摘要(英) |
Players’ continuous consuming determines the value of online game firms. Concerning to players’ continuous consuming, this study starts from the point of view of addictive behavior derived from Psychology and gets data from online game’s log. By statistical analysis, this study wants to provide online game firms a model to measure players’ degree of addiction. Besides, base on statistical results, this study addresses interpretations and explanatory comments, and attempts to provide online game firms suggestions to improve their strategy of administration and design features of games. Contents and research methods of this study are listed as follows:
First, analyzing online game players’ degree of addiction. In this section, this study measures online game players’ degree of addiction and discusses factors that affect the degree. Research methods here are Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Tobit Regression Model.
Second, analyzing online game players’ number of participation. In this section, this study discusses factors that affect players’ number of logins. Research method here is Negative Binomial Regression Model.
Third, analyzing online game players’ survival duration. In this section, this study discusses factors that affect players’ hazard rate of withdrawal and the extent of the effect. Research method here is Proportional Hazard Model of Event History Analysis (EHA).
After measuring online game players’ degree of addiction (represented as efficiency), this study speculates a regression equation between level and efficiency by utilizing Pearson correlation analysis. Players’ degree of addiction is affected by level of education, channel of knowing the online game’s website, and whether the playing role joins in the army group. Among these factors, if one’s playing role joins in the army group, he or she will have higher degree of addiction.
In the section of analyzing online game players’ number of participation, factors that have significant effect on it are level of education, occupation, the way connecting to the online game most often, level of the playing role, and the amounts of money the playing role owns. Among these factors, if one’s playing role has higher level, he or she will participate more in the online game.
Finally, in the section of analyzing online game players’ survival duration, factors that have significant effect on it are level of the playing role, whether the playing role joins in the army group, the amount of money the playing role owns, and the efficiency. Among these factors, if one’s playing role has higher level or joins in the army group, the hazard rate of quitting the online game will be lower. On the contrary, if one’s playing role owns too much amounts of money or one’s degree of addiction is too high, the hazard rate of quitting the online game will be higher. In addition to results stated above, this study also estimates the online game’s life cycle. |
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