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姓名 楊凱仁(Kai-Jen Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 韓德爾歌劇綜合研究
(A Synthetic Study of Handel's Operas)
★ 亨德密特音樂的調性研究★ 白遼士戲劇交響曲《羅密歐與茱麗葉》研究
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★ 標題協奏曲研究-從九首取樣作品檢視協奏曲與標題音樂的結合★ 楊納傑克 (Janáček) 歌劇《顏如花》(Jenůfa) 之研究
★ 古典時期協奏曲第一樂章曲式研究★ 從古典到浪漫:德奧鋼琴四重奏探討
★ 威爾第抒情喜劇《法斯塔夫》之研究★ 華格納歌劇《帕西法爾》之研究
★ 史特拉汶斯基歌劇《浪子歷程》之研究★ 皮亞佐拉 (A. Piazzolla)《布宜諾斯艾利斯的瑪麗亞》(María de Buenos Aires)小歌劇(operita)研究
★ 小約翰●史特勞斯輕歌劇《蝙蝠》研究★ 伯恩斯坦的音樂生涯與創作特色- 以西城故事為例
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摘要(中) 「神曲之父」韓德爾 (Georg Friedrich Händel, 1685-1759) 應有資格作為一位歌劇作曲家被後世加以討論,他的一生有38年的時間在從事歌劇創作。雖然他的歌劇並未受到同時代觀眾的重視,而且在歌劇的發展史中也一度被人遺忘,但他留下的許多歌劇詠歎調傳唱至今仍不衰。
摘要(英) The master of oratorio, Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759), who devoted thirty eight years to composing opera, is the renowned representative deserving discussion as an opera composer. Although his opera had fallen on dead ears in 18th century or even passed into oblivion in the development history of opera, his many arias of opera have been the long lasting work to this day.
This thesis makes a synthetic study focusing on the opera of the known musician in the late Baroque era, Georg Friedrich Händel, and centers on ten published DVDs of Händel’’s operas. The research scope involve Händel’’s opera career, the formulation, the characteristic of structure, the material of libretto, vocal music, bel canto, instrumental music as well as the detailed introduction and review on the ten published DVDs of Händel’’s operas. Through observing and analyzing those works, we can further grasping Händel’’s opera aesthetic, attempting to perceive the artistic value and profundity, therefore, enhancing understanding and appreciation toward these master pieces.
關鍵字(中) ★ 美歌
★ 返始詠歎調
★ 宣敘調
★ 韓德爾歌劇
關鍵字(英) ★ bel canto
★ da capo aria
★ recitative
★ Handel's opera
論文目次 目錄
緒言 1
壹、研究動機與主旨 1
貳、研究方法與範圍 3
第一章 韓德爾的歌劇創作 5
第一節 韓德爾的歌劇創作生涯 5
一、生平梗概 5
二、歌劇目錄 15
第二節 創作規劃與素材運用 16
第三節 整體結構概觀 19
第二章 劇本取材與劇情內容 33
第一節 Agrippina, 1709 36
第二節 Rinaldo, 1711 40
第三節 Teseo, 1713 43
第四節 Giulio Cesare, 1724 45
第五節 Tamerlano, 1724 48
第六節 Rodelinda, 1725 51
第七節 Ariodante, 1735 54
第八節 Alcina, 1735 57
第九節 Giustino, 1737 60
第十節 Serse, 1738 62
第三章 人聲運用與聲樂形式 67
第一節 獨唱 (1):宣敘調與詠敘調 68
第二節 獨唱 (2):詠歎調 75
一、 基本特質 75
二、 實例析論 82
三、 美歌 (Bel canto) 之表現 103
第三節 重唱與合唱 108
第四章 樂器運用與器樂形式 113
第一節 伴奏 113
第二節 獨立成章之器樂曲 115
一、 序曲與Sinfonia 115
二、 舞曲與芭蕾音樂 120
第五章 影音出版品映現之韓德爾歌劇 123
第一節 Agrippina, 1709 123
第二節 Rinaldo, 1711 125
第三節 Teseo, 1713 128
第四節 Giulio Cesare, 1724 129
第五節 Tamerlano, 1724 132
第六節 Rodelinda, 1725 134
第七節 Ariodante, 1735 137
第八節 Alcina, 1735 139
第九節 Giustino, 1737 142
第十節 Serse, 1738 144
結語 147
參考資料 149
附錄 161
壹、希臘神話中Theseus的故事 161
貳、《憤怒奧蘭多》第五章之節錄 162
參、《憤怒奧蘭多》第六章與第七章之節錄 168
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.───: Ottone. New York, 1900s.
