博碩士論文 89541006 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳岱儒(Tai-zu Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 線性系統與非線性模糊系統之可變結構控制設計
(Variable Structure Control Design for Linear Systems and Nonlinear Fuzzy Systems)
★ 小型化 GSM/GPRS 行動通訊模組之研究★ 語者辨識之研究
★ 應用投影法作受擾動奇異系統之強健性分析★ 利用支撐向量機模型改善對立假設特徵函數之語者確認研究
★ 結合高斯混合超級向量與微分核函數之 語者確認研究★ 敏捷移動粒子群最佳化方法
★ 改良式粒子群方法之無失真影像預測編碼應用★ 粒子群演算法應用於語者模型訓練與調適之研究
★ 粒子群演算法之語者確認系統★ 改良式梅爾倒頻譜係數混合多種語音特徵之研究
★ 利用語者特定背景模型之語者確認系統★ 智慧型遠端監控系統
★ 正向系統輸出回授之穩定度分析與控制器設計★ 混合式區間搜索粒子群演算法
★ 基於深度神經網路的手勢辨識研究★ 人體姿勢矯正項鍊配載影像辨識自動校準及手機接收警告系統
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摘要(中) 在本論文中,首先針對多輸出多輸入的線性系統,提出一個公式來設計積分型可變結構控制器,這個公式是基於互質矩陣分式表示來發展設計積分型滑動平面和可變結構控制器,所提的方法不僅避免需要轉換型式,而且能夠使要設計的系統能有想要的性能。
摘要(英) In this thesis, we present an approach to design an integral variable structure controller for linear multi-input/multi-output (MIMO) systems. A closed-form formula based on the coprime matrix fraction description (MFD) is developed to solve integral sliding surface for a class of linear MIMO systems and the control function is determined. The proposed method not only avoids transforming the original plant into a companion form, but also enables the designed system to exhibit the desired dynamic properties. Then, we design a variable structure controller for the T-S fuzzy systems based on the Lyapunov function. It is not necessary to assume that each local system shares the same input matrix. It is shown that the Lyapunov function can be used to establish a sliding surface by solving a set of bilinear matrix inequalities (BMIs). We propose an iterative linear matrix inequality (ILMI) algorithm to solve the BMIs problem. Moreover, we design a variable structure controller for the T-S fuzzy time-delay systems based on a fuzzy Lyapunov function. It is also shown that the fuzzy Lyapunov function can be used to establish a sliding surface by solving a set of bilinear matrix inequalities (BMIs). We also propose alternative algorithm to solve the corresponding BMIs problem. Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed scheme ensures the trajectory of the system under the variable structure control can reach the sliding surface and stay on it thereafter. And we show that the motion of the system on the sliding surface is asymptotically stable.
關鍵字(中) ★ 積分型可變結構控制
★ 可變結構控制
關鍵字(英) ★ integral variable structure control
★ variable structure control
論文目次 Abstract………………………………………………………………II
List of Figures……………………………………………………VII
Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………1
1.1 Motivation and Background………………………………………………1
1.2 Contributions and Outlines of this Thesis……3
Chapter 2 Integral Variable Structure Control for MIMO Systems...5
2.2 Preliminaries………………………………………………7
2.3 Problem Formuation……………………………………12
2.4 Design IVSC for MIMO Systems……………………………13
2.5 Design IVSC for Statically Decoupling MIMO Systems17
2.6 Numerical Examples…………………………………………18
Chapter3 Variable Structure Control for T-S fuzzy Systems.26
3.1 Introduction…………………………………………………26
3.2 Problem Formulation………………………………………28
3.3 Variable Structure Control for T-S Fuzzy Systems……30
3.4 An Iterative Linear Matrix Inequality Algorithm……34
3.5 Numerical Examples…………………………………………36
Chapter 4 Variable Structure Control for T-S fuzzy Time-Delay Systems……………………………………………………48
4.1 Introduction…………………………………………………48
4.2 Problem Formulation…………………………………………50
4.3 Variable Structure Control for T-S Fuzzy Time-Delay Systems……52
4.4 Algorithm………………………………………………………59
4.5 A Numerical Example…………………………………………65
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Research……...70
5.1 Conclusions…………………………………………………70
5.2 Suggestions for Future Research………………………71
Publication List………………………………………………82
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指導教授 莊堯棠(Yau-Tarng Juang) 審核日期 2007-7-18
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