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姓名 林雅梅(Ya-Mei Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 ERP導入前決策對導入風險影響之研究
(The Relationship between ERP Pre-implementationDecisions and Implementation Risks in ERP Projects—A Survey on Taiwan’s Manufacturing Firms.)
★ 應用結構行動理論探討跨國企業導入供應鏈管理之個案研究-以資訊電子業為例★ 應用調適性結構行動理論探討ERP卅MES系統導入、轉移和整合之個案研究
★ LCD面板製造廠資訊系統商業價值之個案研究★ 應用調適性結構行動理論探討CIM系統的導入 -以TFT-LCD產業為例
★ ERP系統品質Enhancement的實徵研究★ 以資訊處理理論探討出貨管理系統在TFT-LCD產業的導入及影響之個案研究
★ 連接器供應商於中國大陸地區導入出貨管理系統之個案研究★ 以AHP法探討跨國企業評選固網供應商之決策準則
★ 工具機製造業導入協作式接單服務之探討--以沖床製造廠商為例★ 製造業導入先進規劃與排程系統之探討—以筆電領導廠商為例
★ 經銷商管理的再造-台灣知名飲料業的個案研究★ 運用精實六標準差手法改善資料品質─某TFT-LCD業者之個案研究
★ 第三方物流業者之設施規劃與方案評估-以C物流公司為例★ 期望和認知差異對ERP導入專案的影響-以B公司導入SAP為例
★ 使用者主導系統導入時資訊單位的角色-以W公司導入產品資料管理系統為例★ 運用限制理論探討F公司大型資訊服務專案執行之研究
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摘要(中) 根據過去的文獻指出,有半數以上的企業,其ERP系統之導入無法達到預期 (Stefanou, 2000) 多數企業在決定導入ERP之時,並不了解可能的風險,或不知道各種風險的機率而對導入ERP產生莫名的恐懼與抗拒。因此本研究試圖以風險管理的概念,分析企業導入ERP系統所遭遇的問題。如此,預計導入ERP系統之企業,可以意識到導入過程中可能發生的風險,進而透過專案的配置,降低風險發生的機率與嚴重性。
摘要(英) About half of ERP implementations fail to meet expectations. (Stefanou, 2000) Thus, we include the concept of risk management to categorize problems through experienced companies survey. It can make the adopting firms aware of risks what they might encounter during the implementation under the specific selection and project. What we want to say in the study is how to prevent the risks from realization by managerial actions, rather than how to decrease the risks.
A mail survey is conducted over the CommonWealth Top 1000 Manufacturers in Taiwan. Out of 138 respondents, 98 firms that have implemented ERP systems considered valid empirical data for us to test our hypotheses.
The research findings show that the ERP implementation risks can be categorized into five types, they are ERP systems design, user involvement and training, IT planning and integration, skill mix, and management structure and strategy. If the functions of a firm’s chosen ERP software cannot meet its motivation, the misfit will contribute to the implementation risks. The source and scope of ERP play a moderating role, and budget control has an interaction effect between the motivational misfit and implementation risks. While the schedule, the size, top management support, and the structure have no significant interaction on the relationship between pre-implementation misfits and ERP implementation risks.
關鍵字(中) ★ 企業資源規劃系統
★ 導入前決策
★ 不適配
★ 風險
關鍵字(英) ★ Pre-implementation decisions
★ Misfit
★ Risk
論文目次 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................1
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................4
2.1 ERP Implementation Process and Pre-Implementation Decisions ........4
2.2 Selection Process and Derived Motivations and Selection criteria .......7
2.2.1 Selection process............................................................................7
2.2.2 Motivation....................................................................................10
2.2.3 Selection criteria ..........................................................................14
2.2.4 Summary......................................................................................15
2.3 ERP Implementation Risk....................................................................17
2.3.1 The Definition of Risk .................................................................17
2.3.2 Measuring The Implementation Risk Of ERP Project.................17
2.3.3 Risk Management ........................................................................19
3. RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESIS ......................................................20
3.1 Pre-implementation Decision and ERP Implementation Risk .............20
3.2 Motivational Fit and ERP Implementation Risk..................................21
3.3 Criteria Fit and ERP Implementation Risk ..........................................22
3.4 The Interaction Effect of ERP Project Specification...........................24
3.4.1 The source of ERP project specification......................................24
3.4.2 The scope of ERP project specification.......................................25
3.4.3 The schedule of ERP project specification..................................26
3.4.4 The size of ERP project specification..........................................26
3.4.5 Budget control of ERP project specification ...............................27
3.4.6 Top management support of ERP project specification ..............27
3.4.7 The structure of ERP project specification..................................28
4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................................................29
4.1 Research Design...................................................................................29
4.2 Procedure of Questionnaire Design .....................................................29
4.3 Constructs Definition and Research Variables ....................................30
4.4 Statistical Procedure.............................................................................34
4.4.1 Descriptive statistics ....................................................................34
4.4.2 Stability test..................................................................................34
4.4.3 Instrument quality analysis ..........................................................34
4.4.4 Hypothesis testing ........................................................................34
5. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS..........................................................35
5.1 Data Collection ....................................................................................35
5.2 Descriptive Statistics............................................................................36
5.3 Stability Test ........................................................................................39
5.4 Instrument Quality Analysis ................................................................40
5.4.1 Content validity............................................................................40
5.4.2 Convergent validity......................................................................40
5.4.3 Discriminant validity....................................................................44
5.4.4 Reliability analysis .......................................................................46
5.5 Hypothesis Testing...............................................................................48
5.5.1 Base relationship ..........................................................................48
5.5.2 Categorical variable as the moderator..........................................51
5.5.3 Continuous variable as the moderator..........................................54
5.5.4 Summary......................................................................................57
6. CONCLUSION....................................................................................................60
6.1 Discussion of Findings.........................................................................60
6.2 Limitations and Future Research .........................................................62
6.3 Direction for future study.....................................................................63
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指導教授 何靖遠(Chin-Yuan Ho) 審核日期 2003-7-16
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