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姓名 王聖翔(Sheng-Hsiang Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 亞洲生質燃燒氣膠對區域大氣輻射之衝擊及對氣象場的反饋作用
(Estimate of radiative forcing and regional feedback of Asian biomass burning aerosols)
★ 雲凝結核計數器的製作與測試★ 桃園地區硫沈降之觀測與模擬
★ 亞洲沙塵暴之模擬★ 不同空氣源次微米氣溶膠活化能力之探討
★ 桃園地區降水化學特性分析★ 鄰近國家嚴重核事故之大氣長程輸送對台灣的影響評估
★ 桃園地區降水化學與硫化物清除係數探討★ 亞洲沙塵好發期間雲水化學特性分析
★ 光達及太陽輻射儀之應用:2005中壢氣膠光學垂直特性及邊界層高度之變化★ 2001年東亞硫沉降之模擬
★ 鹿林山與中壢氣膠光學垂直特性之監測與比較★ 北台灣冬季層狀雲化學特性分析
★ 鹿林山空氣品質背景監測站之背景值分析★ 微脈衝光達及太陽輻射儀之應用: 2005-2007年中壢地區氣膠光學垂直特性分析
★ 多重濾鏡旋轉輻射儀與太陽輻射儀之應用: 2006-2008年鹿林山氣膠光學特性之探討★ 不同地域雲凝結核微物理特性之探討
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摘要(中) 本研究主要目的為估算2001 年3 月TRACE-P (TRAnsport and
Chemical Evolution over the Pacific)實驗期間,亞洲生質燃燒氣膠的輻
(Black Carbon, BC)和有機碳(Organic Carbon, OC)氣膠之空間分布特
性,進一步模擬其所造成的直接輻射驅動力(direct radiative forcing)和
測試其對氣象場的反饋作用。BC 和OC 氣膠的日排放源資料具有高
結果顯示,南亞地區(70o–110oE, 5o–30oN)的生質燃燒氣膠月平均
濃度為1.2 μg m-3,最大值為14.1 μg m-3,發生在緬甸西部,同時發
現一個3 km 厚的生質燃燒氣膠層存在南亞地區上空,且延伸至印度
洋和西太平洋。生質燃燒氣膠光學厚度(Aerosol Optical Depth, AOD)
最大值出現在緬甸西岸達0.14,其中BC 氣膠的貢獻較OC 氣膠顯著,
成的月平均大氣層頂輻射驅動力介於-1.81(海洋上)-1.08(陸地上) W
m-2 之間,地表輻射驅動力介於-0.04--9.48 W m-2 之間。全天空的情
-1.65(海洋上)-1.42(陸地上) W m-2 之間,地表輻射驅動力介於-0.03
--9.06 W m-2 之間。比較晴天空和全天空的結果顯示,雲的存在有助
布特性主要與BC 和OC 氣膠光學特性、OC 與BC 之AOD 比值、地
局部性的冷卻及低層大氣增溫,其中以BC 氣膠的影響更為顯著,所
造成地表輻射驅動力為OC 氣膠的5-7 倍,且有較高的大氣加熱率。
生質燃燒氣膠造成的大氣加熱率改變量可達6 ºC month-1,發生在排
放源區附近地表至4 公里的高空,海洋和陸地上的大氣間存在著很強
放源區附近地表溫度降溫可達2 ºC month-1,然而,但目前仍然缺乏
-2.5-0.5 hPa month-1 的變異,月平均雲量分布有±20 %的變異,月累
積雨量達±500 mm 的變異,凸顯生質燃燒氣膠對於區域氣候變遷有不
摘要(英) The purpose of this study is to estimate the regional radiative impact of Asian biomass burning aerosols during the experimental period of Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P) in March, 2001. Integration of the Fifth-Generation NCAR / Penn State Mesoscale Model (MM5), USA NOAA Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Transport model (HYSPLIT) and a solar radiative transfer model (CLIRAD-SW) allow us to simulate the spatial and temporal distributions of black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC) aerosols from biomass burning. It also allows us to estimate further their aerosol optical properties and radiative forcing. Emissions of BC and OC aerosols from biomass burning sources were based on a higher spatial and temportal resolution of emissions during TRACE-P.
