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姓名 鄭世仁(Shih-Jen Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 股利初次發放之長期影響與負債和股權關聯之探討
(Relation Between Debt and Equity and Long-term Influence With Dividend Initiation)
★ 上市公司財務主管異動宣告對股價報酬與企業經營績效之影響★ 國內綜合證券商轉投資海外子公司內部控制實務探討
★ IPO承銷新制對市場波動性、效率性及流動性之影響★ 探討影響本益比之各項變數-IC設計產業之實證研究
★ 避險基金交易策略在台灣市場獲利性之研究★ 財富管理業務與顧客行為之研究-以本國銀行業為例
★ 購併活動與資訊揭露—以公開收購為例★ 臺灣證券期貨市場後台作業整合模式之研究
★ 道瓊指數、日經225指數、美國及日本10年期公債利率與日圓匯率之相互關係★ 銀行投資公債業務之探討分析
★ 所得稅法新制對債券流通市場之影響★ 私募基金入主國內銀行之認購價格實證研究-以凱雷入主大眾銀行為例
★ 虛擬銀行之可行性分析 -以HSBC為例★ 台灣中小企業融資、客群經營模式與經營策略問題之探討-以C銀行為例
★ 美元兌新台幣匯率與台灣股市關聯性之理論探討與實證分析★ 動態投資組合保險策略之應用— 以紐約證券交易所發行之ETFs為實證
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摘要(中) 本篇文章利用NYSE,AMEX與NASDAQ上市公司之資料,併同時利用CRSP與COMPUSTAT兩個資料庫來進行分析,礙於資料年限問題,我們選取自1984-2003年共643個股利初次發放的樣本公司,利用有別與以往的方法來觀察股利初次發放後5年公司風險與相關因子變化之情況,另外再運用產業與規模最相近的比較公司來觀察是否存在產業因子的干擾,而使結果產生偏誤情況的發生,故我們的結果可以避免此問題的發生。我們的結果顯示,當公司在股利初次發放以後會有總權益風險的下降,而比較公司未有顯著風險下降的情況。我們再將總權益風險分成系統風險與非系統風險,我們可以發現系統風險在股利初次發放後會有暫時性的下降,但是非系統風險確有顯著的持續性下降,也因此我們將總風險的下降歸因於非系統風險的下降。另外系統風險也可以再分為資產風險與財務風險,我們發現資產風險有顯著的下降。每股盈餘在股利初次發放後會有短暫的增加,股權周轉率在股利初次發放後在股利初次發放後也有下降的情況,而外部股東人數似乎對於股利發放與否的影響力不高。我們利用兩種方法來討論負債與股權之關係,發現兩種結果皆指出在股利初次發放以後負債比率會下降,也就是說明負債與股權存在替代的關係。
摘要(英) This paper examines the risk structure changes and the relation between debt financing and dividend payment. Our finding presents that the decrease in total equity risk is followed by the decrease in the residual variance, and there is also a decrease in equity beta after dividend initiation. Dividend payout is the main factor to reduce firms’ total equity risk and the most part of the decrease comes form the decrease in the residual variance. This study also identifies the influence of dividend initiation in earning per hare, turnover rate and outside shareholders. The result indicates that the sample firms only experience a significant increase in earning per share in year +1 but a decrease from year +2 to +5. We further identify the relation between debt and dividend with short-term and long-term method. We find that the firms with dividend increasing would likely choose lower debt to equity ratio, so the relation between debt and dividend is so-called substitution effect. Moreover, we implement the long-term method to justify the relation, and the result also shows that a substitution effect between debt and dividend, consistent previous result, but it is a transitory effect.
關鍵字(中) ★ 系統性風險
★ 風險
★ 股利初次發放
關鍵字(英) ★ beta
★ dividend initiation
★ risk
論文目次 Contents
1. Introduction 1
2. Hypothesis development 4
3. Sample Selection and Data Sources 9
3.1 The Dividend Initiation Firms 9
3.2 Matched sample selection procedure 11
4. Changes in the Components of the Firms Following Dividend Initiation 12
4.1Total Equity Risk 12
4.2 Systematic Risk 15
4.3 Unsystematic Risk 17
4.4 Asset Risk 19
4.5 Earning per Share 21
4.6 Turnover Rate 24
4.7 Outside Shareholders 25
5. Relation between Debt Financing and Dividend Payment 27
5.1 Short-term Relation between Debt and Dividend 27
5.2 Long-term Relation between Debt and Dividend 29
6. Conclusion 30
List of Table
Table 1 33
Table 2 34
Table 3 36
Table 4 38
Table 5 40
Table 6 42
Table 7 44
Table 8 46
Table 9 48
Table 10 49
List of Figure
Figure 1 35
Figure 2 35
Figure 3 37
Figure 4 37
Figure 5 39
Figure 6 39
Figure 7 41
Figure 8 41
Figure 9 43
Figure 10 43
Figure 11 45
Figure 12 45
Figure 13 47
Figure 14 47
Figure 15 50
Figure 16 50
Reference 51
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指導教授 陳聖賢、周冠男
(Sheng-Syan Chen、Robin K. Chou)
審核日期 2005-7-5
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