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姓名 梁隆鑫(Long-Shin Liang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 遙測資料於臺灣崩塌敏感圖模式之建立
(On the Establishment of the Landslide Susceptibility Model in Taiwan with Remote Sensing Data)
★ 2.4GHz無線傳輸系統於遙測與GPS數據整合之研製★ 2.4GHz之無線電波室內傳播通道特性量測與分析
★ K波段地面鏈路降雨衰減效應之研究★ 多層非均勻介質之微波散射模擬分析
★ Ka 波段地面鏈路降雨效應與植被遮蔽 效應之研究★ 地面遙測影像雷達發射與接收模組之設計
★ 合成孔徑雷達之移動目標物速度估測研究★ 小波轉換於合成孔徑雷達干涉相位雜訊之研究
★ Ka波段台灣地區降雨及地面環境傳播特性研究★ 雨滴粒徑分佈應用於Ka波段降雨衰減估計之研究
★ 全偏極合成孔徑雷達非監督式目標分類與極化方位角偏移效應估算之研究★ 全偏極合成孔徑雷達於目標分類之研究
★ 影像融合技術應用於地表分類之探討★ 應用共軛梯度演算法在掃描式合成孔徑雷達目標物特徵增強處理
★ 台灣北部地區Ka波段降雨衰減模式之研究★ 雨滴粒徑與植被遮蔽效應對Ka波段電波衰減影響之探討
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摘要(中) 崩塌是一個高破壞性的事件,經常在連續的豪雨或大地震之後,發生在山區、郊外、或半都市開發地區。臺灣島的特徵又是多崎嶇陡峭的山地,且位於歐亞板塊與呂宋島弧的碰撞帶。由於氣候屬於亞熱帶與副熱帶,每年四到六月的梅雨季及七到九月的颱風季節,總是受到豪雨的侵襲。甚且,921集集大地震重創了中臺灣,造成數十萬個大大小小的崩塌地。本文崩塌敏感圖模式以南臺灣的旗山溪流域為研究區,測試區在荖濃溪流域,每年都受到颱風豪雨的摧殘,尤其是去年超大的莫拉克颱風,此區域受創最大,小林村整個消失。
摘要(英) Landslides are highly destructive events that typically occur in mountainous, rural and semi-urban areas after continuous torrential rain or earthquake. The island of Taiwan features very rough and steep terrain on the collision zone between the Asiatic continent and the Luzon Arc. Due to it locates at tropical and subtropical zone; it is always struck by storms during the annual April-June plum rain season and July-September typhoon season every year. Furthermore, on September 21, 1999 the Chichi Earthquake, with a seismic magnitude (ML) of 7.3, struck central Taiwan. The quake caused landslides and rock avalanches at several tens of thousands of sites in the disaster area. Chishan River Basin and Lao-Nong River Basin both located in the south Taiwan, the former is our study area, the latter test area; which always experience heavy rainfall every year, leading to further landslide events. Especially typhoon MORAKOT in 2009 caused devastating damages and claimed many human lives. The rainfall made a record high in 50 years over 3,000 mm in just three days. Some of the habitats and villages were totally destroyed. The landscapes were fiercely changed at extensive and substantial scales. Among the most destructed area is Xiaoliin village within Chishan River Basin.
With respect to the worsening scenario, this dissertation attempts an in-depth look at the model creation of landslide susceptibility index(LSI) map in Taiwan, especially focused on the study area of Chishan River Basin (753 km2), using multi-temporal SPOT series and FORMOSAT 2 satellite images acquired since 1999 until 2009. We propose a modified landslide susceptibility map model in this dissertation, using 10 landslide causative factors, including slope, aspect, NDVI, geological formation, distance to fault, distance to river, distance to road, time-weighted long-term cumulative rainfall, time-weighted maximum one hour rainfall intensity, and time-weighted Arias intensity (AI, Ia) of earthquake shaking; the analysis of each factor is by using instability index method (IIM). In this dissertation time-weighted long-term rainfall and earthquake are first used as environmental factors, not triggering factor in single event. The results of checking and verifying show that a model with these 10 factors have the best specificity in prediction, and the result in different area is also very good. It also proves that a good landslide susceptibility map model includes 4 elements: causative factors, discriminant method, risk classification, and landslide inventory; while selection of causative factors is the key; and high accuracy of LS mapping for large geographical areas is feasible to utilize multi-temporal high-resolution remote sensing images.
關鍵字(中) ★ 時間加權
★ 不安定指數法
★ 崩塌敏感圖
關鍵字(英) ★ Time-weighted
★ Instability Index Method
★ Landslide susceptibility Map
論文目次 List of Tables
List of Figures
1 Introduction 1
1-1 Motivation 1
1-2 Remote Sensing 1
1-3 Related Works and Organization of the Dissertation 4
2 Background 5
2-1 Geological Setting of Taiwan 5
2-2 Study Area and Test Area 5
3 Literature Review 10
3-1 Landslide Causative Factors 10
3-2 Method Review 11
3-2-1 Qualitative Method 11
3-2-2 Quantitative Method 13
3-2-2-1 Discriminant Analysis 13
3-2-2-2 Logistic Regression Model 15
3-2-2-3 Artificial Neural Network 20
3-2-2-4 Instability Index Method 21
3-3 Comparison of Methods 25
4 Proposed Model 26
4-1 Creation of Landslide Inventory 27
4-2 Selection of Causative Factors 29
4-3 Instability Index Method 38
4-4 Risk Classification 38
5 Results and Discussion 40
5-1 Products of Landslide Inventory 40
5-2 Factor’s Analysis 45
5-2-1 Slope 45
5-2-2 Aspect 46
5-2-3 Geological Formation 47
5-2-4 NDVI/Land-use 49
5-2-5 Time-Weighted Intensity of Earthquake Shaking 53
5-2-6 Time-Weighted Cumulative Rainfall 54
5-2-7 Time-Weighted Max. 1 Hour Rainfall Intensity 56
5-2-8 Distance to Fault Trace 57
5-2-9 Distance to River 59
5-2-10 Distance to Road 60
5-3 Landslide Susceptibility Map 62
5-4 Test and Verification 67
5-5 Discussion 72
5-5-1 New Viewpoint 72
5-5-2 Optimization of Factors 75
5-5-3 Time-weighted Problem 82
5-5-4 Assessment of Model 87
5-5-5 Heavy Rainfall 88
5-5-6 Time-Weighted Landslide Inventory 88
6 Conclusion and Future Works 89
6.1 Conclusion 89
6.2 Future Works 90
References 91
Appendixes 98
A Landslide sites Distribution Maps 98
B Statistical data of causative factors in Lao-Nong River Basin 106
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指導教授 陳錕山(Kun Shan Chen) 審核日期 2010-7-28
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