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姓名 陳宜貞(I-Cheng Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 星系中心重質量黑洞之動力學
(Dynamics of Galactic Centers with Massive Black Holes)
★ 星系彎曲與旋臂的形成★ 系外行星系統所造成的微重力透鏡效應
★ The orbital migrations of massive planets in the protoplanetary disks★ 論單線光譜雙星系統之質量比分佈
★ Numerical Simulations of Binary Accretion Disks
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摘要(中) 近年來,星系形成與演化一直是天文學家們相當感興趣的課題,橢圓星系(elliptical galaxies)有可能是由螺旋星系(spiral galaxies)相互合併演化而成。假若兩個星系各自包含一個中心巨大質量黑洞(massive black hole),則合併的結果,很可能會在星系合併的中心區域形成巨大質量雙黑洞的動力學系統。Lauer等天文學家在2002年使用哈伯太空望遠鏡的觀測資料,找到六個橢圓星系,其表面亮度(surface brightness)並非從星系中心往外單調遞減。這些複雜的中心結構,很有可能就是由於星系中心包含雙黑洞系統,影響了恆星的分佈所造成的。我們利用解析近似(semi-analytic approach)的方法來討論星系中心包含雙黑洞系統的動力學,並推測星系中心附近恆星可能的軌道。接著再以更實際的模型,來模擬恆星的運動,討論不同軌道半徑的雙黑洞,對星系中心恆星分佈的影響。並證實星系中心某些區域恆星密度的減少與雙黑洞的存在有關。最後討論巨大質量黑洞在星系合併的最後階段,掉進星系中心的過程對於恆星分佈造成的影響。我們的模擬結果支持「星系中心表面亮度非單調遞減,可能是由巨大質量雙黑洞的運動所造成」之假設 。
摘要(英) The formation and evolution of galaxies are always a popularly discussed problem. One suggestion is that the elliptical galaxies might form from the merging of spiral galaxies. Begelman et al. (1980) argued that galaxies should occasionally merge, and the massive black hole binaries may be formed by merging of two galaxies, with each contains a massive black hole at its nuclei. Lauer et al. (2002) used HST WFPC2 camera to identify six elliptical galaxies with local minimum of the surface brightness around their centers. The complicated structures of galactic centers might be formed by the dynamical effect of massive black hole binaries at their centers. In this thesis, we study the dynamics of galactic centers with massive black holes. First, we use the semi-analytic approach to study the possible stellar orbits around the galactic centers. Secondly, more practical models are used to simulate the motions of stars.
We discuss the evolution of stellar distribution with different orbital radii of black holes. Thus, we see that the existence of black holes will influence the stellar distribution of galactic centers. Finally, we use the model with one massive black hole sinking toward the galactic center, to investigate the possible orbits of the black hole and the stellar distribution. The results of our simulations support the hypothesis that the non-monotonic decrease of the surface brightness at the galactic centers may due to the motions of massive black hole binaries.
關鍵字(中) ★ 星系中心
★ 重質量黑洞
★ 動力學
關鍵字(英) ★ galactic centers
★ massive black holes
★ dynamics
論文目次 1 Introduction 1
2 The Semi-Analytic Approach 4
2.1 The Model 4
2.2 Equilibrium 8
2.3 Equal Potential Curves 8
2.4 Trajectories 10
2.4.1 Around the Galactic Center 10
2.4.2 Around the Black Hole 10
2.4.3 Around the Equilibrium 12
2.5 Discussion 12
3 The Numerical Method of Simulations 14
3.1 The Model and Initial Conditions 14
3.1.1 The Models 14
3.1.2 Initial Positions of Test Particles 16
3.1.3 Initial Velocity of Test Particles 17
3.1.4 Initial Conditions of Black Holes 19
3.2 The Leapfrog Method 20
3.3 The Jacobi Integral 21
4 Two Massive Black Holes at the Galactic Center 25
4.1 The Simulation 25
4.2 Methods of Data Analysis 26
4.2.1 Contour Maps 26
4.2.2 Density Profiles 27
4.3 The Results of the Nuker Moder 27
4.3.1 Orbital Radius of Black Holes rbh=2.0 28
4.3.2 Orbital Radius of Black Holes rbh=1.0 28
4.3.3 Orbital Radius of Black Holes rbh=0.5 31
4.3.4 Orbital Radius of Black Holes rbh=0.1 31
4.4 The Results of the Plummer Moder 31
4.4.1 Orbital Radius of Black Holes rbh=2.0 34
4.4.2 Orbital Radius of Black Holes rbh=1.0 34
4.4.3 Orbital Radius of Black Holes rbh=0.5 34
4.4.4 Orbital Radius of Black Holes rbh=0.1 38
4.5 Discussion 38
5 The Effects of the Black Hole Migrations 41
5.1 The Dynamical Friction 41
5.2 The Models 42
5.2.1 Initial Conditions of Black Holes 47
5.2.2 Initial Conditions of Test Particles 48
5.3 The Results of Simulations 48
5.3.1 Case A: Mbh=0.5 & v0=vc 48
5.3.2 Case B: Mbh=0.5 & v0=0.5vc 51
5.3.3 Case C: Mbh=0.1 & v0=vc 51
5.3.4 Case D: Mbh=0.1 & v0=0.5vc 56
5.4 Discussion 56
6 Conclusions 59
參考文獻 1 Begelman, M. C., Blandford, R. D. & Rees, M. J. 1980, Nature, 287, 307
2 Binney, J., & Tremaine, S. 1987, Galactic Dynamics (Princeton Univ. Press)
3 de Vaucouleurs, G. 1948 Ann. d'Astrophys., 11, 247
4 Kandrup, H. et al., 2003, ApJ, 597:111
5 Lauer, T. et al., 1995, AJ, 110, 2622
6 Lauer, T. et al., 2002, AJ, 124, 1975
7 Makino, J., 1997, ApJ, 478, 58
8 Murray, C. D. & Dermott, S. F. 1999, Solar System Dynamics (Cambridge Univ. Press)
9 Plummer, H. C. 1911, MNRAS, 71, 460
10 Press, W. H. et al., 1992, Numerical Recipes in Fortran, 2nd (Cambridge Univ. Press)
指導教授 江瑛貴(Ing-Guey Jiang) 審核日期 2004-7-18
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