.───: Flavio. New York, 1900s.
.───: Rodelinda. New York, 1900s.
.───: Scipione. New York, 1900s.
.───: Alessandro. New York, 1900s.
.───: Admeto. New York, 1900s.
.───: Riccardo Primo. New York, 1900s.
.───: Siroe. New York, 1900s.
.───: Tolomeo. New York, 1900s.
.───: Lotario. New York, 1900s.
.───: Partenope. New York, 1900s.
.───: Poro. New York, 1900s.
.───: Ezio. New York, 1900s.
.───: Sosarme. New York, 1900s.
.───: Orlando. New York, 1900s.
.───: Arianna. New York, 1900s.
.───: Atalanta. New York, 1900s.
.───: Arminio. New York, 1900s.
.───: Giustino. New York, 1900s.
.───: Berenice. New York, 1900s.
.───: Faramondo. New York, 1900s.
.───: Serse. New York, 1900s.
.───: Imeneo. New York, 1900s.
.───: Deidamia. New York, 1900s.
(四) 影音光碟
.Händel, Georg Friedrich: Agrippina. Jan Willem de Vriend conducts
Combattimento Consort Amsterdam. Challenge Classics CCDVD72143. Amsterdam,
.───: Agrippina. Arnold Östman conducts London Baroque Players.
Euroarts 2054538. Stuttgart, 2005.
.───: Alcina. Alan Hacker conducts Staatsorchester Stuttgart.
Arthaus Musik 100339. Stuttgart, 2000.
.───: Ariodante. Ivor Bolton conducts Orchestra and Chorus of the English
National Opera. Well Go USA, Inc. AWD-043. London, 2003.
.───: Giulio Cesare. Craig Smith conducts Sächsische Staatskapelle
Dresden. Decca 07140895. London, 2006.
.───: Giulio Cesare. Michael Hofstetter conducts Orquestra Simfónica i Cor
del Gran Teatre del Liceu. TDK Music DVD DWWW-OPGCES. Ratingen, 2006.
.───: Giulio Cesare. William Christie conducts Orchestra of the Age of
Enlightenment. Opus Arte OA0950D. East Sussex, 2006.
.───: Giulio Cesare. Richard Hickox conducts The Australian Opera and
Ballet Orchestra. Kultur D2911. West Long Branch, 2004.
.───: Julius Caesar. Charles Mackerras conducts Orchestra and Chorus of
the English National Opera. Well Go USA, Inc. WD-165. London, 1984.
.───: Rinaldo. Harry Bicket conducts The Bavarian State Orchestra.
Well Go USA, Inc. AWD-055. London, 2003.
.───: Rodelinda. Ivor Bolton conducts Das Bayerische Staatsorchester.
Farao classics D 108 060. München, 2006.
.───: Rodelinda. William Christie conducts Orchestra of the Age of
Enlightenment. Kultur D2834. West Long Branch, 2005.
.───: Serse. Christophe Rousset conducts Les Talens Lyriques.
TDK Music DVD DV-OPSER. Ratingen, 2005.
.───: Tamerlano. Trevor Pinnock conducts The English Concert.
Arthaus Musik 100703. Halle, 2001.
