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姓名 楊佩珍(Pei-Chen Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 運用極值理論評估風險值-以台灣股匯市為例
(Value at Risk and Extreme Value Theory: An Empirical Study on Taiwan Stock and Exchange Markets.)
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摘要(中) 摘要
近年來,重大的金融危機事件層出不窮,使得風險管理的概念越來越受重視,而風險值(VaR)能將風險量化,更成為管理市場風險的利器。本篇研究我們利用極值理論(Extreme Value Theory)來求算風險值,可以以一長期的觀點來衡量風險,如五年或是十年內所發生的重大損失事件,或是進行壓力測試時,極值理論下的風險值可以提供管理者一些情境的資訊,使其能了解最糟的情形為何。
摘要(英) Abstract
Value at Risk and Extreme Value Theory: An Empirical Study on Taiwan Stock and Exchange Markets.
In recent years, there are more and more significant financial markets crises. Many practitioners and researchers pay a lot of attention to the risk management. As a result, value at risk (VaR) has become a widely used measure of market risks in risk management. This article presents an application of extreme value theory to compute the VaR. VaR based on extreme values can give us the long term view of risk management. We can focus on rare events, such as a 5-year or 10-year loss. Besides, this kind of information may be interesting to risk managers who wish to perform stress testing and get a feeling for the scale of worst case.
As we do not know the exact distribution of returns and the security returns tend to be fat-tailed, the normal distribution or any given distribution may be badly fitted. The extreme value method does not assume a particular model for returns but lets the data speak for themselves when fitting the distribution tails. Thus, the model risk is reduced. Moreover, the method explicitly takes the risk of extreme events into account.
In this article we use the block maximum method to compute VaR and compared the results with the classical methods, such as historical distribution method, normal distribution method and the conditional GARCH(1,1) process method. The value of the probability of an extreme return not exceeding the VaR ranges from 90% to 99%. To sum up, we can use the normal or GARCH(1,1) method to compute the VaR for lower probability values such as 90% or 95%. If we are interested in the VaR for higher probability values, higher than the 99% for instance, we can use the extreme value approach to estimate it.
關鍵字(中) ★ 極值理論
★ 風險值
★ 區段最大化模型
關鍵字(英) ★ extreme value theory
★ Block maximum group of models
★ value at risk
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 理論探討與文獻回顧 5
2.1極值理論簡介 5
2.1.1 機率結構 6
2.1.2 Fisher-Tippett定理 6
2.1.3 一般化極值分配 8
2.2參數估計程序 9
2.2.1. 參數法 9
2.2.2非參數法 11
2.3極端指數 12
第三章 研究方法 14
3.1選擇適當頻率的資料 14
3.2選擇區段的長度 14
3.3估計極值分配的參數 15
3.4檢測模型的配適程度 16
3.5選擇損失不超過風險值的機率 17
3.6計算所屬部位的風險值 17
第四章 實證結果與分析 19
4.1資料來源與基本統計分析 19
4.1.1資料來源與取樣期間 19
4.1.2樣本資料基本統計分析 19
4.1.3 樣本資料基本圖形分析 20
4.2估計極值分配的參數 22
4.2.1估計股市極值分配的參數 22
4.2.1估計匯市極值分配的參數 23
4.3估計極端指數 25
4.4 利用極值分配計算風險值 26
4.5與其他方法的風險值比較 28
4.5.2 與其他方法風險值比較之結果分析 30
4.5.3 以另一觀點比較各種方法下的風險值 33
第五章 結論 37
參考文獻 38
表(4-1) 股價指數與匯率週報酬率之基本統計分析…………….…...20
表(4-2a) 股價極值分配的參數與配適度檢定………………..…..23
表(4-4) 極值理論下股市與匯市之風險值(極端指數調整前)..……..27
表(4-5) 極值理論下股市與匯市之風險值(極端指數調整後)..……..28
圖4-1a 加權股價指數報酬率的機率分配圖 20
圖4-1b 加權股價指數報酬率與Normal分配比較的QQ-plot 21
圖4-2a匯率報酬率的機率分配圖 21
圖4-2b 匯率報酬率與Normal分配比較的QQ-plot 21
圖4-3 四種方法下90%水準的風險值 34
圖4-4 四種方法下95%水準的風險值 35
圖4-5 四種方法下99%水準的風險值 35
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指導教授 周冠男、徐之強
(Robin K. Chou、Chih-Chiang Hsu)
審核日期 2002-7-17
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