博碩士論文 91323123 詳細資訊

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姓名 林俊佑(Chun-Yu Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 表面電漿子與粒子電漿子強化之光電生物感測器
(Optical Biosensor with Surface plasmons and Particle plasmons enhancement)
★ 大學太空酬載計畫實作管理方法研究★ 微電鍍控制系統之開發
★ 異波速媒體測距系統的開發★ 人體血清白蛋白構形改變之電化學及表面電漿共振分析研究
★ 超高解析度表面電漿共振生物感測器之研製★ 電極引導微電鍍系統之開發
★ 異波速媒體相位差測距系統之開發★ 橢圓幾何參數鑑別之理論模擬及實作
★ 多極式陽極引導微電鍍系統★ 雙頻超音波測距研究
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摘要(中) 表面電漿共振(surface plasmons reasnoance,SPR)之生物感測器其具有無需標定待測物(label free)與高靈敏度(high sensitivity)等優點,可即時量測分析生物分子間之作用情形然而在微小濃度下的小生物分子間作用時,傳統之SPR生物感測器的靈敏度能然顯得不足。因此,如何提升感測器之靈敏度,是目前主要的研究課題之一。本實驗室所提出的金屬奈米粒子強化之SPR生物感測器,藉由金屬奈米粒子的作用,已成功地將靈敏度提高10倍,達到100 fg/mm2表面生物分子覆蓋度之境界。而為了能夠更進一步提高靈敏度,因此了解表面電漿子(surface plasmons,SPs)與粒子電漿子(particle plasmons,PPs)之特性,其造成局域電磁場強化與感測器靈敏度間之關係是一重要的研究課題。
在本論文中,首先利用Maxwell-Garnett(MG)等效介電常數理論,來描述金之奈米粒子層的特性,然而此理論限制條件太多,故無法滿足研究上的需求。因此加以時堿有限差分法(finite-difference time-domain method,FDTD Method)輔助,藉由模擬計算各種奈米膜層結構下之電磁場分佈情況,以了解表電漿子與粒子電漿子間的交互作用。我們將這些效應分別以單獨奈米粒子電漿子、奈米粒子間耦合作用(interparticle coupling)及奈米粒子層和金屬膜間作用(gap mode)等三部分逐一分析。
摘要(英) Surface plasmon reasonance (SPR) biosensor has the advantages of label free and high sensitivity. However, the sensitivity is not good enough to analyze biomolecular interaction for small biomolecular in low concentration. Hence, the sensitivity improvement of biosensor is a very important works. We proposed a new metal nanostructure to increase the sensitivity. In the experimental result, we successfully demonstrate that the detection limit to reach can be achieved to 100pg/mm2 of the surface coverage of biomolecular. In order to approach the detection limit to 1fg/mm2, the characteristics of surface plasmons (SPs) and particle plasmons (PPs), such as local electro-magnetic (EM) field enhancement and sensing sensitivity improvement are needed to be studied.
In this thesis, we use Maxwell-Garnett (MG) effective media theory to explain the gold-nanoparticle layer. The MG model can not completely match the experimental results. Hence, we use a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method to study nanoparticle effect more detail. The plasmon effects such as particle plasmon effect, interparticle coupling effect, and gap mode effect through different structures to enhance the EM field are simulated and studied.
關鍵字(中) ★ 時域有限差分法
★ 粒子電漿子
★ 表面電漿子
★ 生物感測器
關鍵字(英) ★ surface plasmon
★ biosensor
★ particle plasmon
★ finite-difference time-domain
論文目次 第一章 緒 論............................................................................................1
1-1 前言..................................................................................................1
1-2 研究動機與目的..............................................................................2
1-3 文獻回顧..........................................................................................3
1-4 論文架構........................................................................................10
第二章 表面電漿子................................................................................11
2-1 表面電漿共振現象........................................................................11
2-2 單一界面雙層結構之反射率.......................................................20
2-3 三層結構反射率及其色散關係式...............................................22
2-4 四層結構之反射率及其色散關係式...........................................26
第三章 粒子電漿子................................................................................29
3-1 球形粒子........................................................................................29
3-2 橢圓球粒子....................................................................................31
3-3 等效介電常數理論........................................................................33
第四章 多重電漿子效應模擬與分析....................................................35
4-1 奈米粒子吸收光譜........................................................................35
4-2 奈米粒子之反射光強譜...............................................................37
4-3 時域有限差分法............................................................................39
4-3-1 粒子尺寸效應........................................................................42
4-3-2 粒子間效應............................................................................42
4-3-3 粒子與膜層間距效應............................................................43
4-3-4 討論與分析............................................................................44
第五章 結 論..........................................................................................68
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指導教授 葉則亮、陳顯禎
(Tse-Liang Yeh、Shean-Jen Chen)
審核日期 2004-7-18
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