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姓名 李俐玲(Li-Lin Lee )  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程研究所
論文名稱 小波及離散餘弦域上使用子區塊分類之金匙數位影像浮水印系統
(A Key-based image Watermarking system using subblock composition in DCT domain and DWT domain)
★ 運用G.729與G.723.1於多點會議系統之多聲道語音混合方法★ 寬頻網路之即時視訊品質控制系統
★ 多層漸進式零樹小波分頻音訊壓縮技術★ 資料隱藏技術應用於 H.263 視訊編碼之錯誤偵測
★ 無線傳輸及網際網路環境下之G.729與G.723.1語音傳輸★ 零樹小波視訊編碼之錯誤偵測與隱藏
★ 雜訊通道中視訊編碼防錯技術之研究★ 資料隱藏應用於零樹小波分頻壓縮系統之音訊封包遺失回復技術
★ IP網路之MPEG-4調適性視訊品質控制★ 區塊重排於小波封包之階層式集合分割影像壓縮技術
★ 動態調整緩衝區方法應用於網路延遲之VoIP語音品質改善★ 語音編碼G.729及MELP之資料隱藏方法
★ 金匙小波域音訊浮水印系統★ 快速多階連續消除移動預估演算法應用於H.26L視訊編碼標準
★ 視訊封包封裝與調適性自動重送於無線區域網路之研究★ 即時性視訊訊務預測與頻寬協商機制於具服務品質保證之網路
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摘要(中) 在本文中我們提出一套不僅具有良好影像品質且經影像攻擊後仍具有高強韌性的數位浮水印技術,另外在萃取端並無對原始影像之需求。這套方法有三個重要的特性來提升整體效果並可同時使用在小波轉換域及數位餘弦轉換域中。
摘要(英) In this thesis, we propose a novel watermarking system that is highly robust against attacks without perceptible image degradation. In addition, the original image is not needed in watermark extraction. It operates either in the DWT domain or the DCT domain. This system integrates three important ideas to provide extellent watermarking performance.
The first idea is to use a secret key that is generated based on the watermark logo and the host image. Based on the polarity of the transform coefficients and the key, the original watermark can accurately be extracted.
The second idea is to use subblock composition to filter out frequency transform blocks that are not suitable for watermark embedding. A Tri-state Exclusive-Or (TXOR) operator is then applied in qualified subblock to embed the watermark. This technique further improves the robustness.
The third idea is the deadzone shifting with human visual system. For watermark embedded transform blocks, if the coefficients are near the threshold, they will be shifted toward two ends so that the embedded watermark is not noticeable but more robust.
With the integration of the above three state-of-art techniques, the resulting watermarking system has excellent performance. Simulation results confirm that the proposed system is extremely robust against cropping, JPEG, JPEG2000, and SPIHT compression.
關鍵字(中) ★ 小波轉換
★  數位浮水印
★  金鑰
★  離散餘弦轉換
關鍵字(英) ★ DCT
★  DWT
★  key
★  watermark
論文目次 摘要I
第一章 緒論1
第二章 目前數位浮水印發展現況與簡介4
2.3.1 空間域中的數位浮水印嵌入技術………………….7
2.3.2 離散餘弦轉換8
2.3.5 小波轉換的數位浮水印資訊……..………...……..15
第三章 發展在小波域中的數位浮水印技術……………………19
3.1 數位浮水印嵌入架構…………………………………..... 21
3.2 數位浮水印萃取架構……………………………….…… 29
第四章 發展在離散餘弦轉換中的數位浮水印技術……………30
4.1 數位浮水印嵌入架構……………………………………..30
4.2 數位浮水印萃取架構……………………………………..37
第五章 實驗結果與數據分析…………………………………….39
5.1小波域中的數位浮水印技術之實驗結…………………. 39
第六章 結論與未來展望………………………………………….79
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指導教授 張寶基(Pao-Chi Chang) 審核日期 2001-6-13
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