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姓名 林思睿(Szu-Jui Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 電子零組件採購策略之研究—應用組合模型於台達電子公司
(Purchasing Strategies for Electronic Components: A Case Study of Delta with a Portfolio Model)
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摘要(中) 「供應鏈管理」在過去十幾年間快速成為企業界很關心的管理議題之一,公司超過百分之五十的營收都花費在採購生產最終產品所需要的零件及服務上,因此,採購屬供應鏈中很重要的一部分,而無疑的,有效的供應鏈管理將為公司帶來競爭優勢,這也讓企業界及學術界對於供應商關係管理的重視與日俱增。
本研究驗證結果顯示:(1)如同其他研究提出的研究結果,依照採購組合模型來將零組件分類,台達電子確實對於四個不同類別供應商有不同的供應商管理方式; (2)零組件的類別,也影響了公司的採購策略,例如: 採購決策者的階層、高階管理者的互動與交集、採購合約的時間長短、供應商早期參與的程度...等等; (3)零組件的類別,不影響台達電子與供應商連結所使用的資訊科技應用; (4)藉由一些採購策略的改變,台達電子可以試著將零組件移動到採購組合模型中的不同類別中。
摘要(英) The concept of “Supply Chain Management” has been increasingly viewed as one of the major management concerns among businesses over the past decade. Over 50 % of the revenues are spent on the purchases of goods and services needed to produce final products. The effective supplier management is undoubtedly critical to firm competitive advantages and can lead to the increasing concerns of buyer-supplier relationship management.
Typically, a range of different relationships can be observed within the supplier base. It is recommended that the supplier base should be managed as a portfolio of relationships by identifying the different product/raw material/parts categories. Since Kraljic (1983) presented the first and dominant purchasing portfolio to manage different supplier bases, there has been a growing applications and adoptions of the model in practical. Research has suggested that commodity types will influence the types of technology a firm connects with its suppliers, while some researchers believe the opposite. However, there is a lack of insight into such relationships.
With a case study, the purpose of this research is to have a deeper analysis of whether the commodity types of the product/raw material/parts lead to different supplier relationship management and how the a firm differentiates its purchasing strategies for the supplier relationship management and e-procurement applications for different supplier groups.
The research findings showed: (1) Delta does differentiate its purchasing strategies for parts in different categories of the purchasing portfolio, as the previous researches recommended; (2) Commodity types will lead to different strategies, such as the level of decision makers, the level of top management involvement, the length of contracts, the level of early supplier involvement and etc; (3) Commodity types do not influence the types of IT applications Delta connects with its suppliers; (4) Through the purchasing strategies, Delta can move the parts to a better position.
關鍵字(中) ★ 採購策略
★ 供應鏈管理
★ 採購組合模型
★ 競爭優勢
★ 電子零組件
關鍵字(英) ★ Electronic components
★ Competitive advantage
★ Purchasing strategy
★ Supply chain management
★ Purchasing portfolio model
論文目次 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research background and motivations 1
1.2. Research purposes and questions 2
1.3. Frame of the research 3
2. Literature review 4
2.1. Purchasing 4
2.1.1. Definition of purchasing 4
2.1.2. Development of purchasing 4
2.1.3. Importance of purchasing 5
2.2. Purchasing portfolio models 6
2.2.1. Definition of a portfolio model 6
2.2.2. The development of purchasing portfolio models 6
2.2.3. The introduction of purchasing portfolio models 7
2.2.4. Overview and comparison of purchasing portfolio approaches 18
2.2.5. The movement management among purchasing portfolio 22
2.3. Information technology in supply chain management 27
2.4. E-procurement in supply chain management 28
2.4.1. E-procurement system in businesses 28
2.4.2. E-procurement plan in Taiwan 29
3. Methodology 30
3.1. Research strategy - Case study 30
3.2. Selection of the case company and investigated product 30
3.3. Data collection 31
3.3.1. Use multiple sources of evidence 31
3.3.2. Create a case study database 32
3.3.3. Maintain a chain of evidence 33
3.3.4. The process of instrument development and data collection 33
3.4. Reliability and validity 34
3.5. The process of the research 34
4. Case Analysis 35
4.1. Introduction of the case 35
4.1.1. Brief introduction of case firm - Delta’s operation 35
4.1.2. Introduction of the researched product - Brushless Fans 36
4.1.3. Brief introduction of Delta’s major competitors in brushless fan market ……………………………………………………………………………….39
4.2. Classification tool 40
4.2.1. Measurement criteria under the factors of each dimension 40
4.2.2. Deciding the weights 41
4.2.3. Introduction of the parts of brushless fans 46
4.2.4. Classification of the parts 48
4.3. Buyer-supplier relationship analysis 54
4.4. IT application and E-procurement 61
4.4.1. IT communication tools 61
4.4.2. IT application systems and E-procurement 61
4.5. Performance measurement and reward system 62
5. Conclusion 63
5.1. Summary and discussion of findings 63
5.1.1. Purchasing portfolio model of brushless fans in Delta 63
5.1.2. Comparison of the recommended strategies and current strategies 64
5.1.3. Information technology to manage suppliers 67
5.1.4. The movement management among purchasing portfolio 67
5.2. Contributions and implications 68
5.3. Limitations and future research 69
References 70
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指導教授 王存國(Eric, Tswen-Gwo Wang,) 審核日期 2006-6-28
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