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姓名 李立文(Li-Wen Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學研究所碩士在職專班
論文名稱 應用於號誌燈之非對稱式發光二極體之設計與驗證
★ 奈米電漿子感測技術於生物分子之功能分析★ 表面結構擴散片之設計、製作與應用
★ 結合柱狀透鏡陣列之非成像車頭燈光型設計★ CCD 量測儀器之研究與探討
★ 鈦酸鋇晶體非均向性自繞射之研究及其在光資訊處理之應用★ 多光束繞射光學元件應用在DVD光學讀取頭之設計
★ 高位移敏感度之全像多工光學儲存之研究★ 利用亂相編碼與體積全像之全光學式光纖感測系統
★ 體積光柵應用於微物3D掃描之研究★ 具有偏極及光強分佈之孔徑的繞射極限的研究
★ 三維亂相編碼之體積全像及其應用★ 透鏡像差的量測與MTF的驗證
★ 二位元隨機編碼之全像光學鎖之研究★ 亂相編碼於體積全像之全光學分佈式光纖感測系統之研究
★ 自發式相位共軛鏡之相位穩定與應用於自由空間光通訊之研究★ 體積全像空間濾波器應用於物體 三度空間微米級位移之量測
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摘要(中) 本文主要是針對應用於號誌燈之非對稱式LED之設計與驗證做一系列的探討。首先,介紹交通號誌燈規範的種類及光強度需求,然後再針對目前全球LED交通號誌燈在光學設計上的分類及其優缺點之分析。而後,再藉由量測結果與光學模擬的比對,找出LED發光晶粒之光學模型,利用此發光晶粒之光學模型進行非對稱式LED的光學模擬設計,再進行開模與封裝非對稱式LED。量測封裝後的非對稱式LED與光學模擬結果進行比對,以驗證光學模擬的正確性。之後,再進行號誌燈規範的驗證,以確認此非對稱式LED的實用性。最後,以此非對稱式LED進行封裝性的差異性分析,藉此分析以瞭解封裝上的誤差對光學特性影響,以做為封裝誤差分析的依據。
摘要(英) This text is mainly the goal to do a series of discussions to the design and verification of asymmetry type LED that is applied to the traffic signal. First of all, introduce the normal kinds of specifications of the traffic signal and luminous intensity demand, then direct against the analysis of the advantages and shortcomings  of LED traffic signal classification in the optics design in the world at present. And then, we can find out LED chip light optical model according to the comparison between measurement and optical simulation, utilize this give out light optics model of chip to design LED of asymmetry type by computer simulation, and then make the LED mold and package asymmetry type LED. In order to verify the exactness of optics simulation, we measure the optical data of asymmetry type LED to compare with the result of optics simulation. Later, carry on the normal verification of traffic signal specification, in order to confirm the practicability of this asymmetry type LED. Finally, carry on the packaging variation analysis of asymmetry type LED in order to understand the effect upon optics characteristic. According to these results, we can improve the packaging error to reach the goal of packaging uniformity.
In a word, according to the special demand of light distribution of traffic signal specification, we can find out the asymmetry type LED to satisfy the special demand of traffic signal by way of optics simulation, follow specific procedure. Later, we can make a series of actual experiments to compare with result of optics simulation in order to confirm the correctness of the LED. Finally, we product the LED traffic signal and measure it by specification of traffic signal in order to verify the practicability. Such as the asymmetry type LED can lower the costs of traffic signal and reach the goal to save the energy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 發光二極體
★ 號誌燈
關鍵字(英) ★ traffic signal
論文目次 提要……………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ
第一章 緒論……………………………………..…………………………..1
1-1 研究動機……….…………………………………………….……...1
1-2 大綱….………………………………….…………………………...2
第二章 LED交通號誌燈之研究及規範分析…………………….……..……4
2-1 簡介………………………………………………………….………..4
2-2 發光二極體之發光原理……………………………….……………..5
2-3 LED交通號誌燈規範之光學需求……………………………………..8
2-3-1 美國Caltrans規範…………………………….…………………8
2-3-2 美國ITE2005規範…………………………… .……………...10
2-3-3 中華民國CNS規範……………………………………………….11
2-4 LED交通號誌燈之光學結構……….……………………………....13
2-4-1 LED交通號誌燈光學結構的種類…….…….………………...13
2-4-2 光學鏡罩式交通號誌燈…………….…….……………………13
2-4-2-1 一對一光學鏡罩式交通號誌燈設計.………..………… 14
2-4-2-2 非一對一光學鏡罩式交通號誌燈設計…………………..16
2-4-3 非對稱式LED交通號誌燈之設計…….…...…………………18
第三章 測量方法與模型建立………….…………………..………………20
3-1 簡介…………………………….…………………………………….20
3-2 實驗架構……………………….…………………………………….21
3-2-1 散射板(Diffuser)的分析…………………………….……….23
3-2-2 CCD線性分析………………………………………………...…24
3-3 實驗方法….………………………………………………………….27
3-4 實驗用之光學模擬軟體簡介-TracePro………………………….…31
第四章 結果與驗證……….………………….…………………………….32
4-1 簡介……………….………………………………………………….32
4-2 LED晶粒光學模型的建立…………………………………………….34
4-3 非對稱式LED設計與開模…………………………………………….39
4-4 交通號誌燈規範量測驗證…………………………………………..45
4-5 非對稱性LED的封裝差異性分析……………………………….……52
4-5-1 發光晶粒的水平誤差分析……………………………………..53
4-5-2 發光晶粒的傾斜誤差分析……………………………………..55
4-5-3 反射碗杯的偏差分析…………………………………………..56
4-5-4 封裝變異模擬結果討論……………………………………..…59
4-6 量測與模擬誤差分析………………………………………………..60
4-6-1 光源誤差………………………………………………………..60
4-6-2 光學模擬軟體參數誤差…………………………….………….60
4-6-3 封裝與機械誤差……………………………………………..…61
第五章 結論……….…………………………………………………..……62
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指導教授 孫慶成(Ching-Cherng Sun) 審核日期 2007-1-17
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