.───: Teseo. Wolfgang Katschner conducts Lautten Compagney Berlin.
Arthaus Musik 100709. Potsdam, 2005.
.───: Xerses. Charles Mackerras conducts Orchestra and Chorus of the
English National Opera. Well Go USA, Inc. AWD-085. London, 2004.
.Händel, Georg Friedrich: Giustino. Hartmut Hänchen conducts Das Orchester
der Komischen Oper Berlin. 東映 LSZS 00173 (日本版). Berlin, 1985.
.───: Julius Caesar. Peter Schreier conducts Deutsche Staatsoper Berlin.
東映 LSZS 00142 (日本版). Berlin, 1900s.
在此增列Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) 的同名歌劇或相同題材之CD以供比較。
.Händel, Georg Friedrich: Admeto. Alan Curtis conducts Il Complesso Barocco.
Virgin 724356136922. London, 1998.
.───: Alcina. William Christie conducts Les Arts Florissants.
Erato 8573-80233-2. Paris, 1990.
.───: Ariodante. Raymond Leppard conducts English Chamber Orchestra.
Philips 473955-2. London, 2003.
.───: Ariodante. Nicholas Mcgegan conducts Freiburger Barockorchester.
harmonia mundi HMU 907146.48. Los Angeles, 1996.
.───: Arminio. Alan Curtis conducts Il Complesso Barocco.
Virgin 724354546129. London, 2001.
.───: Faramondo. Rudolph Palmer conducts Brewer Chamber Orchestra.
VOX CLASSICS 37536. New York, 1996.
.───: Flavio. René Jacobs conducts Ensemble 415.
harmonia mundi HMX 2901312.13. Paris, 2003.
.───: Giulio Cesare. Karl Richter conducts Münchener Bach-Orchester.
Deutsche Grammophon GmbH 002894775647. Hamburg, 2006.
.───: Giulio Cesare. Marc Minkowski conducts Les Musiciens du Louvre.
Deutsche Grammophon GmbH 474210-2. Hamburg, 2003
.───: Giustino. Nicholas Mcgegan conducts Freiburger Barockorchester.
harmonia mundi HMU 907130.32. Los Angeles, 1995.
.───: Lotario. Alan Curtis conducts Il Complesso Barocco.
Deutsche harmonia mundi 82876587972. Köln, 2004.
.───: Radamisto. Alan Curtis conducts Il Complesso Barocco.
Virgin 724354567322. London, 2005.
.───: Rinaldo. Christopher Hogwood conducts The Academy of Ancient Music.
Decca 467087-2. London, 2000.
.───: Rinaldo. René Jacobs conducts Freiburger Barockorchester.
harmonia mundi HMC 901796.98. Paris, 2003.
.───: Rodelinda. Alan Curtis conducts Il Complesso Barocco.
Archiv Produktion 00289 477 5391. Hamburg, 2005.
.───: Rodelinda. Carl Leonhardt conducts Orchester des Reichssenders
Stuttgart. hänssler CD93.032. Baden-Baden, 2002.
.───: Rodrigo. Alan Curtis conducts Il Complesso Barocco.
Virgin 724354589720. London, 1999.
.───: Serse. William Christie conducts Les Arts Florissants.
Virgin 724354571121. London, 2004.
.───: Tamerlano. John Moriarty conducts The Chamber Orchestra of
Copenhagen. Parnassus PACD 96038/40. New York, 2002.
.Vivaldi, Antonio: Bajazet. Fabio Biondi conducts Europa Galante.
Virgin 724354567629. London, 2005.
.─―─: Il Giustino. Alan Curtis conducts Il Complesso Barocco.
Virgin 724354551826. London, 2002.
.───: Orlando furioso. Jean-Christophe Spinosi conducts Ensemble Matheus.
naïve OP 30393. Bretagne, 2004.
指導教授 曾瀚霈(Hannpey Tseng) 審核日期 2007-1-22
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