博碩士論文 89236007 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳淑萍(Shu-Ping Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學研究所碩士在職專班
論文名稱 相位凸顯成像的探討
(Investigation of Phase-Contrast Imaging)
★ 雙頻雷射共光程外差干涉橢圓儀★ 常態偏振自泵激相位共軛效應及具高『常態偏振/非常態偏振』比的光折變自泵激相位共軛器
★ 鈦酸鋇晶體應用於光訊號連結及自/互泵激相位共軛之研究★ 微循環顯微影像之擷取與分析
★ 光在各向同性與各向異性介質界面上反射之情形★ 液晶投影顯示器中照明系統的照度量測與分析
★ 即時微循環顯微取像裝置的設計★ 發光二極體光強度分佈之量測及利用類神經網路之分析
★ 單光束架構下以鈮酸鋰晶體修正受擾動破壞的影像★ 高效率液晶繞射光學元件
★ 雷射都卜勒測速系統之研究★ 光在各向異性介質與各向同性介質界面上的反射和透射現象之討論
★ 亂相編碼之體積全像相位鑰匙的重製★ 利用類神經網路從CCD照相機之照片去獲得發光二極體二維光強度分佈
★ 鈮酸鋰晶體之光扇效應與應用★ 鈮酸鋰晶體之單光束彩色全像術
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摘要(中) 本論文主要為闡述相位凸顯成像的原理,並以實驗佐證之。由於相位凸顯成像的原理已經很成熟[ 1-6 ],所以本論文專注在顯示它的實驗設計和擺設。這個設計的重點在於其擺設 (experimental layout) 簡單,但卻能清楚的顯示出本論文原理部份的每一個環節的要求和結果。
本實驗的核心元件為一件相位變化量不大的相位型物 (phase object) 以及一片上有一很小的相位延遲點 (phase delay spot) 的片子。這兩件元件,市上都沒有現貨,所以我們要自行製作。結果前者由楊宗勳教授實驗室中之王良峰同學製出,至於相位延遲片則由李正中主任所領導的薄膜中心代行製出。我們一共製作了兩類相位延遲片,第一類的製作原理依循一般DOE的觀點,第二類則依循Collier等人之觀點來製作。所以本論文的另一個目的為檢視Collier等人的觀點正確與否,實驗結果顯示他們這個觀點確實有待商確。
在前述兩類延遲片中,我們對每一類均各製作了兩片,一片的相位延遲量為 ,另一片為 。所以一共四片。相位延遲量為 的延遲片所產生的效果稱為明像效果。而相位延遲量為 的延遲片所產生的效果稱為暗像效果。由於這些「物」和「延遲片」都不一定達到原來我們所開出的規格,因此實驗結果並不十分完美,它們雖然仍然能把透明的物體顯現出來,不過,對於從明像效果變成暗像效果的轉變則沒有得到良好的結果。
摘要(英) The main theme of this thesis is to present a simple setup to demonstrate the principle of imaging with phase-contrast technique. Since the principle of this technique is mature and can be found in literatures [ 1-6 ], we focus in this work on the design of the experimental setup. However, an outline of the principle is included here for completeness and showing how a transparent object becomes obseualle. The including of the principle also helps understand how the experimental setup achieve this goal and how the steps in the theory are realized in it.
In the demonstration of this technique, we need a phase object of small phase variation and a small transparent spot with specific phase delay. Since these elements were not available in the stock of the major manufacturers, they were prepared by the laboratories of our Institute. We prepared two kinds of phase-delayed spots in this investigation. The first kind was made according to the current theory of diffractive optics, while the second kind was made according to the viewpoint of Collier at al (Ref 12). And, for both kinds of the phase-delayed plates, two plates were made. The amount of phase delay of the first kind is and that of the second one is . It is know that the fist kind of phase-delayed spot produces a bright image against the background, while the latter produces a dark image. Experimental results have shown that the phase objects do become observable in the present experimental conditions. However, since neither the object nor the phase-delayed spot, had met the design specification perfectly, the changing from a bright image to a dark image only took place in some part of the image. Since these objects had not met the specification in the theory accurately, the final experimental results are not very distinct. They nevertheless show the effect qualitatively.
關鍵字(中) ★ 相位凸顯 關鍵字(英) ★ Phase-contrast
論文目次 中文摘要............................................ Ⅰ
英文摘要............................................ Ⅱ
誌謝................................................ Ⅲ
目錄................................................ Ⅳ
圖目錄............................................ Ⅴ
表目錄............................................ Ⅵ
緒 論 本研究的動機、背景和本論文之概要............ 01
第一章 非同調光和同調光之成像原理 ................. 02
1.1 幾何光學的成像原理...................... 02
1.2 同調光的成像理論........................ 04
1.3 同調光學成像的原理和傅氏轉換的關係...... 08
1.3.1 數學上兩次傅氏轉換的結果.......... 08
1.3.2 作兩次傅氏轉換的光學架構.......... 10
1.4 從式子1.14至1.16的一些數學問題.......... 12
1.5 成像過程和傅氏轉換的關係................ 14
第二章 相位凸顯成像 (phase contrast imaging) 之原理. 17
第三章 實驗裝置、結果和討論........................ 25
3.1 相位延遲點 (phase-delay spot) 的製備及其討論. 25
3.2 本研究的“物”的設計和製作................... 27
3.3 關於相位延遲點的厚度的一些考量............. 29
3.4 實驗裝置及其結果.......................... 32
第四章 結語........................................ 43
參考文獻 .......................................... 45
參考文獻 1. F.Zernike "Das PhasenKontrastverfahren bei der Mikroskopischen beobachtung," Z.Tech.Phys. 16-454(1935)
2. Nemoto and A. Takahashi, "Methods of improving the images in phase-contrast microscopy: theory and computer simulation," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 8, 511- (1991)
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7. Joseph W.Goodman, " Introduction to Fourier Optics," 2ndEd., McGRAW-HILL. p39.
8. Joseph W.Goodman, " Introduction to Fourier Optics," 2nd Ed., McGRAW-HILL. p105.
9. Joseph W.Goodman, " Introduction to Fourier Optics," 2nd Ed., McGRAW-HILL.p65.
10. E.Abbe, "Beitrage zur Theorie des Mikroskops und der Mikroskopischen wahrnehmung," Archiv. Microskopische Anat., 9:413-463(1873)
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12. R.J.Collier, C.B.Burckhardt and L.H.Lin "Optical Holography," p560(1983)
指導教授 游漢輝(Hon-Fai Yau) 審核日期 2007-5-1
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