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姓名 王志偉(Chih-Wei Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 微音錐應用於土壤音射特性之研究
(Study of Acoustic Cone Penetration Test on Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Soil.)
★ 動力夯實之有效影響深度與地表振動阻隔研究★ 砂土層中潛盾機地中接合漏水引致地層下陷之案例探討
★ 動力壓密工法施工引致地表振動之阻隔★ 音波式圓錐貫入試驗於土層界面判定之應用
★ 孔洞開挖後軟弱地盤之沉陷行為★ 超載對打設排水帶後軟弱地盤壓密行為之影響
★ 山岳隧道湧水處理之研究★ 砂土中基樁側向位移之改良研究
★ 圓錐貫入試驗中土壤音壓之研究★ 水泥混合處理砂質土壤液化特性之改良研究
★ 扶壁改善深開挖擋土壁體變形行為之研究★ 黏性土壤受定量擠壓變形後之力學行為
★ 黏土中短樁側向位移之改良研究★ 砂土經水泥改良後之力學性質
★ 黏土中模型樁側向位移之改良研究★ 黏土中基樁側向位移改良之數值模擬
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摘要(中) 圓錐貫入試驗在工程上的應用主要有土壤分類、推求土壤工程性質與相關參數及評估土層支承力與液化等,其中以土壤分類與土層研判為最常應用的項目。在土層中進行圓錐貫入試驗主要係量測錐尖阻抗、袖管摩擦及孔隙水壓等數據,然而錐尖阻抗因所在位置上下約5~10倍錐徑內的土壤變化而有所反應,此一反應將造成土層界面判斷的不準確,同時也可能對土壤工程性質的評估結果造成影響。
摘要(英) Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) are usually applied to the investigations, of soil classification, calculation of soil parameters, estimation of bearing capacity of soil and liquefaction. Soil classification and layer verification are the major applications in CPT for measuring cone resistance, sleeve friction and pore water pressure etc. Cone resistance usually varied in the area of 5~10 times of tip diameters of the cone. The reasons above-mentioned will influence the judgement of soil layer and soil properties.
This research used the measuring techniques of sound with a small microphone set in the cone tip to measure the Acoustic Emission (AE) of soils during the penetration of cone tip. The data was recorded by data acquisition system and the acoustic emission rate, RMS of sound pressure and frequency spectrum were ananlyzed.
Two circular chambers and a movable sand pluviator were used to carry out a series of laboratory cone penetration tests under the different conditions of boundaries of chamber, relative densities of sand and overburden pressures of speciments. From the experimental results, it is understood that the cone resistance in sand with medium density will increase continuously with depth under the boundary condition of BC3.
It is also show that the cone resistance, RMS of sound pressure and AE rate of Fulong and Danang Sand would be increased with the increase of relative density and overburden pressure. However the RMS of sound pressure of Shiluo Sand is not affected by relative density under the overburden pressures applied in this research. The analysis of frequency spectrum of Fulong Sand, Danang Sand and Shiluo Sand showed that the major frequency distribution of these tests are located at the range of 2kHz~4kHz.
According to the experimental results of composed soil layer which is embedded in the big test pit in ECCE (Experimental Center of Civil Engineering) showed that the results of RMS of sound pressure, AE rate and frequency spectrum can estimate the interface of soil layer accurately. Therefore, it is recognized that the technique of AE for determining the soil interface location is an effecient method.
關鍵字(中) ★ 錐尖阻抗
★ 音射
★ 均方根音壓
★ 音射發生率
★ 頻譜分析
關鍵字(英) ★ RMS of sound pressure
★ AE rate
★ frequency spectrum
★ acoustic emission
★ cone resistance
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
目錄 V
圖 目 錄 XI
表 目 錄 XVII
符 號 說 明 XVIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究方法 2
1.3論文內容 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1圓錐貫入試驗 6
2.1.1圓錐貫入試驗之應用 6 Begemann土壤分類法 7 Schmertmann土壤分類法 7 Douglas與Olsen土壤分類法 7 Robertson等人土壤分類法 8
2.1.2圓錐貫入試驗之標度槽試驗 9標度槽試驗之發展與應用 10標度試體邊界條件控制 11標度槽邊界效應的評估 11
2.2音射於大地工程之應用 12
2.2.1音射原理 12
2.2.2音射訊號參數與波形 13音射訊號參數 13音射訊號波形 14
2.2.3音射訊號特性 15時間域分析 16頻率域分析 17
2.2.4音射訊號噪音的濾除 18頻率濾波法 18門檻值濾波法 19
2.2.5音射於土壤力學上之應用 19
2.2.6微音錐貫入試驗 20微音錐貫入試驗之發展 21微音錐貫入試驗之影響因素 22
第三章 試驗土樣、儀器設備及試驗方法 39
3.1試驗土樣 39
3.2試驗儀器及相關設備 40
3.2.1反力式圓錐貫入設備 40
3.2.2微音錐 40
3.2.3圓形土槽 41壓力室配置 42加壓設備 42
3.2.4室內大型土槽 43
3.2.5錐尖阻抗擷取儀器 43
3.2.6音波量測儀器 43電容式微音器 44迷你前置放大器 45微音器電源供應器 45連接盒 46資料擷取系統 46
3.3試驗方法與原理 46
3.3.1砂土最大與最小乾密度試驗 46最大乾密度 47最小乾密度 47
3.3.2試體製作 48圓形土槽乾砂試體之製作 48室內大型土槽西螺砂土與中大紅土互層試體之製作 49
3.3.3微音錐貫入試驗 50圓形土槽砂土貫入試驗 50室內大型土槽西螺砂土與中大紅土試體試驗 51
3.3.4試體相對密度的檢核 51
3.4背景噪音在微音錐試驗的影響 52
3.4.1背景噪音之影響與校正 52
3.4.2背景噪音的影響與濾除 53
3.5音波訊號處理 53
3.5.1取樣定理 54
3.5.2快速傅立葉轉換(FFT) 54
第四章 試驗結果與分析 67
4.1微音錐基本測試 67
4.1.1背景噪音之濾波設定與濾除影響 67背景噪音之濾波設定 67背景噪音之濾除影響 68
4.1.2微音錐之電壓與實際音壓的關係 69
4.2圓形1號與圓形2號土槽均勻砂土貫入試驗 70
4.2.1錐尖阻抗之探討 71錐尖阻抗與邊界條件之關係 71錐尖阻抗與邊界效應之關係 72錐尖阻抗、相對密度與覆土應力之關係 73
4.2.2均方根音壓之探討 74均方根音壓與邊界效應之關係 75均方根音壓、相對密度與覆土應力之關係 75均方根音壓與錐尖阻抗之關係 76
4.2.3音射發生率之探討 77音射發生率、相對密度與覆土應力之關係 78音射發生率與錐尖阻抗之關係 78
4.2.4 頻譜分析之探討 79
4.3室內大型土槽互層土壤貫入試驗 79
4.3.1錐尖阻抗之探討 81
4.3.2均方根音壓之探討 81
4.3.3音射發生率之探討 82
4.3.4 頻譜分析之探討 83
第五章 結論與建議 112
5.1結論 112
5.2建議 114
參 考 文 獻 115
附 錄 一 120
附 錄 二 123
附 錄 三 126
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指導教授 張惠文(Huei-Wen Chang) 審核日期 2002-7-17
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