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姓名 沈寶瀠(Pao-Yin Shen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 當代西方兒童與成人平權爭議之探討
★ 對佛洛依德之自我發展歷程的剖析★ 賣淫的道德研究--當代西方性倫理學中的辯論
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★ 論資本主義之下的家務勞動──馬克思主義與女性主義的觀點和爭論★ 智能障礙者性權探究
★ 2009-2011台灣性交易修法歷程 ─「除罪化」何以轉為「娼嫖皆罰,特區除外」?★ 由婦女職務看柯崙泰新婦女論-馬克思主義女性主義
★ 男色為何物:晚明小說《弁而釵》、《宜春香質》、《龍陽逸史》中「情」作為文人意識的探討
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摘要(中) 一般認為,當代兒童權利運動的進步,1989年的「聯合國兒童權利公約」,是一重要的里程碑;此公約讓兒童權利有官方的法源依據,促進與保障兒童基本人權,然而,這並不代表擁有該公約的基本權利,兒童在道德上就如成人一樣受到尊重,也不代表兒童所獲得的權利是公平的;如果兒童與成人在道德上並沒有差異,那麼為何在權利分配上需受到不同的對待?此即本文所要處理「兒童為何不能與成人享有平等的權利」之問題意識;本文主要以親權主義與解放論對兒童平權的正反論述為主要論域,並將兒童平權限定於道德權利範圍,不涉及其他權利基礎之探究,將只框限於探究在道德權利上,兒童獲得平等權利之可能性。
摘要(英) In general, in 1989, United Nations adopted the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” which promotes the movement of contemporary children rights. The covention helped children’s rights obtained an officially legal support and protected children’s basic rights. However, its does not signify that children received a moral respect as adults have. Also, it does not mean that children obtained fair rights. If children and adults do not have morally difference, why do them receive a dissimilar treatment of rights distribution? This article is to discuss a conscious argument of “why children cannot possess the same right as adults have”. The skeleton of this dissection will base on positive and negative discussions of Paternalism and Children’s Liberationism, and will limit the children rights on the scope of moral rights to find a possibility for children to obtain an equal rights. All of discussions will not involve in exploring other basic rights.
This article starts with an opposing view of paternalism, that is, base on protectionism to expand all ideas. Basically, the Anti-equal Rights of Children(ARC) argument and protective argument compose the protectionism. The ARC argument is to reject Equal Rights of Children(ERC) by age and ability restriction, that indicates children are disqualify to entail currently adult’s right. The protective argument is a typical parental predominated argument. This demonstration is different from currently type of rights when discusses the children rights, but appeal to psychological Positivism and philosophical utilitarianism. It emphasizes that children have essential defects; therefore, adults’ interference is needed. Thus, paternalism could ensure children’s best interests and achieve its core goal. However, ERC will possibly conflict with paternalism’s core goal, and deny children to obtain the equal rights. Children’s Liberationism directed against Paternalism’s AERC argument by attacking age and ability rights’ positive connection and appeal to “Justice principle” to refute the demonstration. Also, Children’s Liberationism retorts that protective argument’s interfering protection type and reveal Paternalism’ s contradiction, that is, the paternalism by using utilitarianism’s argument which cannot sensible support and protect children’s best interests. Furthermore, Children’s Liberationism revealed that Paternalism’s protectionism implies an ideology of childhood. The ideology resists children obtaining more freedom from rights. It only expands adult’s rights and ignores children’s best interests and causes a normal oppression problem to children.
After positive and negative arguments, this article concludes that equal right for children has its possibility even though equal rights for children cannot break through currently type of restriction of rights distribution. This article also introspects the possible deficiencies from ERC argument of Children’s Liberationism and brings up acceptable suggestions for Children’s Liberationism and Paternalism.
關鍵字(中) ★ 幸福理論
★ 能力測驗
★ 兒童權利運動
★ 家長權力
★ 兒童權利
★ 道德權利
★ 親權主義
★ 解放論
★ 漠然
★ 常態壓迫
★ 年齡主義
★ 生物發展主義
★ 社會建構論
★ 無能力論證
★ 目的系統
★ 菁英主義
★ 童年觀
★ 隔離主義
關鍵字(英) ★ the happiness theory
★ Children’s Liberationism
★ elitist
★ indifferent
★ normal oppression
★ ageism
★ developmentalism
★ paternal power
★ Paternalism
★ incompetence thesis
★ Children’s rights
★ Children Rights Movement
★ moral rights
★ systematic purposes
★ the competence test
★ con
論文目次 目錄
第一章 導 論 ......................... 1
第一節 問題源起 ......................  2
第二節 本文探討之問題與論文結構 ...............  6
第三節 關於本文所用的名詞及補充解釋 ............. 11
第二章 親權主義的年齡門檻及解放論的反駁 ............ 14
第一節 年齡是能力發展的指標 ................  15
第二節 解放論對親權主義的「年齡門檻」之反駁 ........  20
第三節 生物發展主義的矛盾 .................  25
第三章 親權主義的「能力門檻」及解放論的反駁 .......... 29
第一節 時間與能力發展的統計關係 ..............  30
第二節 無能力論證的相互交鋒 ................  32
第三節 能力測試是可行的權利門檻嗎?............  41
對能力測試的反思 ..................... 44
第四章 親權主義的保護主義論述以及解放論之反駁 ......... 47
第一節 對於親權主義的保護論證之反駁 ............  49
第二節 保護兒童還是壓迫兒童? ..............   54
第五章 結 論 ........................  65
參考文獻 ........................  69
參考文獻 西文書目
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指導教授 甯應斌(Yin-Bin Ning) 審核日期 2006-7-4
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