The results show that the monthly mean surface concentration of OC and BC is 1.2 μg m-3 in the South Asian region (70o–110oE, 5o–30oN). Western Myanmar has the maximum value, with the concentration reaching 14.1 μg m-3. There is a persistent aerosol layer with a thickness of 3 km over most of the South Asian region, and the plumes of biomass burning aerosols extend far to the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean. The aerosol optical depth (AOD) of the biomass burning carbon aerosols reaches a maximum value of 0.14 over western Myanmar. Compared to the OC aerosol, the BC aerosol makes a remarkable contribution to the AOD, especially in the source region. The monthly mean clear-sky direct shortwave radiative forcing ranges from -1.81 (sea) to 1.08 (land) W m-2 at the top of the atmosphere and from -0.04 to -9.48 W m-2 at surface. The monthly mean all-sky direct shortwave radiative forcing ranges from -1.65 (sea) to 1.42 (land) W m-2 at the top of the atmosphere and from -0.03 to -9.06 W m-2 at surface. The existence of cloud contributes a positive increase of radiative forcing. Owing to the spatial distributions of the AOD ratio (OC/BC) and the surface albedo, there is a sea-land distribution of radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere.
Biomass burning aerosols result in less solar irradiance reaching the Earth’s surface, but greater heating in the lower atmosphere, particularly for the BC aerosols, which have stronger atmosphere radiative forcing and the atmospheric heating rate. The BC aerosols cause surface radiative forcing 5-7 times more than that due to the OC aerosols. The biomass burning aerosols result in an increase of the atmospheric heating rate up to 6ºC month-1 in lower atmosphere of the source region. There is a strong horizontal gradient of heating rate near the source regions, which may modify local circulations. We test the regional meteorological feedback due to biomass burning aerosol surface radiative forcing, and find that the surface temperature decreases 2ºC month-1 in the same region. Meanwhile, monthly sea level pressure and cloud mounts in the domain vary in -2.5-0.5 hPa and 20 %, respectively. The accumulate precipitation varies more than ± 500 mm in the southern Asia in March, 2001. The results imply the biomass burning aerosols have significant influences on the regional climate change. However, a more complete feedback mechanism included in the model is needed for a rationable investigation on how the radiative forcing affects the regional meteorological variations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氣膠光學厚度
★ 含碳氣膠
★ 輻射驅動力
★ 生質燃燒
關鍵字(英) ★ Biomass burning
★ aerosol optical depth
★ carbonaceous aerosols
★ radiative forcing
論文目次 第一章 前 言------------------------------------1
1.1 研究動機-----------------------------------1
1.2 研究目的-----------------------------------3
第二章 相關文獻回顧-----------------------------5
2.1 生質燃燒氣膠之排放和物化特性---------------6
2.2 生質燃燒氣膠的光學特性---------------------7
2.3 生質燃燒氣膠的輻射效應---------------------8
2.4 生質燃燒對於全球輻射影響之研究------------11
2.5 生質燃燒的相關實驗與結果------------------12
2.6 亞洲生質燃燒的研究------------------------13
2.7 生質燃燒對區域氣候之影響------------------14
第三章 研究方法--------------------------------15
3.1 氣象場資料與中尺度氣象模式----------------15
3.2 生質燃燒氣膠排放資料----------------------17
3.3 大氣傳送模式------------------------------20
3.4 生質燃燒氣膠光學特性參數化----------------23
3.5 輻射傳送模式與輻射驅動力------------------25
3.6 生質燃燒氣膠對氣象場反饋機制的建立--------28
3.7 模擬個案設計------------------------------29
第四章 生質燃燒季節之氣象場與濃度場特徵分析----31
4.1 氣象概述----------------------------------31
4.2 氣流軌跡分析------------------------------34
4.3 生質燃燒氣膠濃度分布----------------------36
第五章 生質燃燒氣膠對於區域輻射之衝擊----------40
5.1 生質燃燒氣膠光學厚度----------------------40
5.2 生質燃燒氣膠對太陽短波輻射之影響----------43
5.3 生質燃燒氣膠造成的大氣加熱率--------------48
5.4 地表反照率對於模擬結果的影響--------------49
5.5 模擬結果與文獻之比較----------------------50
5.6 生質燃燒氣膠對地表蒸發量的影響------------54
第六章 生質燃燒對於氣象場反饋作用之敏感度研究--56
6.1 反饋機制的模擬方法建立--------------------56
6.2 對氣象場的反饋作用------------------------57
第七章 結論與展望------------------------------61
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指導教授 林能暉(Neng-Huei Lin) 審核日期 2007-3-27
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