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姓名 郭宗皓(Chung-Hao Kuo )  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務管理研究所
論文名稱 新股承銷價低估及期初異常報酬與續後現金增資關係研究--以台灣股市實證--
(An empirical relation between IPO underpricing , initial abnormal return and subsequent equity offerings)
★ 創投型態與被投資公司 公開上市上櫃後績效之研究★ 台灣金融控股公司市場風險資本配置之研究
★ 美式重設認購權證評價與蒙地卡羅方法★ 我國證券業資本計提與壓力測試
★ 隨機利率下確定給付退休基金保證價值之評估 Valuation of Pension Benefit Guaranty under Stochastic Interest Rate★ 考慮財務操作與合併報表後之財務危機預警模式
★ 股價異常報酬與分析師盈餘預測修正、可操控應計項目及會計資訊之關連性★ 巨災債券及退休金保險之選擇權評價研究
★ 保證給付變額壽險之選擇權評價分析★ 蒙地卡羅模擬法於衍生性金融商品評價之應用
★ 子公司操作母公司股票:操作行為,宣告效果與內部人交易★ 價格極端波動下之謹慎保證金政策
★ 存款保險與資本規範★ 存款保險及經理人股票選擇權之風險行為研究
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摘要(中) 國內、外的新上市股票皆有異常報酬率,許多學者認為此現象可歸因於承銷價格被低估所致,Allen&Faulhaber(1989)、Welch(1989)、Grinblatt
&Hwang(1989)利用資訊不對稱來解釋「承銷價格低估的訊息發射理論」,認為品質佳的公司利用承銷價低估向投資大眾宣達其經營品質,待上市後投資人瞭解公司的實際品質時,品質佳的公司,即可以較高的價格辦理現金增資,故新股的折價程度是續後辦理增資的重要資訊,而由於折價發行,必須支付成本,品質差的公司,因可能無法於上市後辦理現金增資彌補成本,故不會在新上市時折價發行,即市場是處於「區別均衡」(Separating Equilibrium)的型態,Jegadeesh、Weinstein&Welch(1993)提出「市場回饋價說」認為引發公司上市後短期內辦理現金增資的動機是上市後股價表現優異,而非承銷價格的低估程度。
摘要(英) Abstract
Due to the “information asymmetry” between issuers and investors.so some papers present “Signaling hypothesis” that high-quality firms underprice their IPOs to distinguish from themselves from low-quality firms.After IPO investors will find out which firms are real high-quality.Those company can raise additional capital in more favorable terms that is what we call “SEO”.The “Signaling theory” implies that underpricing will be positively related to the firms’ SEO.
Jegadeesh,Weinstein&Welch present the “Market feedback hypothesis”.
They think that the high returns in a period after the IPO imply that issuers have underestimated the marginal return to the project. So the reason caused the IPO companies to issue seasoned issuesis the cumulated abnormal return not the underpriceing.
Because the cost of signaling to underpricing is high, low-quality firms will not do the discount to the IPOs.There is obviously the “Separating Equilibrium” in the initial offerings market.
This thesis would analyze the relation between underpricing and SEO probability、speed、scale…And test the“Market feedback hypothesis”.Besides that I also want to test the ralation between underpricing and performance ,and find Taiwan initial public market is belong “Separating equilibrium” or “Pooling equilibrium”
The results of the thesis are :
1.IPOs with higher underpricing and initial cumulated abnormal return are less
likely to issue seasoned equity than firms with lower underpricing and initial
cumulated abnormal return.
2.IPOs with higher underpricing and initial cumulated abnormal return are less quickly to issue seasoned equity than firms with lower underpricing initial cumulated abnormal return.
3. IPOs with higher underpricing and initial cumulated abnormal return are likely to issue larger amounts of seasoned equity
4.The performance after IPO in companies with SEO is not higher than those without reissuing within 2 years.
5.The performance after IPO in companies with high underpricing and reissuing is no better than those with low underpricing and non-reissuing ,and those with low underpricing and reissuing.so Taiwan IPO market is belong to 「Pooling Equilibrium」not 「Separating Equilibrium」
關鍵字(中) ★ 承銷價低估
★  期初異常報酬
★  現金增資
關鍵字(英) ★ abnormal return
★  seo
★  underpricing
論文目次 目錄
第一節新上市股票承銷價格低估之分析 ……………………..8
參考文獻 參考文獻
1. 王瑞儀,新上市股票異常報酬影響因素之檢定:台灣股票市場實證分析,淡江大學管理科學研究所未出版碩士論文,民國七十八年。

2. 江舒欣,承銷商表現與新股績效關係之研究,政治大學企業管理研究所未出版碩士論文,民國八十二年。

3. 吳惠娟,現金增資對股票價格的影響─台灣股票市場實證研究,國立成功大學工業管理研究所未出版碩士論文,民國七十七年五月。

4. 周士淵,我國新上市公司股票價格績效之研究,淡江大學管理科學研究所未出版碩士論文,民國八十一年。

5. 林彥傑,新上市公司上市後初次發行現金增資普通股之研究,中正大學財金所未出版碩士論文,民國八十四年。

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9. 夏侯欣榮,台灣地區新上市普通股承銷價格之研究,政治大學企業管理研究所未出版博士論文,民國八十二年。
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11. 陳盛得,新上市股票長期價格之研究,中正大學財金研究所未出版碩士論文,民國八十三年。

12. 張慎,台灣新上市股票超額報酬及其影響因素之實證研究,政治大學會計學研究所未出版碩士論文,民國八十三年。

13. 詹以珍,台灣地區新上市公司價、增資決策關係與更換承銷商之研究,東吳大學會計學研究所未出版碩士論文,民國八十三年。
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指導教授 俞明德(Min-Teh Yu) 審核日期 2001-6-29
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