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姓名 王錦華(Jin-Hua Wang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 電機工程學系 論文名稱 正交多工正交振幅調變之快速傅力葉轉換實現
(FFT Realization of OMOAM Signals)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 本論文擬對一新型調變家族—正交多工正交振幅調變訊號[10]在數位傳輸實現上做一探究。此一調變家族既使在不同時限(time-limited)基底建構下,仍可將正交多工正交振幅調變訊號表示為一系列相同頻率間隔、相互正交之子載波,經由對應資料振幅調變的形式。這樣的結果便可類比於正交分頻多工(Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing)的調變方式,因而藉此引進離散反傅力葉轉換(Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform)來完成基頻數位調變,並訴諸快速傅力葉轉換演算法來降低運算複雜度。使用上述方法實現的正交多工正交振幅調變,送入快速傅力葉轉換的輸入資料在某些基底不全選擇的情況中有許多數值為零的資料。因此可在基數-2之快速傅力葉演算法中加入檢查機制,進一步節省運算量。論文並探討在不同基底、不同參數選擇的調變下所能減少的運算複雜度,且推論各參數調整與所能節省複雜度之間的趨勢關係。 摘要(英) A digital realization of a novel modulation family called orthogonally multiplexed orthogonally amplitude-modulated (OMOAM) signals [10] is investigated in this thesis. Even if can be constructed by different time-limited basis sets, OMOAM signals can be represented by data-amplitude-modulated subcarriers which have equal frequency spacing and are orthogonal to each other. This result is analogous with the modulation scheme of the orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing. Therefore, the inverse discrete Fourier transform is applied to process digital baseband modulation and can be implemented by the IFFT algorithm to reduce computational complexity. Realized as mention above, OMOAM feeds many zero-valued data into IFFT in some cases when not all of the bases are chosen. Consequently, a checking mechanism can be involved in the radix-2 FFT algorithm to reduce computational complexity more. The amount of reduced complexity is discussed when OMOAM signals are constructed in different basis sets with different parameters. And the performance trend related to each parameter is inferred. 關鍵字(中) ★ 正交分頻多工
★ 快速傅力葉轉換
★ 正交多工正交振幅調變關鍵字(英) ★ OMOAM
★ OFDM論文目次 第一章 序論 1
1.1 多載波傳輸系統的發展 1
1.2 論文研究動機 3
第二章 系統概述 4
2.1 正交多工正交振幅調變訊號模型 4
2.2 正交多工分頻系統與快速傅力葉演算法 10
2.3 基數2之分頻快速傅力葉轉換演算法 13
第三章 正交多工正交振幅調變訊號之快速傅力葉轉換實現 15
3.1 Ω2基底訊號之快速傅力葉轉換實現 15
3.2 Ω4基底訊號之快速傅力葉轉換實現 22
3.3 Ω3基底訊號之快速傅力葉轉換實現 28
第四章 複雜度再簡化快速傅力葉轉換實現 34
4.1 複雜度再簡化快速傅力葉轉換實現 34
4.2 最糟情況運算複雜度上界分析 40
4.3 運算複雜度模擬與分析比較 47
第五章 結論 69
參考文獻 70
中英對照表 72參考文獻 [1] R. W. Chang, “Synthesis of band-limited orthogonal signals for multi-channel data transmission,” Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 45, pp. 1775–1796, Dec. 1966.
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