矽氧後,受矽氧易與氯鹽競爭陽離子(Na、K、Ca)的影響,會釋放出大量自由氯,增加了試體中重金屬的揮發,尤其對重金屬Cu、Zn揮發的增加最為顯著。
摘要(英) The results indicate that the evaporation of heavy metals in fly ash depends on the volatility of heavy metals and/or their compounds, the presence of chlorides, low melting components, and silica oxides. A water washing process at a liquid to solid ratio of 1:100 removed approximately more than 90% chloride ions, 40% Na and K, and about 20% Ca and S from the fly ash.
The washing process removed most of the soluble chlorides necessary for heavy metals to form volatile metallic chlorides, thus decreasing the evaporation of volatile Cd and Pb at 600-800℃. However, this process also removed the low melting point components which work to immobilize heavy metals during heating, thereby resulting in increasing evaporation of Cd and Pb againe at 800-1000℃. With respect to the medium to low volatile heavy metals such as Zn, Cu and Cr, no significant effects were noted on their evaporization caused by the washing process.
The addition of Silica in washed ash reduced the volatilization of heavy metals during sintering process by forming inert mineral phases. On the other hand, the presence of silica in raw fly ash samples enhanced the ability of chlorides (NaCl, KCl, CaCl2) to release chlorine by forming silicates. The available Cl then attacked the heavy metal oxides to form metallic chlorides and increased heavy metal volatilization, especially for Cu and Zn.
The results also indicates that the leaching of heavy metals were related to the fractions bound to carbonates and exchangeable cations. A washing step can significantly decrease the heavy metals located in the above fractions, thus decreasing the Cd, Pb, and Zn concentration in the TCLP leachate of the sintered ash. Heating the washed fly ash at 600-800℃ increased the Cr fraction bound to the readily exchangeable cations as the Cr was converted into soluble K2CrO4, whereas heating the washed ash at 800-1000℃resulted in the formation of Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3 and (Fe,Mg)(CrFe)2O4, thereby decreasing the Cr concentrations in the TCLP leachate.
The SiO2-containing additives were also found to have enhanced the formation of insoluble silicates and thus the Cd, Zn, and Cr leaching concentration. The additives were also found to have improved the decreased compressive strength and soundness of the washed-ash monoliths caused by the washing process.
關鍵字(中) ★ 添加劑
★ 水洗前處理
★ 燒結
★ 都市垃圾焚化飛灰
★ 重金屬
★ 矽氧
關鍵字(英) ★ Additive
★ Water washing pre-treatment
★ Sintering
★ MSWI fly ash
★ Heavy metal
★ Silica
論文目次 第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究源起 1
1-2 研究內容 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 都市垃圾焚化飛灰 4
2-1-1 產源與產量 4
2-1-2 飛灰之物化特性 5
2-1-3 飛灰之化學組成 6
2-1-4 飛灰之溶出特性及危害性 15
2-2 燒結原理 18
2-2-1 基本原理 18
2-2-2 燒結的驅動力 18
2-2-3 燒結過程 19
2-2-4 燒結過程中的物化變化 23
2-2-5 影響燒結的因子 25
2-3 成份對燒結特性的影響 26
2-3-1 矽氧原料對燒結特性的影響 26
2-3-2 Al2O3對燒結特性的影響 27
2-3-3 鹼金族、鹼土族化合物對燒結特性的影響 28
2-3-4 氯化物對燒結特性的影響 29
2-3-5 硫酸鹽類對燒結特性的影響 30
2-4 飛灰中重金屬之熱處理特性 31
2-4-1 熱處理過程中重金屬之揮發 32
2-4-2 熱處理過程中重金屬之穩定化機制 34
2-5 焚化飛灰燒結研究之趨勢 36
第三章 實驗材料與方法 38
3-1 實驗流程 38
3-2 實驗配置 41
3-2-1 水洗灰燒結特性試驗 41
3-2-2 水洗飛灰調質燒結試驗 41
3-3 實驗材料與方法 43
3-3-1 實驗材料 43
3-3-2 研究設備 45
3-4 實驗操作 47
3-4-1 前處理 47
3-4-2 加壓成形階段 48
3-4-3 燒結操作 48
3-5 實驗分析 50
第四章 結果與討論 59
4-1 焚化飛灰基本特性分析 59
4-1-1 物理性質 59
4-1-2 化學組成 60
4-1-3 原飛灰之物種形態 61
4-1-4 飛灰之毒性特性溶出試驗 65
4-2 都市垃圾焚化飛灰水洗特性 66
4-2-1 水洗液之特性分析 67
4-2-2 水洗灰之基本特性分析 69
4-2-3 水洗灰之物種變化 71
4-2-4 水洗灰之溶出特性 73
4-3 灰中易溶性成份對燒結特性的影響 74
4-3-1 試體中重金屬之回收方式 74
4-3-2 水洗飛灰燒結過程中重金屬分布特性 76
4-3-3 燒結體重金屬在各萃取相中之分布 84
4-3-4 燒結體重金屬毒性特性溶出試驗 94
4-3-5 試體之微結構與材料特性 104
4-4 添加矽氧調質對燒結特性的影響 109
4-4-1 添加矽氧對原飛灰燒結過程中重金屬分布的影響 109
4-4-2 添加矽氧對水洗飛灰於燒結過程中重金屬分布的影響 113
4-4-3 添加矽氧對燒結體中重金屬在各萃取相分布的影響 116
4-4-4 添加矽氧對燒後燒結體之毒性特性溶出試驗 120
4-4-5 添加矽氧對試體之微結構與材料特性的影響 127
4-5 其他矽質材料對原飛灰、水洗灰燒結特性的影響 132
4-5-1 下水污泥灰之基本特性 132
4-5-2 添加高嶺土與下水污泥灰於燒結過程中對重金屬揮發的影響 133
4-5-3 添加高嶺土與下水污泥灰對試體溶出特性的影響 136
4-5-4 添加高嶺土與下水污泥灰對試體抗壓強度與健性的影響 138
4-6 綜合評估 141
4-6-1 溶出影響因子 141
4-6-2 強度影響因子 147
第五章 結論與建議 149
5-1 結論 149
5-2 建議 152
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指導教授 王鯤生(Kuen-Sheng Wang) 審核日期 2000-6-29
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