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姓名 周瑋鴻(Wei-Hung Chou) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 電機工程學系 論文名稱 結合灰色預測之模糊滑動控制器於 機器手臂之定位控制與應用
(Fuzzy Sliding Controller Combing the Gray Predictor for the Motion Control and Applications of a Robot Manipulator )相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 摘要
綜合以上實驗,我們已經突破以往對機器手臂的單軸控制,達到可同時多軸的定位控制,且將其應用於全自動的偵測,最後,我們發現大部分的實驗結果都能達到我們的目標,本論文也將對小部分結果不甚理想的原因提出探討及未來改進的方向。摘要(英) A fuzzy sliding controller with a gray predictor for the motion of the robot manipulator is proposed in this thesis. The gray predictor that acts as a feedforward compensator is used to overcome the excessive overshoot of the system transient response. Here, we add the quasi idea of sliding mode control (QSMC) to the fuzzy control. Thus, fuzzy sliding control can reduce the system inputs and fuzzy rules. And the system will be a SISO system and it just has only five fuzzy rules. The process of design will become simpler. Besides, it also has better ability to avoid disturbances and the transient response will be ameliorated in advance when QSMC is used. The idea is employed to the position control of a three-axis robot manipulator. The experimental results show that the proposed controller not only drastically reduces the overshoot, but also maintains a small extent of steady-state error, and has a better rising time.
After we can control the motion of manipulator precisely, we use our design to realize the tunnel’s detection by the manipulator automatically. We also design an interface under the windows by Borland C++ Builder to operate the manipulator directly and conveniently.關鍵字(中) ★ 灰色預測
★ 模糊控制
★ 隧道型機器手臂
★ 滑動模式控制關鍵字(英) ★ robot manipulator
★ fuzzy control
★ gray predictor
★ sliding mode contorl論文目次 Abstract
Table of Contents...............................................................I
List of figures........................................................III
List of tables.........................................................VI
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Background and Motivation..........................................1
1.2 Organization.......................................................2
Chapter 2. Theorem Description and Proposed Method
2.1 Problem Description................................................3
2.2 Brief Description of Fuzzy control.................................3
2.2.1 Fuzzifiaction....................................................4
2.2.2 Knowledge base...................................................5
2.2.3 Inference engine.................................................5
2.2.4 Defuzzification..................................................6
2.3 Sliding mode control...............................................7
2.3.1 Brief Description of Sliding Mode Control........................8
2.3.2 Sliding mode controller design...................................10
2.4 Brief Description of Gray predictor................................14
2.4.1 Gray prediction process..........................................14
2.5 The proposed method................................................17
Chapter 3. Hardware and Software Description
3.1 The Hardware of the Robot Arm......................................22
3.1.1 The Supersonic Sensor............................................23
3.1.2 Interface........................................................24
3.2 The software.......................................................27
Chapter 4. Experimental Results
4.1 Introduction.......................................................31
4.2 Experiment 1: the position control of q-axis and X-axis............33
4.2.1 Fuzzy controller with gray predictor.............................38
4.2.2 Discussions......................................................42
4.3 Experiment 2: the influence of the disturbance.....................42
4.3.1 Discussion.......................................................45
4.4 Experiment 3: the tunnel’s auto detection by the robot manipulator46
4.4.1 Discussion.......................................................48
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1 Conclusions........................................................49
5.2 Recommendations....................................................50
Appendix A.............................................................54參考文獻 References
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