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姓名 王紋璋(Wen-Chang Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 數學系
論文名稱 利用兄弟數據之多點遺傳連鎖分析方法
(A Monte Carlo Method for Linkage Analysis with Sibship Genotype Data)
★ 用Pfam-A建議BLAST之計分表(Scoring Matrix)與空格罰分(Gap Penality)★ Motif長度未知之貝氏多重序列比對方法
★ 現狀家庭數據在相關伽瑪致病傾向模型之無母數估計★ 伯氏先驗分布在貝氏存活分析 與貝氏遞升迴歸的應用
★ 半母數混合模型估計的一致性及其應用★ 隨機右設限數據之風險率的貝氏估計方法
★ 利用Bernstein多項式來研究二元迴歸★ 從傳染病家庭資料估計與時間相關的傳佈參數
★ 連續型變數之記數過程在傳染病資料上之應用★ 數據依賴誤差之階梯函數迴歸的貝氏方法
★ 由伯氏多項式對形狀限制的回歸函數定義最大概似估計量
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摘要(英) We propose a new Monte Carlo approach to the problem of calculating the conditional
probability of inheritance patterns given sibship genotype data in multipoint linkage analysis.
By limiting the study to sibships, we hope to have a linkage analysis method that can
incorporate general crossover process model and can be used to examine the issue of genetic
interference in the context of linkage studies. This thesis is separated into three parts.
In Part I, we introduce the new Monte Carlo approach of multipoint linkage analysis. Our
approach is mainly an application of importance sampling method. The crossover distribution
used in this approach is estimated from the CEPH and Icelandic family genotype data.
Estimation of this crossover distribution is described in Part III. To make the computation
efficient, we show that the calculation of the probability of legal ordered parental genotype
given sibship genotype and inheritance patterns can be carried out quickly by a
straight-forward classification of inheritance patterns. To evaluate the performance of our
method, we compare the performance of our method with that of GENEHUNTER in terms of
the accuracy in calculating the conditional probability of IBD sharing for sib-pairs in CEPH
families given the sibship genotype on chromosome 19.
In Part II, we deal with the set of legal inheritance vectors for a sibship at one marker. We
classify the sibships according to the genotype of the sibs into 9 classes, and list explicitly the
set of legal inheritance vectors for each class. Because an inheritance pattern is legal at
several markers if it is legal at everyone of these markers, results in Part II can be extended
directly to the set of legal inheritance patterns for many markers. We use the result to reduce
the time and memory needed in our Monte Carlo approach in Part I.
In Part III, we provide a nonparametric estimate of the crossover distribution on the basis
of the CEPH family genotype data, the Icelandic family genotype data, and the order of the
markers where genotype data are taken. The only assumption employed in this approach is
that, in one meiosis, there is at most one crossover point between markers close enough to
each other. This estimated crossover distribution can be used in multipoint linkage analysis
without the assumption of no interference.
關鍵字(中) ★ 遺傳連鎖分析
★ 兄弟數據
關鍵字(英) ★ Monte Carlo method
★ multipoint linkage analysis
★ sibship genotype data
論文目次 Part I
A Monte Carlo Method for Linkage Analysis with Sibship Genotype Data
Introduction 2
Material and Methods 5
Calculate P(v,g) 5
Calculate P(g) 7
Calculate Linkage Statistics 8
Results 10
Discussion 12
Appendix 13
References 16
Tables 20
Part II
The Set of Legal Inheritance Vectors for a Sibship
Introduction 23
Material and Methods 24
Appendix 28
References 33
Tables 34
Part III
Nonparametric Estimate of the Distribution of Crossover Points for Meioses in the CEPH and Icelandic Families
Introduction 45
Material and Methods 46
Genotype Data 46
Reconstruction of the Crossover Points 47
Estimation Procedure 50
Results 52
Reconstruction of Crossover Points for Chromosome 19 52
Appendix 53
References 54
Tables 56
Figures 58
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指導教授 張憶壽、熊昭
(I-Shou Chang、Chao A. Hsiung)
審核日期 2003-12-29
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